9:Piko Utatane (You Found Me - The Fray)

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He was wandering the halls once again, late at night when the whole of the Vocaloids should be ‘asleep’ and charging. But he couldn’t, not when there was so much to learn about his new home. So much to experience. So much to discover.

‘Where were you

When everything was falling apart?’

It had been about a month since Piko Utatane had been officially awakened, and he’d already released a few songs. The public’s opinion of him varied, but overall it was one that he accepted. It was due to the fact that he hadn’t been marketed very well, Hidaeki had told him. Hidaeki Shizuma was the apprentice that had helped create all of the Vocaloids. She liked to think of herself as their motherly figure.

Piko made his way down the stairs, hand gliding down the banister. His boots made a gentle ‘clank’ as he jumped the last step, turning immediately after and walking towards the back of the large house. He passed by the kitchen and noticed Len and Rin munching on bananas, obviously their midnight snack. They both waved in sync as Piko passed, and he waved back just before he disappeared down the hallway. It was nice, being accepted into this crazy family. By no means did he think he would fit in at first – after all, he was now known as one of the more normal Vocaloids. But now, he was just part of the discombobulated family.

Once he delved further into the back of the house, Piko walked down the hallway that connected all the different rooms that consisted of the laboratory he was created in. Miku had explained to him that Hidaeki preferred having the laboratory and all the Vocaloids within close range for easy access if an emergency happened to come up.

‘All my days

Were spent by the telephone

That never rang’

He finally stopped at the end of the hall and crossed his arms behind his back. His multicoloured, blue and green eyes gazed curiously at a single door that was shut tight and locked. He had discovered it the other week, and every night since he would come to stare at it.

He reached out and tried jiggling the doorknob.

And every night it was locked.

He sighed in agitation, stepping back to stare at the door again. It was old, and what he could see of the hinges was rusted slightly. Obviously it hadn’t been opened for a while.

He wanted to know what was behind that stupid door.

The next day, Piko finally decided after lunch that he would ask Hidaeki about it.

The woman was crouched over and busy loading plates into the dishwasher when Piko entered the kitchen, and he shuffled his way around the counter to stand behind her.


‘And all I needed was a call

That never came’

Hidaeki suddenly jerked, smacking her head against the counter. Piko blinked as the woman cursed, turning around with a half-hearted smile and a hand on her head.

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