2:Soul 'Eater' Evans (Still Here - Superchick)

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I thought it was quite an impressive idea. However, it didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. . . Ah well, enjoy!


‘I looked down and lost my way, my light

Brought to my knees.’


“Nooooo~~~!! What have you done to Crony-kins? Why is he cryyyyiinnggg?” You sulked, stumbling from the shadows. Maka tensed, tilting her head away from her embrace with Crona on the cobbled ground. Her eyes darted around before they landed on your swaying form, a sadistic grin cementing on your face as your eyes met hers. The blonde meister’s brows furrowed as she eyed you, hugging Crona closer to her body in a protecting way. The girl wasn’t in any condition to fight at the moment, and she knew that – but that didn’t mean she wasn’t just going to let Crona go.

You frowned again, exaggerating the action with an extended whine,

“What? Don’t you remember me, Maka?”

Oh God, you couldn’t be. . .


‘Though the dark surrounds, it pulls me down

I will not sink beneath.’

The madness induced person invading your mind sensed a presence behind you, quickly turning and leaning backwards, avoiding an extremely sharp blade. After noticing the red and black triangular pattern, it only proved that your assumptions were right. Your _(e/c)_ eyes seemed hazy and glazed over as they travelled to the face of your attacker.

“Ssoouull~ Long time no seee-hehehee.” You giggled, reaching upwards as two blades appeared on both of your forearms, tracing where the scar across his chest would have been, nicking and slicing a few places in the cloth of his jacket as you did.

Damn it! Stop that!

What am I doing!?


You stumbled backwards a bit, narrowly avoiding another strike. “Hey, hey! Wait a minute would you? Why are you trying to hur-?”

‘Still here 
Staggering on 
Through the impossible’

You paused as a white hot stinging sensation raced up from your _(Non-dominant)_ arm, metallic smelling, crimson liquid splattering against the stone floor.

Why. . .? I hav- She hasn’t attacked you yet.


With your other arm, you swiped some blood from your bleeding arm and rubbed your thumb and index fingers together, inspecting the substance. Soul didn’t understand, but two things happened at that moment. The first thing was that he realised. The look on your face, that pure curiosity he knew so well – the boy knew it. He knew that _(Name)_, you, were standing before him. Months had gone by since you had disappeared, and he had lost hope. But here you were.

‘I can breathe one more day 
Still here 
Still fighting on’

The second thing was that cold, salty tears began to drip from your chin.  With the same hand you had used to examine the blood, you dabbed at your cheek.

You thrashed against the chains of your mind, screaming in emotional agony and confusion, trying so very hard to get out. It wasn’t long before you ran out of air, and your head dipped in exhaust.

“Why would he do that. . .? I just . . . let me go.”

You cried.


‘All we have is today 
Find my way 
To the beauty of one more day’


A toothy smirk encased in madness appeared on your face, a complete contrast to expressive hurt and emotional pain emanating from your eyes. Soul then realised a second thing. You may have been ensnared in madness, but that didn’t mean the original _(Name)_ had left your consciousness.


“Hmm? What do you want, my love~” Another cruel giggle.

 “You can do it.”

“Hrm? Do wh- mmf!”

In all honesty, he didn’t know what he was doing. He had distracted you long enough from Maka and Crona to retreat to another part of the underground ruins. But, he believed if he could somehow shock, or distract this entity of madness taking over your mind. . .

“Thanks, Soul.”

You pulled away from his kiss, eyes wide as a throbbing sensation began to fill your head. It was too late now – the pain only began to grow as the true you began to break through the chains. You pulled at your hair, stumbling to your knees, then laying on your back, arching it as you screamed in annoyance and protest.

The thick, black surface of the seemingly endless sea of madness was the only obstacle left. You could see yourself standing above you, one hand still pulling at her hair as she stomped on the one hand you had slipped past the surface. After she had though, you grabbed at her shoe and pulled as hard as you could, having the girl sink beneath the surface as you rose, using her as leverage. Soon enough, the sides were switched, and you lay gasping on the black surface of the black ocean, inhaling gulps of air, listening to the screams of your other self fade away.


You were still, eyes staring up at the ceiling blankly, unresponsive. Soul had crouched down beside you, observing and hating the fact he couldn’t intervene. Soon enough however, you blinked rapidly, eyes darting around the place as you began to gasp for air, just like you just had been doing. It wasn’t long before you noticed you realised that you had one. You were in control of your own body once again.

You smiled as you spotted the boy beside you, “You have no idea how happy I am to be back.”

You tensed as Soul wrapped you up in his arms, holding you close to him. You began to laugh, though it was full of relief, and you quickly pressed your lips to his.

‘Still Here’

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