10:Glitch (Naturally - Selena Gomez)

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Most of you might not know this character, so: 

I got Dance Central 2 last weekend (finally) – the second I saw Glitch, he was instantly my favourite character. Pfft, to heck with the female characters I used to pick from – I’m sticking with this guy here xD  ReaderxGlitch [Dance Central 2 - Xbox 360 Kinect]


‘How you choose to express yourself

It's all your own and I can tell,’

Wind from the passing trains grazed past your clothes as you jogged down the stairs, your bag bumping against your back every step you took. Instead of the perfectly lazy way of using escalators, you always preferred stairs – you needed to make sure to keep that body of yours in shape otherwise your coach would slaughter you. Your shoes clacked against the tiles of the subway as you leaped down the last few steps, a few loose pieces of newspapers and pamphlets swishing side to side from the breezy atmosphere. After buying a ticket and slipping past the gates, you made your way to your designated platform.

‘It comes naturally

It comes naturally,’

After grabbing a _(soft drink)_ from a nearby vending machine, you couldn’t disregard the soft tune of techno wafting along with the breeze. It was about ten o’clock you noted when you glanced at your slick, fluoro coloured digital watch. You had about ten minutes to kill until the next train made it to the station, so you decided to go and investigate. Traversing the urban landscape, you eventually found the source of music. A small crowd of people dressed in, once again, an urban kind of style, had gathered around two people dancing to the same music you had heard before. Needless to say, you felt very out of place, what with your expensive and stylish clothes. Well, that’s what you felt when you compared yourself with the others around you.

They seemed to think this too, since as you approached the group, a few people diverted their attention from the crew dancing amongst the middle of them all. And just like a game of Chinese Whispers, the word was passed around.

Your brows furrowed as you pursed your lips, a new purpose fulfilling you as your stride became more prominent. Who cares what they think – you were interested now, and you wanted to watch. You had every right to, yeah?

This was a city built upon dance – and just because you weren’t in a crew, and didn’t have the same style, didn’t mean you couldn’t diverse yourself in study. Yes, that was your reasoning.

A few people separated and made room for you as you excused yourself into the circle, crossing your arms just underneath your chest once in a comfortable position. Now getting a better view of the crew, your eyebrows shot up in recognition.

In now ways were you expecting them to be Hi-Def. These two made up one of the most popular and experienced crews in the city! If anything, they were in the top three.

‘You follow what you feel inside

It's intuitive, you don't have to try,’

Your eyes widened as you watched the younger boy, about your age, perform a backwards flip, his eyes catching yours for a mere moment before gravity brought him back down to earth, a grin splitting across his face even before he landed on his feet. He continued dancing, and your lips began to pick up along with everyone else’s as you began gently swaying to the music. People around you were whistling, clapping and yelling words of encouragement. Eventually the song ended, the two performing their finishing move and they crowd’s uproar excelled.

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