Authors' Note

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So it's that time again. Summer is just around the corner, and all we want to do is kick back, relax, and cruise 'til the end of the year- but alas! Our plans are foiled by the dreaded foe known as (*dramatic horror music*)......... FINALS

Basically, we probably won't update the next week or two until all of our studying is over. But never fear, once summer comes for us, we'll be up and roaring again. Plus, we have a stockpile of Meet Us chapters, so we'll continue to publish those through finals.

One Final note: (hee hee, get it? Final?) Perhaps you could consider checking out our other accounts while we're on hiatus.

zebstrika_gal (The Asteroid)

APH_Jaffy (Mel)

Charlie_Choon (April)

maximumrideisepic (Teri)

questionablequeen (Rose)

PeasantTopHat (Hope)

April <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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