Chapter 2 Fights and Firsts

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Time had passed for T.J. Yates and his team . He was yet again on the Houston Texans team and felt like he was back where he truly belonged. He went to practice the day after speaking to his baby sister who had called the night before, and her discussion with him had completely slipped his mind as Practice began that call day in November when the roof of the stadium was open to allow the natural light of the clear blue sky. He sighed distractedly as he gazed up at the sky and then jumped as he was slapped upside of his head by J.J. Watt who had been his friend ever since joining the team in 2011.

"Hay Tyler, why are you so distracted today? Get your head into the game man, or we'll never make it all the way to the big game. I don't know about you, but I personally would love to make it to the super bowl and win it at least once in my lifetime before I die of old age," J.J. laughed as he jogged backwards tossing a football in his hands.
"You sound like my baby sister. She's always ragging on me for not pushing myself as hard as she thinks that I should." T.J. said as he lowered his eyes to the field and moved to take part in the day's practice.

"What's he blabbing about this time? Please tell me that he's not day dreaming about his invisible baby sister who probably doesn't exist," Arian Fosture said with a smirk on his face.
"Dude, just because you've never seen my sister doesn't mean that she doesn't exist, Arian. Why don't you get a life or something," T.J. snarled unable to shake the feeling that he was forgetting something important for some reason.
"Seriously, man, if, and I mean if, your sister did exist which I strongly doubt since nobody on the team as ever seen her, I'd have to beg you to set me up on a date with this fabulous sister, so that I can see how fabulous she is for myself." Arian smirked.

"My sister wouldn't date you if you were the last man on earth, Fosture. You're too much of a womanizer who lives for getting into as many pairs of panties as you can. You wouldn't last even a second with my sister once she figured you out, and believe me she'd figure you out fast. You're as transparent as Kubiack's glasses," T.J. snapped with a grin on his face.
"Hay, are you calling me stupid?" Arian snarled angrily.
"If the shoe fits, man," T.J. laughed. Everyone laughed at that as they got to work preparing for their next game.

Once practice was over an hour later, J.J. was ready for a shower, and decided to leave the field before his teammates decided to attempt to talk him into joining them at the local bar. Not that he didn't enjoy a drink every now and then , it was just that he hated how women would throw themselves at him. He wanted a woman who made his life exciting, someone who loved thrilling things and who was interested in more than clothes, shoes, and how much money or who's baby they could have. He wanted someone honest, someone who made him feel like he was flying though his feet hadn't left the ground, and simply put that had yet to happen for him. He stripped and leapt under the relaxing hot spray of the shower in the locker room and sighed as he let his mind wonder oblivious to what was happening out on the field seconds after he had left.


The team was now relaxing and watching the Texans Cheerleaders practice, and were chatting about where they wanted to go and plans for thanksgiving if they didn't make it to the game this year, when a blue duffle bag fell to the center of the field with a small parachute attached to it. Everyone huddled around it curiously before a growl was heard from above, and T.J. looked up and screamed in fear now remembering exactly what he had forgotten as a heavy pair of combat boots kicked him directly in the chest knocking him about five feet back on the ground before the owner of those boots followed him to the ground with screams of rage as the parachute floated over the two of them, covering what was going on.

All the team and the cheerleaders could hear was T.J. screaming in pain, and angry snarls from someone who was obviously extremely pissed off at him for some reason or another. Then they all backed off as a woman with the same color hair as T.J. with Blue eyes stomped out from under the parachute and tossed her helmet at Arian who was about to reach into her duffle bag and pull out a pair of her navy blue panties, hitting him directly in the hand making him yelp in pain and shock. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that it's rude to route through other people's private belongings, Fosture? Maybe if you'd get your hands out of ladies panties, and your head out of your ass, the Texan's would have a fighting chance of making the super bowl this year. Frankly I think that you could all do better, and you're depressing to the troops from Houston and around the country who route for you, myself included. Now back away from the bag unless you'd like me to give you a taste of what I just dished out to my fucking brother," Scarlet growled as she stepped forward and zipped her bag before removing the parachute pack and harness and beginning to roll the parachute so that she could pack it away.

"Wait a minute , you're T.J. Yates's sister? We thought that he was lying about having a baby sister," Brian Cushing said in clear shock at T.J.'s condition as the parachute was removed from his bloody and bruised body.
"Yes, I'm T.J.'s sister. Tell me did he by chance ride a Harley Davison here today," Scarlet asked as she hoisted the parachute pack and her duffle bag to her shoulder.
"Yes, he did," Arian said with a curious expression on his face.
"Thank you, that's all I needed to know. Since he doesn't have the keys on him, I know where to go to get them. Oh, and you'll want to inform my brother when you manage to wake him that the next time that he promises to have my fucking bike at Ellington field on a certain day that was discussed the night before, that he is best advised to make sure that he does it. He'll also want to find another ride home because I'm taking my bike," Scarlet snapped as she turned on her heal and marched from the field straight to the men's locker room.

At that moment J.J. was just slipping from the shower and was standing completely naked under the dryer letting the heat dry his hair and warm him up before he moved to his locker to towel off and dress, when the door slammed open startling him. To his shock and amazement a woman dressed in blue camo with her long red hair braided and tucked into her collar marched into the room paying him no mind and ripped T.J.'s gym bag out of his locker and rutted through it muttering angrily under her breath. "Who the fuck was this woman and why was she going through T.J.'s stuff? Damned I bet that she'd have a nice ass and some rather lovely legs to show off if she wasn't wearing all of that camo," he thought as he moved silently up behind her to reach his towel only to stop short as she spun on him and backed into his locker with wide shocked eyes after tossing T.J.'s bag back into his locker upon finding what she wanted.

Her blue eyes were the same shade as his own, and she had the face of an angel. He could feel his pulse quicken and he attempted not to blush as his organ reacted to her wide blue eyes as she slowly took him in. He smiled as her pink tongue darted out from between her perfectly shaped lips and wet her lips as she backed into his locker attempting to get away from him. "Was she afraid of him? Let's see how she reacts when I reach for that towel that's on the shelf over her head," J.J. thought with a smile upon his face as he stepped closer to her and could smell the sweet scent of Vanilla and apples. He arched an eyebrow after pulling the towel over her shoulder and wrapping it around himself and his heart skipped a beat at the puzzling words that she spoke before she darted under his outstretched arm and bolted for the door leaving two bags and a strange looking helmet behind in her haste.

Truthfully Scarlet hadn't expected for anyone to be in the locker room when she had burst in to search for her bike keys. She had dropped her duffle, the parachute pack and her flight helmet beside the door as she entered and had simply rushed over to her brother's locker and ripped his gym bag out to search for her keys. Had she been more observant and not so angry at her brother, she might have noticed the extremely naked man that she had passed, and might have simply asked him to search her brother's bag for her keys, but that didn't happen. She smiled as she found her keys and tossed her brother's bag back inside of the locker, and then went as pale as a sheet upon spinning around to find a completely naked man standing just behind her.

"Holy fuck, there is a god, and a heaven above. Manly perfection at its finest, it's michlango's David made flesh. He's so perfect, oh, god, did he just stand at attention, he's looking at me. Fuck move your feet Yates," she scolded herself mentally unable to speak and cursed mentally as she moved back into a locker that proved to be the one that the man was headed for. Her pulse quickened as her eyes latched onto his eyes , his sky blue eyes , as he reached over her shoulder and grabbed a towel pulling it around his hips and his impressive and somewhat frightening manhood.

Then she finally found her voice, and mentally slapped herself for what came from her mouth. "Oh, god, I've never seen eyes like those, before. I could free fall through those eyes for the rest of my life and die a happy woman," she blurted before clapping her hands to her mouth and bolting under his outstretched arm forgetting her things beside the door running straight for the parking lot where she found her bike sitting beside a Dark Red or Maroon pickup truck. She leapt onto the bike and unlocked the handle bars with hands that were shaking so hard that she almost dropped the keys, and then barely managed to get the key into the ignition switch, after dropping them to the ground three times.

J.J. had just finished dressing when T.J. limped into the locker room with his face bruised and his nose broken, and he forgot his pain the instant that he saw his sister's duffle and the parachute pack along with her helmet sitting beside the door. He launched himself at J.J. and slammed him against the wall, snarling defensively . "What the fuck did you do to my sister? Why did she leave her stuff in here? If I find out that you tried, to," started T.J. before being cut off by J.J. who had snapped to what he was being accused of at that moment.
"Whoa, man, hold on, I can explain everything. Some woman dressed in blue camo just barged in here, and started rooting through your stuff. Yes, I was naked, because I had just gotten out of the shower, but I promise that I didn't know that she was your sister, and I didn't touch her, I swear," J.J. said as T.J. glared at him the best that he could through two black eyes.

"She spun on me before I could reach a towel, and then backed into my locker. The next thing that I know, she's saying something weird about Free Falling and my eyes, and she just bolted leaving her stuff. That's all that happened man. What the fuck happened to you, anyway," J.J. asked?
"Let's just say that I sort of forgot to leave my baby sister's Harley at Ellington field like she asked me to do yesterday, and she sky dived in, and kicked my ass. Can you please give me a ride home. I have a feeling that she's already half way there, unless she said what I think that she said to you," T.J. asked after cleaning up his face, and changing attempting to not cause his nose any further pain?
"Um, sure I guess," J.J. agreed as he sat on the bench and waited for his friend to change.


Out in the parking lot, Scarlet had not been able to stop her hands from shaking or to even put her bike into gear after starting it. When her brother and his friends and teammates got to the parking lot she was slumped over the tank of the bike with her arms crossed over the handlebars muttering to herself as she fought to regain control over her nerves. "Damned you it was just a man! Snap the fuck out of it! Oh, god those eyes, were like the sky, I want to free fall through them right into those amazing arms. What the fuck am I talking about, he's a fucking jock, just like T.J., he'd never be attracted to a un Girley hard ass like me. Get a grip," she snarled under her breath as suddenly the ingen of her bike went silent with the click of a key that was removed from the ignition.

Upon seeing his sister slumped over her bike with the ingen running T.J. knew that she had been more than affected by J.J., and that there was only one cure for it. He stopped J.J. from moving forward, noticing the concerned expression that had lit up in his blue eyes upon seeing his sister, and decided then and there that he'd rather have no other man in his sister's life. "J.J., I think that my sister likes' you. I also don't think that she's in any condition to drive that bike home without wrecking it. I know that you hate it when we try to set you up with chicks, but please do this just once for me." T.J. said in a serious tone.

J.J. rolled his eyes before glancing over T.J.'s shoulder at his sister who was muttering to herself as if she had gone completely mental. "What do you want me to do," T.J.," he asked feeling like he wanted to soothe the frazzled woman on the bike although not knowing exactly why he wanted to do it?
"J.J., my sister is about four months younger than you are. She'll be twenty seven on July fourth, and believe it or not, she's still a virgin. She's been saving herself for the man who will be her husband one day, and so far up until I'm guessing today, she's never even came close to finding that special man. I don't expect for you to marry her, unless that turns out to be something that you both want, later, but I think that you are the only one who will be able to help her calm down and relax. If I can get her off of that bike would you mind taking her out for a few drinks to help her mellow out, and then bring her home once she's regained a state of at least somewhat normalcy," T.J. asked hoping that J.J. would agree?

"You're right I don't like being set up, but if you really think that it will help your sister, then I'll do it. Just get the key out of the bike, I don't want her to slip a gear and end up hurting herself," J.J. said as he tossed Scarlet's bags and helmet into the back seat of his truck along with his own. Scarlet didn't even move when T.J. moved quickly forward and yanked the keys out of the ignition switch. J.J. Moved to her side, and cleared his throat softly making her snap back to a sitting position and turn her blue eyes onto him in shock.
"Miss, Yates, I'm sorry for earlier in the locker room. I'd like to make it up to you, if you'd like to join me for a few drinks," J.J. asked in a soft soothing voice that made Scarlet look to her brother who was holding the keys to her bike in his hand.

"Sis, this is my friend and teammate, Justin James Watt. Justin, this is my sister First Lieutenant Scarlet Rose Yates of the U.S. Air Force," T.J. said proudly making his sister blink before she shook her head and spoke .
"Actually it's Major, Scarlet Rose Yates, now. I've been promoted a few times since the last time that I was home big brother. I don't know if I should do this, I mean, I'm not even dressed properly to go to a nice place, and Mom and Dad," she started before being cut off by her brother.
"Mom and dad, will understand that you need to unwind after your last tour of duty. Sis, you're hands are shaking, there's no way that you will be able to drive the bike right now, and I'm not leaving you alone in this parking lot. Trust me, J.J. here, is a complete gentleman, and he'll take care of you, and make sure that you make it home in one piece feeling better. You don't want our parents to see you like this and think that your job is getting to you, do you? You know how they are," T.J. said as J.J. held out his hand to Scarlet with a warm smile upon his face.

"I-I guess not, I still don't feel right about going out dressed like this," she said as she finally placed her hand into J.J.'s and got off of the bike allowing him to lead her the short distance to his truck where he held the door open for her with a smile.
"Don't worry about it, I know a perfect place where you'll be able to relax and will fit right in. Nobody will bother you with me around," J.J. said with a smile as he slid into the driver's seat and buckled in before pulling out of the parking lot into the late afternoon traffic of Houston.

As they stopped at a street light a text message popped onto J.J.'s phone and he laughed shaking his head, making Scarlet turn and glare at the phone "My brother is probably warning you about not entering into a drinking contest with me, if I know him." Scarlet smiled making J.J. turn his blue eyes to her and smiled giving her a slight nod to confirm her suspicions.
"He seems to think that you'd drink me under the table, and suggest that I not try to give you anything fruity with an umbrella in it or you might punch me for insulting you," J.J. smirked.
"He's right on both accounts. I hate fruity sissy drinks. I like my liquor the way that I like the muscle tone on any man who thinks that he'd even have a prayer in hell with me, Hard." Scarlet said giving J.J.'s impressive arms an approving look now that he was fully dressed and not flaunting his man bits.

"So since you hate fruity sissy drinks, may I assume that I won't go wrong if I were to order you a double shot of Jose Quervo, or Jack Daniels," J.J. asked as he pulled into a parking lot of a bar that was directly across from Hobby Airport. Scarlet smirked and rolled her eyes when she saw the name of the bar, and then smiled as she stepped inside and was greeted by the bar tender, which shocked J.J.
"Welcome to B-52 bar and grill, what the, Yates, I see you made it to the rank of major, the boys didn't say that you were stopping by. What will it be tonight, would you like the usual, or something with more kick," Tom asked with a smile?
"I'll have the usual, Tom." she smiled as she hopped onto the nearest bar stool followed closely by J.J.

"Is Mr. Watt with you, tonight, Major, or is it the other way around," Tom asked as he reached for two tumblers and placed them on the bar?
"I'm with him, tonight, Tom. He and my brother thought that I needed to unwind tonight before I went home," Scarlet said as Tom poured her a double shot of Jack Daniels, before turning to J.J. with a smile.
"What will you have Mr. Watt? It's on the house, as long as you're with the Major," Tom smiled.
"I'll have the same as her, thank you," J.J. said slipping a five dollar bill into the tip jar when the man's back was turned.

"You must come here often for him to know you this well," J.J. smiled.
"I come here at least once or twice during every break that I get to come home. Sometimes even more often than that, If the stress gets to me." Scarlet admitted as she sipped her drink slowly enjoying the soothing burn of the alcohol as it drained down her throat.
"You know, it's nice to kick back every once and a while with a few drinks, but it doesn't solve your problems. They're just waiting for you when you sober up," J.J. said thoughtfully.
"I know that, It just relaxes me, and makes me able to let things slide easier. Trust me, I am more likely to drink for the fun of it then to attempt to drink my problems away. I've seen too many people go that way, and destroy everything that they had. I'm no fool, J.J." she said as a rowdy group of men entered the bar and suddenly went silent and still as one of them called out something that told them exactly who they were.

"Squadron present arms!" yelled the voice making several pairs of legs straighten at once and the room went silent with the exception of the Jukebox playing in the corner. Scarlet slammed back the last of her drink and placed the tumbler down on the bar before turning her chair and her attention to the men of Alpha Squadron with a smile on her face. She slid from her chair snapped her feet together and returned their solute before speaking to them.
"As you were, Ladies! Has it escaped your brilliant minds that we are on leave, and that you don't have to do that every time that you see me," she asked? The men all burst out laughing as they walked passed the man who had made them snap to attention slapping the back of his head as they passed and took a seat at their regular table.

"Nice move Rookie," they teased the youngest and newest member of the squadron as he sat down with an embarrassed expression on his face.
"J.J., please allow me to introduce you to the fine ladies of Alpha Squadron. To your right is Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Gunner, Raider, and our newest member, Rookie. They call me Major Bombshell for obvious reasons," Scarlet laughed.
"Ladies, this is J.J. Watt of the Houston Texans," Scarlet said as she paid for their first round before stepping to J.J.'s side.

"Major, please don't call us Ladies, we're all men." complained Rookie.
"Dude, Rookie, we've discussed this man. We are called Ladies, because Major Bombshell is the only known female fighter pilot and squadron leader in the Air Force. It was either being dubbed the Ladies of Alpha Squadron, or the Pantie sniffers of Squadron Alpha. Personally I think that we'd all enjoy as our last wish on this earth to earn the right to take just one sniff of the Major's Panties, but frankly it's not worth death to attempt it while she's living, or to be called pantie sniffers," Falcon smirked making everyone laugh, and Scarlet scowl.

"Death indeed, Ladies. I ever catch any of you nutless wonder's anywhere near my foot locker, or my duffle, I'll personally ensure that you are rendered unable to reproduce or get a hard on ever again. I think the Arabs call it Khasi," Scarlet said making the men all give her a puzzled look. "You know, I'll castrate you and you'll be turned into true nutless wonders known to the world as Eunuchs," she smiled wickedly as every man on her squadron including Tom and J.J. covered their family jewels protectively making her laugh.
"This threat from the crazy bitch who has never seen a man's dick, and more than likely is still a virgin who wears Iron underwear," laughed Raider laughing until Scarlet removed a sharp dagger from somewhere and tossed it at him narrowly missing his left ear for his remark.

"My sexual orientation, preference, and choice is mine to make. Some people have a brain and don't choose to get down and dirty with the first dick that comes along. I happen to be saving myself for the man that I will marry and spend the rest of my life with, as it says the women from the bible have done. If respecting myself and my god is repugnant to you, then perhaps you should all go out and find yourselves a nice STD infested Whore to spill your seed into, because none of your ass wipes, are worth my time and effort. J.J., I think I need a stronger drink from any bar that these sex crazed idiots are not in attendance of. I'll see you later Tom when the pervs that fly with me aren't around. If I stay I'll end up having to explain to my C.O. why I murdered the entire squadron," Scarlet snarled as she wrenched her dagger from the wall and stomped out of the bar leaving J.J. to give her shocked squadron a scathing look as he exited on her heals.
"Smooth, man, really smooth. Why the fuck did you have to go there with the Major? You do know that she'll more than likely make our next drill a living hell for that remark," Gunner sighed as he drained his glass and moved away from the morons to call his wife and let her know that he'd be home soon.

Scarlet was sitting inside of J.J.'s truck with her arms crossed and a frown on her face when he slid into the driver's seat and gave her a look of concern. "This was supposed to relax you, not piss you off. I think you need to go somewhere where there is less chance of running into any of your Air Force buddies. Frankly I thought they were more than rude, and I wanted to stomp them all for you," J.J. said making Scarlet look at him.
"Would you really have done that for me, J.J.?" she asked curiously.
"In a heartbeat, besides your brother would have kicked their asses into next week if he was there," J.J. smiled as he drove towards the Alameda Mall with one goal in mind.

"I think that you need more of a distraction. You can consider everything from this point our first date." J.J. said as he pulled into the parking lot of J.C. Penny's and parked.
"J.J. why are we at a Mall?" Scarlet asked now confused.
"You said that you didn't feel comfortable going somewhere nice dressed in your camo and combat boots, so I'm taking you shopping," he said as he got out of the truck and ran around to her side to open the door like a gentleman for her.
"No, J.J., I can't let you do that. It's too much to ask of a guy that I barely met." Scarlet complained refusing to get out of the truck.

"Nope, I'm not having it, I'm taking you shopping and you're to pick out any dress shoes and whatever else that you need to feel like a lady before we leave the store. I'm not taking no for an answer," he said as he pulled her from the truck and quickly grabbed the dagger from her boot tossing it under the seat before he dragged her into the store. He pulled her into the women's section, and directly to the dresses as he turned a critical eye to her appraisingly, and rooted through the racks pulling several nice dresses in a few colors and pushing her into a dressing room with a smile on his face.

She promptly tossed back everything that wasn't black, pink, or some shade of blue hitting him in the face with the dresses that there was no way in Hell that she'd ever wear. J.J. handed the unwanted dresses to the attendant and snatched her combat boots and uniform along with her discarded bra from the changing room replacing them with a black strapless bra, and a sexy pair of black heals. She screamed at him when she looked down and realized what he had done, before putting the bra and shoes on, and stalking out of the dressing room only to be attacked by the attendant who removed the security tags and the price tags from everything, and leave her standing there stunned as J.J. wolf whistled at her and circled her looking her up and down.

"I knew that you had a rocking body under all of that camo, but Damned woman, a body like yours should be lavished with affections and should be shown off, not hidden. There's only a few things that we need to do now, and I think that we can get it all done here," he said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the cosmetics counter, and ordered them to help her out. Scarlet scowled at him every chance that she got, when her vision wasn't blocked by the makeup artist or the hair stylist, as they worked. When they finally released her to move, her makeup was light yet, alluring, and her hair flowed down her back and over her bare shoulders in waves with the front held back with two diamond combs shaped like bird or angel wings.

Scarlet looked at herself in a full length mirror and smiled as J.J. handed her a small clutch bag that matched her dress filled with the exact makeup that had been placed on her. "J.J., I should kick your ass for this. It's too much. Why did you do this?" she asked as he held out his arm to her.
"It's really simple, Scarlet Rose Yates. You are first and foremost a lady, and you should never allow any man to treat you like you're just one of the boys because despite your job choice, you are not and will never be a man. Someone needs to show you how a real lady should be treated, and I consider it a great pleasure to be that man. Come on, now. I think that you need dinner at the finest restaurant in Houston. What would you like to eat? Chinese, American, Mexican, Italian, French, Mederterainiian. It's your choice, my lady," J.J. said as he opened the truck door for her and gently lifted her into the seat with a smile on his face.

Within thirty minutes J.J. had Scarlet laughing, and they arrived at Spindal Top, which was one of the most romantic restaurants in Houston. The spindaltop was an upscale revolving restaurant that allowed for an excellent view of the Houston skyline, while serving the best southwestern inspired seafood that J.J. had ever eaten upon joining the Houston Texans, so he figured that it would be the perfect place for a first date with Scarlet Yates. For the first course they both had Butternut Squash with southwestern cilantro crema, and pea tendrils. The second course for both of them was the chilled cilantro shrimp salad served with a white balsamic dressing. The third course was for both of them was a lemon mint sherbet, followed by the fourth course of pan seared airline breast of chicken for her, and Grilled beef tenderloin for him.

J.J. followed up the amazing dinner with a lavish and decocodent desert of Chocolate Grand Marnier Cherry heart which they shared. Before going down to the bar within the Hyatt Hotel below the restaurant where they sat sipping shots of their best sipping whiskey before J.J. pulled Scarlet out onto the dancefloor and floated around the floor with her in his arms. She laughed in his arms as she felt warmth in her belly and the fluttering of butterflies as he made her feel like she was freefalling through the air once more. "What's on your mind," J.J. asked as he spun her back into him making her laugh again?
"It's nothing, J.J., and no I'm not intoxicated yet, I just feel good in your arms. It's like free falling all over again. I don't know why you make me feel this way, but I kind of like it," Scarlet admitted as she moved with him gazing into his sparkling sky blue eyes.

"I'm glad that I was able to please and relax you my lady. Are you ready to retire to your home before your big brother sends out the search party, or would you like to have one more dance with me tonight," J.J. asked with a smile on his face.
"What time is it?" Scarlet asked looking around for a wall clock or a watch on J.J.'s wrist.
"It's almost eleven. Are you going to turn back into Cinderella and is my truck going to turn into a pumpkin if you're not home by midnight," J.J. smiled?
"Don't be silly, that only happens if the handsome Prince Charming doesn't kiss the princess before the clock strikes twelve," Scarlet giggled as J.J. spun her around the dancefloor again.

"Well in that case I'd better kiss you so that you don't disappear from my arms." J.J. said as he gently tilted her chin so that he could bend and place a tender kiss to her lips that made her want to cling to him and more. He smiled warmly at her after pulling away and noticed her light blush. "If I've overstepped my boundaries, I'm sorry. It won't happen again without your permission," he said reading her stunned silence wrong thinking that she hadn't liked the kiss.
"That was my first real kiss, Could you do it again? I liked it." Scarlet smiled up at him.
"As you wish my Lady." J.J. whispered as he pulled her closer and made her melt into his arms as he kissed her a bit more passionately leaving her flushed and gasping slightly with her lips tingling from his kiss.

Later that night around eleven thirty J.J. helped her out of his truck and carried her things for her as he walked her up the front walk of the house. "I had a wonderful time with you tonight, J.J. Thank you for the most wonderful date that I've ever been on," Scarlet said as she unlocked the front door and tossed her duffle and her uniform into the door.
"Was it really your first real kiss that I gave you tonight," J.J. asked as he held her hand in his liking how well it fit into his own, and how the light from the front porch and the moon lit her face and danced on her hair and in her eyes?
"Yes, it was, but I hope that it won't be the last as long as it comes from a gentleman like you." she said as she stood on her toes and placed a tender kiss on his cheek before turning to go inside of the house.

"Would you like to go on another date with me sometimes," J.J. asked hopefully?
"I'd like that J.J. It's late, please drive home carefully." she said taking note of the beaming smile that lit up his face.
"Don't worry, I don't have far to go to get home. I live across the street." he said as he pointed out his house that was surrounded by a white railed fence.

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