Chapter 12 A New Life

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Two hours and thirty-nine minutes later they landed at Waukesha County Airport in Wisconsin, followed about thirty minutes later by Ace who landed the biprop and parked it in the rented hanger before handing the keys over to Justin, with a smile, as they all piled into the SUV with J.J. insisting that Angel sit in the front seat beside him, allowing Ace and Eagle to sit in the back with the twins, who were sound asleep after being fed and changed by Angel while they were waiting for Ace to arrive. The autumn leaves were beautiful and Angel smiled as she looked around at J.J.'s home town with a happy smile upon her face.

"Justin, this place is so charming, and it looks so peaceful. Are you sure that my nut job father won't be able to find us here?" she asked as he drove them deep into a long wooded dirt road after passing over a cattle guard.
"Trust me, Angel of mine, the only people who know where this place is, is our family and the team and believe me darling, none of them aside from my parents and little brothers know exactly how to get here I should have moved us all here after the Super Bowl, and saved us all of this stress, then our boys could have been born in the same hospital that I was born in. Well, I'll just have to settle for raising them in the house where I grew up." Justin said as he stopped at a gate punched a code into the console , and drove through with a smile on his face.

"Are we here?" Angel asked excitedly as they passed through the gate and it closed behind them.
"We've been here for the last five minutes. Our property starts up at that cattle guard." Justin said with a smile as he turned the bend in the long gravel driveway and the log cabin came into view. As he brought the SUV to a stop outside of the massive front porch, the Housekeeper and her husband stepped out to greet their employer, and his new family. Angel looked up at the three story mansion of logs and natural stone, and gaped in shock at its size, making Justin laugh as Eagle handed him one of the baby carriers.

"What, did you think that because of how and where my family chose to live in Texas, and the size of the house in the woodlands, that I was joking when I told you that I had a far larger house that could hold not only our entire family but the Entire Texan's team? I've thrown some amazing parties up here. When the boys turn one year old, I'll throw a party that will make all of the others that I've thrown in the past look like lunch at Chucky Cheese." he smiled as Ace handed Angel the other baby carrier, before he and Eagle stepped to the back of the SUV and started to unload the few boxes that had been brought along.

"Justin, please tell me that, the maid and that other man work here all year round, because there's no way in hell that I'll ever be able to clean this place on my own." Angel said as Justin wrapped his free arm around her waist and led her into the house.
"Sweetheart, trust me, the only thing that you have to worry about is enjoying your life with our boys, and keeping them and me happy. This is our head Maid Lilly, and our head Man who keeps everything in ship shape, her husband, Marcus Mathews. There are an additional staff of ten other people who take care of the house. Which reminds me, Marcus, please tell me that the nursery has been set up, beside the master suite?" Justin asked as they entered the house.

"Yes sir, Mr. Watt, we just got through putting the finishing touches on it when you drove up the driveway. Mrs. Watt, if there is anything that you want changed please don't hesitate to let us know." Marcus smiled as he ran up the stairs in front of them and opened the door to the nursery that was painted in bright baby blue with boarders of footballs and airplanes around the ceiling. The matching cribs were in a dark cherry wood, and there was two matching dressers, a changing and bath table, and a king sized canopy bed with pastel blue hangings and bedding. In the corner beside a window seat that looked out onto a large back yard with a massive tree house, was a rocking chair with a matching rocking footstool.

The cribs and dressers were even customized with the babies names engraved into the headboards. Angel was in tears of joy by the time that she had freed Justin James Jr. from his carrier, and had laid him tenderly into his crib before placing a tender kiss to his little head, before she looked up at her husband who was smiling at her. "You like them?" he asked.
"Oh, Justin, their perfect. This nursery is amazing." she said as she turned on the baby monitor and allowed him to show her to their room where Lilly was already busy unpacking Angel's clothing into the dresser and the closet.

"We thought that you might want to freshen up after everything that you've been through Mrs. Watt, so Carmon and I have drawn you a nice warm bath." Lily said as the other maid exited the bathroom with a smile on her face.
"Enjoy your bath Mrs. Watt." she said as she exited the room.
"Thank you Lily, you can leave the rest of the unpacking to me. I've got the baby monitor here, but would you mind keeping an eye on them while I help my wife relax? She's had a hard day." Justin asked as he pushed the woman from the room, as Angel sat on the padded trunk at the foot of the massive bed, and removed her shoes.
"Of course, sir, it's a pleasure to look after babies again. It's been so long since Your brother's were born." the older woman said with a smile as she left the two alone.

Justin shut the door behind her, and turned to see his wife wiggling her bare toes in the plush carpet . "I think that I understand exactly why it was that you stayed single all of this time, Justin. How long has this place been in your family, because most of the furniture looks extremely comfortable and valuable?" Angel asked look up into his eyes as he gently pulled her to her feet and began to gently undress her.
"It's been in my family since this place was a simple logging camp, back in the late eighteen hundreds. My Two time great grandfather, came here from Scotland and built this place for his wife in the hopes of one day having a large family, and enough room to house them all during the holidays. Dad signed the deed over to me shortly after our wedding. I've just been waiting to bring you home, but I didn't want to leave the Texans until I had one the super bowl at least once." he said as he picked her now naked body up from the ground and carried her into the bathroom before removing her prosthetic arm, and setting her gently into the massive tub that was large enough for two or maybe even more than that.

"Aren't you going to join me in here?" Angel asked with a smile upon her face.
"Believe me Angel of Mine, there is nothing that I'd rather do, but you need time to heal from giving birth to our sons before I go there. I might get more than a little carried away if I was to join you. Besides, I need to unpack our stuff that we brought, and to keep an eye on the boys while you relax." he said as he kissed her lips and pulled away as she was about to grasp him with her left hand and attempt to pull him into the tub with her. "None of that now, Mrs. Watt, or I'll have to spank you for being naughty." he laughed as he slid from the room making her laugh.


Once Angel had finished with her bath, she entered the bedroom dressed in a black dress that was covered in white and yellow flower print, and a short sleeved yellow jacket, and black flats, as she dried her hair. Justin looked up as she entered their bedroom with tears in his eyes and an expression that looked as if someone had slapped him hard across the face. In his hands was three documents, all baring a name that he never expected for his wife to ever wish to be called again. He hadn't even known that she had changed it back and was in clear shock. There on their wedding certificate, and the birth certificates of their twin sons was clearly written in her tidy looping script the name, Scarlet Rose Windsong, as her maiden name, and Scarlet Rose Watt as her married name..

He blinked at his wife in amazement, as she knelt at his feet, and placed her hands gently on his cheeks wiping away his tears. "Justin, I love the little Nick name that you've always called me, but I will always be known as your Lady Sky Angel Scarlet Rose Watt. I thought that you'd be happy when you noticed it." she said as he placed the documents back into the lock box and pulled her into his lap with a smile before kissing her passionately.
"I am, very happy to have you back Scarlet, my lady Sky Angel, my wife, and mother of our children." he said in between kisses.
"Who are crying for their parents attention." Scarlet said as she slid out of his lap and moved quickly to the bedroom door with him on her heels.


Halloween, and Thanksgiving had passed, and the snow had fallen heavily covering the land around the cabin in a thick layer of snow, and making the house look warm and inviting, as the headlights of the Watts came up the driveway that had been kept clear by the men who worked for Justin. As Connie entered the house the many packages were taken from her arms by her son, who wrapped her tightly into his arms. "How are my grandsons behaving? Is Santa going to bring them something special for their first Christmas, or will their daddy get coal in his stocking?" she joked making J.J. roll his eyes at her.
"Mom, why would I get coal in my stocking, if the boys misbehave?" he asked as he popped another black olive into his mouth before cringing as the rapid movement of a very strong arm shot out between his mouth and the falling olive and snatched it from the air.

"Ah ha, I knew that it was you who was stealing the olives, you sneaky blue eyed Devil. If I catch you in the kitchen again before dinner, I'm going to give everyone a slice of my home made cherry pie, except for you!" Scarlet snapped pointing a mixing spoon at him menacingly.
"Awe, Angel, don't be a scrooge, I'm hungry now." he wined at her making a pathetic puppy dog expression at her.
"Connie, has he ever used that look on you, and did it work to get him his way?" she asked, as Connie shook her head with a smile on her face. "Well then Justin, if that face doesn't work on your mother, what makes you think that it will work on the mother of your children?" she laughed as she turned and sashayed back into the kitchen.

"Honestly J.J., when will you learn, wives are just as firm as mother's especially when they are the mothers of your children." John said as he reached into the play pen and picked up one of his three month old grandchildren and tickled him lightly.
"The boys have gotten big, can you tell them apart without having their names on their clothing yet?" Deric asked as he picked up little J.T. from the playpen and snuggled him close showing him off to his fiancé.
"I'm getting there, though Scarlet is much better than I am at telling them apart. I don't know how she does it." J.J. smiled as he made a funny face at his boys making them giggle and smile at him.

"Dinner's ready!" Scarlet called just as her big brother and their mother entered the house and handed several wrapped boxes over to Justin .
"Scarlet, Angel, I think that you were really good this year, because Santa brought you an early Christmas present." J.J. said as he stood in the doorway to the dining room and prevented his wife from seeing passed him.
"Justin, not in front of." she started before he stepped aside to reveal her big brother and her mother.
"I know, not in front of your brother and your mother." he smiled as his wife squealed and ran into her mother and brother's open arms.

Dinner that night was full of laughter as T.J. tried to get the boys to eat only to end up with most of their food on him, and less in their little mouths that would only eat when their daddy or one of their grandparents made train noises at them. After cleaning the twins up and putting them down for the night, Scarlet tried to talk her mother in to moving in with them, wanting her to have more time with the grandchildren, and not feeling at all safe with her living in Houston, with her father still MIA, and quite unstable. Even T.J. thought that it was a good idea, but their mother remained stubborn about it.

Christmas and New Year's was exciting, and it felt good to have everyone in the house, but when it was time for T.J. and her mother to go home, Scarlet grew depressed, and was silent the entire ride home. She went directly to bed after tucking the twins into their cribs, and turned and curled into Justin's strong chest and sobbed for the first time since they had moved into the cabin. "Scarlet, Angel, it's going to be alright. T.J.'s watching out for her." Justin soothed, as his wife clung to him and sobbed.
"I know that, but, I just can't help worrying about her. You heard what T.J. said. They haven't found him, it's like he vanished, but I know that he's there somewhere. I don't trust him anymore, Justin. He's changed so much from the loving father that I knew before the war screwed everything up." she said in a soft tone.

"Justin, I don't know how I'll handle it if he ever hurts my mother or worse. He's dangerous now. My only comfort is knowing that our babies are safe here in our home" she whispered into his chest.
"Scarlet Angel, it will all work itself out in the end." he said as he held her closer to his body, and kissed her until she melted into his arm.
"Justin, is that a flashlight between us, or do you think that you're going to get anything from me with hot kisses?" she asked as he lowered his lips to the crook of her neck.
"Oh, I'm definitely going to get something from you my beautiful wife." he growled as he slid his hand over her flat stomach, and brought it back up under her nightgown to grasp her breasts.

"You do know that I'm taking birth control, right?" she laughed as he tickled a sensitive spot that always made her laugh.
"Of course you are, which means that I won't get you pregnant until you stop taking them when our boys turn two years old. That doesn't mean that you're getting away." he said as he pulled her nightgown over her head before latching his lips around one of her nipples and giving it a light teasing lick before tightening his lips around it making her gasp.
"Who says that I want to escape you, Mr. Watt. You'd better not start anything that you won't be able to finish." she said as one of his fingers slid into her making her open her legs to him.
"Oh, trust me my Sky Angel I fully intend to finish what I start." he said as she moaned softly with his actions.


Two years had now passed and Justin was now working as the head football coach and physical Education teacher at his old high school, while after a lot of begging on the part of the old commanding officer of the A.F.J.R.O.T.C. who just happened to be Scarlet's ex-commanding officer in the Air Force, his wife had taken over with a promotion to Colonel. It made Justin proud to see her back in uniform , and back in the air since she had started flying again before deciding to accept the post that had been offered. The Watts were the most well known and most beloved teachers on staff at the school, and everyone loved them. Their coach was a Hero of the gridiron, and their Air Force J.R.O.T.C. commander was a battled scared war hero with a heart of gold.

Their daughter Angel Connie Watt was conceived in July after the second birthday of her older twin brothers had passed, and they were three years old when she was born on her father's birthday of all days. Scarlet had been put onto Maternity leave as the day of the baby's birth drew near, and so while she was safe at home with his mother and a midwife who was on call twenty four hours a day, he was our on the edge of the football field making his class of boys take laps since someone had wanted to fight instead of behaving in the Gym. He had left his cell phone in his office, and had no idea that his wife had gone into labor until his father came running out of the school and tossed it at him.

"J.J., Scarlet has been trying to reach you for the last hour. The baby is coming! You go, I'll handle the rest of your class for this period Why do you have them doing laps anyway?" his father asked as he took J.J.'s whistle and placed it around his neck.
"They wanted to fight in the gym, and it's not rustling season, so I made them all do laps. They've got five minutes until they can stop, and then make them hit the showers so that they don't knock out their other teachers and fellow students with their body odor." J.J. said before he ran into the building and checked out for the rest of the day before leaping into his truck and making his tires squeal as he left the staff parking lot.

As he pulled into the driveway of his home Justin Jr. and John screamed excitedly and ran for him each locking their little arms and legs around one of his legs almost causing him to fall over onto his face. "Daddy, daddy granny says baby sissy want's out of mommy's tummy." Justin Jr. said excitedly as his father tried to walk across the yard with the twins on his legs.
"How'd baby sissy get into mommy's tummy, daddy was it magic? Uncy T.J. says that the sork, was going to bring her." John said looking around as if he was looking for something.
"Well you could say that it was magic, boys. John, what are you looking for?" J.J. asked his son as his mother helped him to remove the twins from him so that he could be with Scarlet.
"The sork, daddy, the sork." John said as he and Justin Jr. both ran back outside calling for the Stork making their grandmother laugh.

Thirty minutes after he made it into his bedroom, the most beautiful sound of his daughter's cries filled the room. He smiled as his daughter was placed into his arms, and handed her over to Scarlet completely ignoring the midwife and her assistant as they bustled about the room cleaning up. They had been so efficient that there was no mess upon either the bedding or the floor of the master bedroom, and Scarlet relaxed into her husband's arms as the midwives left, and Connie knocked at the door with the twins by her side. They peeked around their grandmothers legs attempting to get a look at their baby sister, when J.J. called them over and lifted them each onto the bed so they could get a good first look at the new addition to the family.

"Well, at least I didn't have to think too hard on what to get you for your birthday this year." Scarlet giggled as her husband held his new daughter tenderly.
"This is the best thing that you've ever given me for my birthday, Scarlet. When do you want to call your brother and mother and let them know about the new addition to our little family?" he asked with a smile on his face as their sons each curled up by their sides and gazed at their baby sister lovingly.
"Connie already called them. " So boys what do you think of your little sister?" she asked the twins.
"Sissy pretty, mommy." J.T. smiled.
"But, how'd the sork get her into your tummy mommy." Justin Jr. asked.
"I told you that, boys, it was magic." J.J. smiled as the boys both looked up at him with wide blue eyes.

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