Chapter 3 Wild Thing I think I Love You

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The next morning J.J. awoke at five thirty in the morning as he always did and pulled on a comfortable pair of sweats and his favorite running shoes. Just because he didn't have to go into the stadium until after lunch that day for practice, didn't mean that he was simply free to let his fitness routine slip. He stepped outside and stretched a few times before running down his driveway and down the street enjoying the brisk morning air. He then heard the sounds of footsteps jogging up behind him and he turned to jog backwards to greet who he thought was T.J. who occasionally joined him on his morning jogs, to stumble and fall on his ass upon seeing Scarlet Yates jogging towards him dressed in blue sweat pants and a matching hooded sweat shirt with the Air Force emblem emblazoned on it.

"Wow, that looked painful! Are you okay Prince Charming, because I'm not going to kiss your ass if you're not? She laughed as she held out a hand to help him back to his feet. J.J. chuckled as he got back to his feet and rubbed his backside with a goofy grin on his face.
"I'd never expect any woman, much less an Air Force Major to ever kiss my ass, My Lady. That is a job reserved for those that I destroy out on the gridiron on game day." he smiled as he joined her as she started jogging again.
"I can tell. If only my brother and the rest of your team had your dedication maybe you'd make the Super Bowl." she smiled as she turned and jogged backwards to smile at him.

"So, we didn't get to discuss this last night. How long will your leave last before you get called back to active duty?" J.J. asked as he ran next to her making her turn to face the direction that they were running.
"Well considering how long it's been since my last leave, I'll more than likely be here until New Year's Day, unless something major pops up that they need the Alfa Squadron to nip in the bud for them. My team may be a bunch of horn dogs, but we're the best to take to the sky's." Scarlet said proudly.
"I've never seen you fly so I'll take your word for it. So about that second date you agreed to last night. When would you like to take that date?" J.J. asked with a smile.

"Well let's see, I've got something planned for later today to teach my squadron some manners, so today won't work for me. How about we meet up to do something together on Wednesday?" Scarlet asked with a smile on her face.
"Wednesday, sounds good to me. What would you like to do for our date? I've got a few Ideas, but Since they closed and tore down Astro World a few years ago, I'm kind of thinking over my options to give you a good time?" J.J. asked thoughtfully.
"You like thrill rides, Huh?" Scarlet smiled knowing exactly what she'd do if she was given control of where they'd go for their next date?
"Oh, I love them, the higher and faster, the better, in my opinion." J.J. admitted.

"Well that's something that we have in common. I'll make you a deal if you can beat me in a race to that park near the school without cheating and jumping fences and cutting through peoples yards., the next date is on you and you'll decide where we go and what we do. If you lose, however the next date is my treat, and I choose what we do. Does that sound good to you?" Scarlet asked as they both stopped at the stop sign and waited until it was clear before they crossed.
"You're on, on your marks, get set, Go!" screamed J.J. excitedly as he bolted across the street leaving Scarlet standing there smiling at him. She examined her nails for a few seconds counting down from five before she took off after him in a hard sprint.

J.J. thought that he was going to win when he looked over his shoulder and saw Scarlet about half a block behind him, and then his jaw dropped and he growled as she suddenly streaked passed him with blazing speed. "Is that the best that you've got you Handsome Sky Blue Eyed Devil? You'll have to do better than that if you want to get to the big game." she laughed as she came to a sliding halt and spun on her heal before dropping and preforming fifty one handed pushups to J.J.'s shock.
"Holy Shit, I know full grown men who can't do that." J.J. laughed as she leapt to her feet with a smile and stretched to relax her muscles.

"I know, my brother can't even keep up with me or any other member of my squadron for that matter. The next date is on me , so make sure that you dress comfortable , bring a ball cap and some sunglasses with you because you'll need them. When's your next game?" she asked as she bent and sipped from the water fountain in the park.
"It's Sunday in Florida. Would you like to come and watch it in person?" J.J. asked with a smile as he took a sip from the fountain when she had finished.
"I think that I'd like that, as long as you don't count that as your next date. You've set the bar rather high, and I like your style and the fact that you make me feel like a lady. You've awakened the lady within me, so trust me I'm going to awaken the wild man in you," Scarlet said as they jogged back to the houses.

They went their separate ways after a light kiss on the cheek, and J.J. watched distractedly as an Hour later Scarlet sped off on her Harley dressed in her blue camo and combat boots once more. He smiled as she popped a wheelie as she passed his house and almost felt like he was floating for the rest of that day. As for Scarlet she was enjoying the punishment of the entire squadron for their remarks the day before and made them feel even worse as she not only pushed them to their limits, but also embarrassed them further by out doing them in every way. Egging them on until they were ready to drop. By the time that she was through with them they were so tired that they wouldn't be able to fly drills even if they did manage to drag their backsides into their fighter jets..


The morning of Wednesday dawned early and Scarlet awoke early as usual despite a rather annoying person who was running the tractor out in the fields singing at the top of his lungs until four in the morning when the tractor finally stopped from god only knew what cause not to start again when she needed it to move her Biprop plane out of the hanger . Her brother was just lucky that their father hadn't caught him taking his little drunken joy ride on the tractor, or there would be hell to pay. There still might be if T.J. wasn't able to fix the Tractor that wouldn't start at all.

J.J. waited until well after sunrise so that he wouldn't wake anyone in the house, only to find that T.J. looked like he hadn't slept all night. His eyes were red and bloodshot, his hair was a mess, and he smelled as if he had fallen into the trash or worse a compost heap. "What are you doing here so early man,"?" T.J. asked wincing with the light of the early morning sun that poured in through the open door?
"I have a date with your sister. You know, that amazing woman who you asked me to take out after she kicked your ass in front of the entire team." J.J. smirked as he entered the house and leaned against the stair rail waiting for T.J. to let his sister know that he was there.

"So, you got her to agree to another date, Huh? That's good. I'd rather it be you than some other idiot who wouldn't treat her right. My sister isn't in the house though. She has an apartment above the hanger where she parks her biprop plane, her classic convertible, and her bike. She hasn't stayed inside of the house since she was sixteen. Follow me," T.J. said groggily as he walked through the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee before stepping outside onto the back porch. As they stepped towards the hanger the large doors opened and a shiny red and white mustang seventy nine mustang convertible pulled out slowly with tow straps attached to the back bumper pulling an equally shining red and white biprop plane carefully through the door and out into the sun.

The car stopped fifty feet from the door of the Hanger and then backed slightly to take off the tension so that the tow straps could be unhooked, and Scarlet looked up at her brother with a disgusted look as he approached with the question on his lips. "Sis, don't you normally used dad's tractor to move the plane out of the hanger?" he asked dumbly.
"Oh, how observant of you. What a pity that you weren't so observant of the fact that I was attempting to sleep last night, while you were fucking up dads tractor to the point where it won't even turn over and start. I'd strongly advise that you get it fixed before dad sees what you've done to the tractor and more than half of the fields. "she said as she tossed the tractor keys at him.

"What the hell are you talking about Scarlet. I didn't drive the tractor, did I?" T.J. asked confused.
"Oh, didn't you. Let's go to the video footage of your Drunken Joy ride shall we?" she growled grumpily as she whipped out her phone and showed her brother what she had captured due to not being able to sleep. His eyes widened in horror and shock as he saw himself drunk as a skunk on new year's eve driving the tractor into the dirt singing at the top of his lungs.
"She thinks my Tractor's sexy. It really turns her on. She's always looking at me, while I'm chugging along."
J.J. laughed and T.J.'s face paled when there was a high pitched whining sound coming from the tractor before it died just as he pulled it back under it's shed.

"Fuck me, dad's going to kill me. Please tell me that he hasn't seen that video and that you haven't told him what I did?" T.J. pleaded with his sister.
"What, you think that the only thing that I'm loyal to is my country my squadron, and my god? Do you not think that I have any loyalty at all for my family? Dad doesn't know about the tractor yet, but if you can fix it before he gets home the only thing that he will know that you fucked up is my sleep, and the fields. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to park my car as we will not be needing it." she smirked as she leapt into the car and pulled it back inside of the hanger before shutting the doors.

J.J. gave the plane a wary look as Scarlet ran back to him and eagerly pulled him towards it with a smile upon her face. "Scarlet, we're not really going to fly in that, are we?" he asked as he climbed up onto the body of the plane and held out her hand to help him up.
"Yes, we are. Don't worry it's completely safe as long as you have at least one person in the cot pit who knows what they are doing. Don't you trust me, J.J.?" She asked still holding out her hand to him. J.J. nodded silently and took her hand and climbed into the back seat as directed sitting in the seat as she buckled him in with thick cushioned straps that went over his shoulders and buckled in the center of his chest while another strap went over his lap, and yet another between his legs. "Don't be afraid, I won't let you down my handsome sky blue eyed Devil." she said as she had fastened the last of the straps and made sure that they were snug but not too tight and kissed him on the cheek before handing him a headset and ordering him to put them on along with his ball cap and sunglasses.

J.J. did as he was ordered and relaxed as her voice came into his ears as if she were right beside him through the headphones. Those will drown out the sound of the wind, and the engine of the plane and allow you to speak to me. First I'm taking you to my favorite breakfast spot, and we're having breakfast and more coffee since someone kept me up with his horrid singing." she laughed as she started the plane's engine and the plane started to move to the end of the driveway where she turned it around and made it pick up speed to take off.
"Scarlet, I should tell you, I've never ridden in an open air plane like this before so please don't do anything crazy until I get used to it," J.J. pleaded as he felt the wind catch the plane and the small aircraft lifted from the ground moving higher and higher with every gentle ease of the control stick that he could see moving gently between his legs on the floorboards.

"Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you until, Holy shit, look down at the damage to the fields that T.J. did last night with the tractor. Dad's going to have a coronary when he sees it for sure." She gasped making J.J. look over the side of the plane as she banked gently to turn in the direction that she wanted to go.
"Oh, he is so screwed. Does your dad ever go up in this plane with you?" J.J. asked upon seeing the many tracks cut through the fields.
"Luckily for T.J., no he never goes up in the plane with me. He's too afraid of my flying convinced that I fly all planes like I do my fighter jet." Scarlet laughed.
"What's it like to be in a fighter jet?" J.J. asked curiously.

"Well imagine the fastest roller coaster that you've ever been on and multiply that feeling by five, and you'll get a pretty good idea of what it's like. I just love the rush of it, it thrills me . Maybe if you handle the first leg of our date well, I'll teach you to fly my Biplane here. Would you like that?" Scarlet asked as they flew over Houston.
"You'll really teach me to fly this plane? Aren't you afraid that I'll crash and kill us both?" J.J. asked as he gazed down at the city below them in wonder.
"No, not as long as I'm with you to pull you out of it. We're going to a little café that's built into Ellington Field. . We're almost there now. We'll be landing in five, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride." she said calmly.

Less than five minutes later J.J. heard something other than Scarlet's voice over the headphones. And went silent as she answered . "Roger that, this is Major, Sierra, Romeo, Yankee flying Aircraft identification code Bravo Papa 12948. Request permission to land, over." Scarlet said into the air.
"Roger that, Major Sierra, Romeo Yankee, you are clear for landing on runway five. Do you request refueling, Over?" the control tower asked.
"Roger tower that's an affirmative on the refuel, it's been a while since she's been flown for refuel. Major Sierra Romeo Yankee over and out." she called back as the plane started to move lower to land.

Once they landed Scarlet taxied the biprop towards the refueling station and cut the engine letting it roll into the space reserved for her size of plane. "Are you alright back there J.J.? You've been too quiet . You're not sick are you?" she asked as she released her buckles and stood turning back to give him a look of concern.
"That, was amazingly fun. How do you speak without the fear of swallowing bugs?" J.J. asked as he unbuckled himself and stood to get out of the plane to the shock of the fuel attendant who gaped at him.
"Sorry about that, I forgot how much taller than myself you happen to be. I may have to install bigger windshields, or you'll have to wear a scarf or face mask to keep from swallowing bugs." Scarlet laughed.

"Yes, he's J.J. Watt, and no you can't have an autograph until We're through with our business here today if he wishes to give you one. Fill it up. I'll settle my account before we leave. Are you hungry for something that tastes better than bugs?" Scarlet smiled as she wiped a dead fly from J.J.'s forehead where his hat didn't cover.
"Does that count your lips?" he asked as he pulled her into his arms.
"It might, but not before I've had at least one cup of coffee more and a nice plate of eggs to satisfy my hunger. Come along handsome." she smiled as she led him into the small diner on the base where she was greeted by a few pilots.

Thirty minutes later Scarlet had J.J. strapped into another strange looking aircraft with a clear glass ceiling, that was attached to a larger plain. The only thing in the plan e was gages that informed the pilot of the altitude and speed and high, and a control stick like that that was inside of her biprop. "Scarlet, why is there a strap attached to this weird plane?" he asked as the glass door or lid of the plane was shut and latched securely.
"This, J.J. is a glider. It doesn't have an engine, which makes it incredibly light weight and easily towed into the air. That larger plane is going to tow us up to a certain high, and then the strap will be released when that light turns green. We'll then simply float it down to the ground. You said that you liked thrill rides. This is the tamest thing that I can allow you to experience without making you sick or worse. Don't touch anything unless I tell you to." she said as she flicked a switch turning on the radio to speak with the tow plane.

J.J. laughed nervously as the tow plane suddenly moved and the strap tightened jerking the glider forward as they picked up speed. Then he relaxed as he realized that Scarlet was controlling the movement of the glider from her seat behind him and began to enjoy himself. The plane towed them higher and higher until the green light came on and the voice of the other pilot came over the radio. "Roger that, Guidance disenging magnetic strap in three, two, one." she said as she pressed the release button and the tow plane zoomed away from them leaving them moving on the power of the wind.

She moved the glider around so that the air field was in view again and then called out to J.J.. "So, what do you think of what I call tame? Are you having fun yet?" she asked with a smile on her face.
"Scarlet this is awesome. I love it. How does it work? Do you think that I could fly it?" he asked wanting to feel the thrill that Scarlet got from flying.
"Do you really want to fly it?" Scarlet asked excited that J.J. was showing such an interest in one of her favorite things to do.
"Oh, yes, please, teach me Scarlet. I want to feel what you feel when you fly." J.J. said as he tried to look over his shoulder at her.

"Alright, rule number one. Never lose focus on your course. That means keep your eyes on the sky and the gages in front of you. The one in the center tells you if the plane or glider is level. It will show you how much of an angle you are turning at, when you are climbing or falling. . The other monitor in front of you will show you your currently GPS Location upon a video map. You'll use that to keep the Air Field in sight at all times during this flight. If this were my plane you'd also have the fuel and oil pressure gages like in your truck, and the air speed gage. Now look down at the control yoke between your legs. Pay attention to how I move it and the effect that it has." she said sounding like the perfect teacher.

"To move the aircraft higher into the sky gently pulled the yoke towards you. The further back you pull it the higher that you will go. Never climbed too high or at a straight ninety degree angle or you'll stall and it will be hell to pull it out of the stall. To make the aircraft go lower ease the yoke away from you towards the front of the plane. As before never dive too sharply or for too long or you'll have a major time of pulling out of the dive and might kill us both." she laughed. "When you turn ease the yoke to your left or right keeping it on a level plane with your knees so you don't dive, and never slam the yoke over to the side unless you want to roll." She said hoping that J.J. would ask her what a Roll was and then smiled when he did.
"What do you mean Roll? How can you roll if we're in the air?" J.J. asked.

"Are you holding on to your seat?" Scarlet asked as she eased the yoke over towards the right turning the glider gently awaiting his answer.
"Yes, whyyyyyyyy, wooooo, Hoooo!" he screamed as Scarlet suddenly slammed the yoke over to the left making them preform several barrel rolls before leveling them off with a smile on her face.
"That's a roll, J.J. Do you want to do it again or would you rather I showed you another trick?" Scarlet asked smiling.
"That fucking rocks, this is wild! Do it again, do it again!" he enthused eagerly now feeling like he was riding the best roller coaster ever.
"Alright, my Wild thing, you want it , you've got it" she said as she suddenly slammed the yoke back and made the glider do a loop in the air and then preformed several barrel rolls before flying the glider completely upside down laughing when he screamed .
"Oh fuck! This is Freaking amazing. Look at the ground, it's so far down there. I'm so glad that we aren't doing this in the biprop! Yeah!" he screamed as she rolled the glider back right-side up and turned it gently back towards the air field.

"Do you want to fly it now?" she asked as she loosened her grip on the yoke expectantly waiting for him to take control.
"What do I do?" he asked as he took ahold of the yoke instantly feeling her own hand upon the yoke as it seemed to guide him until he felt comfortable.
"Just relax, and remember that I'm right here with you. I won't let you down. Are you relaxed?" she asked as she gently removed her hand giving complete control of the glider to J.J. as she stretched and clasped her hands behind her head relaxing.
"Yeah, I'm relaxed. I think that I'm ready to do this. You can let go now." J.J. said as he kept his eyes on the gage that showed the level of the glider and the GPS as he flew not knowing that he was completely on his own for at least the last four minutes since he had placed his hand on the yoke.

"You're doing very good for your first time flying. Just keep it level unless you're turning to keep the airfield in sight. When you reach the right height for landing I'll tell you how to land us. It's all you Wild Thing Watt. Keep this up and I might let you fly my biprop home later." she said with a smile.
"When did you let go?" J.J. asked as he felt how fluidly the glider responded to his gentle touch upon the control yoke.
"About two minutes after you grabbed the yoke. Pay attention to your level and keep her on course, J.J. You're doing wonderfully." Scarlet encouraged as she kept a watchful eye on the gages to keep track of his progress not that she needed them. She had flown several times blind with no gages or GPS to guide her and could tell if everything was alright with the simple feeling of the plane or glider.

In the front seat of the glider J.J had the largest smile on his face and felt like his day couldn't get any better even if he had tried. He heard Scarlet sigh with contentment and then she cleared her throat and spoke to him. "Do you get it now, J.J.? Do you understand why I feel so at peace up in the air?" she asked feeling great at that moment.
"I definitely get it. Where getting closer to the ground now. When should I start worrying about landing?" J.J. asked as he moved the glider around once more to fly over the air field again.
"You're doing just fine, J.J. Now once you can't see the air field in the digital map again I want you to bank her to the left or the right until you are lined up with the runway that has the bright Yellow Arrows on it. I'll radio in and let them know that we're landing." Scarlet said as J.J. followed her orders with a beaming smile on his face.

"Now, gently move the yoke forward to make her fall lower. When you reach a certain about four hundred feet, you'll have to gently pull back on the yoke until the nose is in the air. I'll tell you when to do it. That's right keep it steady. Don'ts's turn at all keep the yoke straight. That's good, now gently pull back , more, more, a little more, good hold it there until you feel the rear wheels hit the ground and then bring the yoke back to level position and hold it firm." Scarlet said as she closed her eyes and guided J.J. on feeling alone with a smile on her face. The glider bounced gently as the rear wheels hit the ground and J.J. brought the yoke level and laughed with joy as he felt the front wheel touch pavement.

"Very good landing J.J., just hold what you've got, until I give you the word and then you'll need to press that large red button at your right knee and that will stop us. Don't let go of the yoke until we've stopped completely." Scarlet ordered as J.J. did as he was told and the drag shuite opened and they slowed and came to a gentle stop just as a jeep had stopped next to the runway and two men jumped out to open the hatch since the pilot in front was definitely a newbie flyer.
"Good flight Major, glad to see that your date hasn't lost his lunch or breakfast all over the training glider." one man said as Scarlet leapt out and turned to smile at J.J. who was smiling as largely as she was at that moment.
"He did just fine for a beginner considering that he was the one flying it after all of the stunts. I did nothing but tell him how to land it. He did it all, did 't you wild thing?" she laughed.

"I guess I did." J.J. laughed.
"Come on Wild Thing. Let's go and get some lunch and then I'll give you a private tour of my office." Scarlet said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards a waiting jeep with a smile on her face.
"That was a blast, can we do that again?"' J.J. asked not having enough of flying at all.
"It takes thirty minutes to reset everything and another thirty to get clearance. Let's have lunch first and then maybe we'll go back up in something more powerful if you'd like." Scarlet said with a smile as she pulled him towards the diner once more.

Just outside of the Diner J.J. suddenly stopped and pulled her around the corner and pushed her up against the wall kissing her deeply and making her melt into his kiss. "Scarlet Rose Yates. I have never known that a woman could show me so much fun in one day. You excite me more than you know. I need a woman like you in my life to awaken my inner Wild Thing. The thought of seeing you with any other man, would kill me. Will you be my steady girlfriend? If it's too soon to make that decision I understand and won't push you, but please consider it." J.J. said as he gazed down into her sky blue eyes.

"I've never had a real boyfriend who was so caring. I'll be your girlfriend on one condition." Scarlet said as she smiled up at him.
"Anything, I'll do anything for you." J.J. said with a hopeful smile on his face.
"J.J. I need you to understand and respect that I am still a virgin. And will not give my body to any man until the day that , that man marries me. Can you respect that?" she asked looking deeply into his eyes.
"That just makes me love you even more. Yes Scarlet I'll respect your wishes. But you do know that there are ways to give a woman pleasure of a sexual nature without popping her cherry, Right?" he smirked making her give him a look.

"Is that a fact? Well Justin James Watt. If you can keep my trust, and maybe if the day comes when I decide to take you up on that experience. Perhaps I'll allow you to educate me in that regard. Yes I'll be your Girlfriend." she said as she reached up and placed a tender kiss on his lips. J.J deepened the kiss and picked her up so that he wouldn't have to lean down to kiss her holding her against the wall making her gasp as she locked her legs around his waist instinctively and she felt his hands under her legs holding her so that she wouldn't slid down before he was ready to release her lips. Her heart was racing and her breaths were coming quick as he finally released her and placed her gently back onto her feet with a smile. "Oh God, Why do you always make me feel like I'm free falling? Wild Thing I think that I love you." she said as he placed a gentle hand on her cheek before holding out his hand to her and guiding her into the diner.
"I love you to my Angel." he said as they entered the Diner for lunch.


After lunch Scarlet led J.J. into the hanger where the fighter Jets of Alpha squadron were housed and smiled as he jaw dropped at the chance to be that close to an actual fighter jet. "This one is mine. Go on climb up and take a look at my office." she said as she climbed up opened sat on the edge of the cot pit holding out her hand to him as he reached the top of the ladder. Go on get in and take a closer look, J.J. it's not armed so it's completely safe as long as you don't start it up." she said smiling as he slid into the seat and looked around himself in wonder at all of the gages, panels, and switches that surrounded him.

"This is intense, how do you not get overwhelmed by all of this when you're flying?" he asked as he looked around him.
"It's simple, J.J. I'm trained to handle it. Okay directly in front of you is your GPS navigation like in the glider but more hi-tech and powerful. The screen above that is your level gage and the one above that is the targeting system. When the engine is running the screens will be lit up and you'd see clear sky in front of you, or whatever else happens to be directly in front of us. When flying a mission there will be a square in the center of that screen that will sound a buzzer and will flash red when the target is in range of your weaponry and when you are lined up." she explained smiling as his eyes lit up as he imagined what it must feel like to fly something with so much power.

"That keypad and monitor to your right is for imputing the coordinates of your destination, and it will go directly to the GPS screen in front of you and will guide you on the shortest course available. Nine times out of ten when we are dispatched we are told to fly from one base or another to a naval ship that carries our jets across the ocean and refuels us before the actual mission. To your left is your speed, fuel, oil, and weapons meter that shows the levels of your vital systems . The small red button above your pointer on the yoke is the guns, and the four at the top are heat seeking rockets. Nothing is loaded or armed until the day of the mission for safety purposes." she said as J.J. looked around for a rear view or an exterior window in the rear wondering how she would know if someone was on her tail.

"There isn't a monitor that will show you if someone is on your tail wanting to shoot you down is there?" he asked with a worried expression on his face.
"No, regrettably not, but there are sensors that will go off with loud beeping that won't stop until you[re either shot from the sky or have managed to lose whatever is on your tail. Luckily for me the few time s that I've been unlucky to hear that sound I've been able to either out maneuver whoever or whatever was on my tail or one of the other guys had my back. That's why despite their mouths and their curtness I still have a healthy respect for Eagle, Falcon, Raider, Gunner, and Hawk. They've all saved my ass at least once during out time flying together. They're more fierce when it comes to watching each other's backs than T.J. is when I'm on the ground. It's like having five extra protective brothers watching your ass in the sky. Rookie is our only untested pilot so far. That's why we call him Rookie. Once he's been in her first battle we'll give him a new nick name." Scarlet smiled as J.J. claimed out of the jet and held out his arms to catch her as she simply jumped.

"You have no idea how good it feels to hear that someone is up in the sky watching your back. Just make sure that you come back to me after each call of duty and I'll be fine." J.J. said as they left the Hanger for Scarlet's biplane.
"Attached to me already, my Handsome sky blue eyed Devil,?" Scarlet laughed as she climbed into the back seat of her plane allowing J.J. to sit in the front this time.
"Definitely my Angel. Am I flying us home?" J.J. asked as he climbed into the front seat and buckled himself in taking note of the pedals on the floor.
"Yes, you are. Let me make sure that we are clear for takeoff and then you can start her up. Put on the headphones." Scarlet ordered as she placed her own on her head with a smile.

"Major Sierra, Romeo, Yankee, to tower, come in tower over." she said into the radio.
"We read you loud and clear Major, you are clear for takeoff on runway two. It's all green. Over and Out." came the replay from the tower.
"Roger that Tower. Major Sierra, Romeo Yankee over and out. J.J. start her up. Turn the key at your left and press the red button at your right at the same time. You'll hear a click and then a slight wine before the engine starts up completely. There are pedals on the floor boards. Use those to move us while we're on the ground. Press the right pedal to move to the right and the left pedal to move to the left. To stop press both down at once." she said as the attendant removed the chalks that held the plane from moving and they started to move slowly at first.

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