Chapter 8 Eyes of Ice and Fire

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After being forced by the NFL and his family to take a vacation, J.J. had , had enough of it and wanted to go home.  He had argued with his family about it every day making their vacation miserable since they had taken his cell Phone and his Tablet away making sure that they were left at home in Houston.  The instant that he got home on Christmas Eve morning he turned and gazed longingly at the Hanger across the street noticing no outward change.  His shoulders slumped as he turned away and walked inside and up to his room  where he instantly grabbed his phone and started to check his messages with a frown on his face.
There were apparently several missed calls from a strange number that he had never seen before, and three voice messages.  He set his phone aside opting to check his tablet  for anything, and then his heart almost leapt out of his chest as he saw a missed video message from Scarlet's video chat account.  Had someone stolen her tablet, or hacked into her account?  He didn't know, but he was certain that he had missed the call since he hadn't been awake or sober enough when that call came through to even hear it.  He opened the video and tears flowed down his cheeks blurring his vision as a familiar sky blue eye  and soft pink lips of a woman who was mostly wrapped in bandages appeared on the screen and spoke in a soft tired broken sounding voice.
"J-Justin, I know that I look like Hell, but, I just wanted to let you know, that I'm alive.  I'm in a hospital in France.  They're trying to fix damage that I don't think that they can.  I'm sorry for what I've put you through, J.J.  Please, forgive me.  I'll call you when they let me come home, I don't expect for you to love me or even want me after what I've been through and everything, but I hope that you will still want me as a friend.  I love you, just so you know, thinking of you was the only thing that kept me from giving up and killing myself.  I've got to go now.  It's time for my meeting with the shrink." she said as the corner of her mouth that wasn't covered by the bandages slid up in a slight smile that didn't reach her sad eyes.
After checking the date he tried to contact her with her Skype only to back away from his tablet shaking when it came up that  her account had been deleted and disconnected.  He grabbed his phone and was about to check his messages when his brother came running up stairs with an envelope in his hand and handed it over to him with a strange look on his face.  This was in the mailbox for you, Big Bro.  There's not a return address, but it feels like someone's put rings in there or something."  D.J. said as he watched J.J. rip it open and gasp as the rings that he had given to Scarlet rolled out of the letter into his open hand.
"Dear Lord Sky Blue Eyed Devil,
I tried to call you several times.  I had hoped that you would have been there when I got off of the bus when I came home , but you weren't.  Before I spoke to Eagle, and learned that your family and the NFL had forced you to take a vacation so that you could get your head straight, I had thought that you simply didn't want me anymore and were ignoring me like my family was doing.  Apparently I was too repulsive for them to look upon, and they'd rather I had simply stayed dead instead of attempting to return to the land of the living as it were.  I can't even bare to look myself in the mirror every day because of how I appear.  Children run from me, adults either fear me or pity me.  I don't want that.  T.J. was the only one in my family who showed me any compassion.  I only hope that you can do the same.  If this letter finds that you've moved on with your life, I just wanted to say that I hope that we can remain friends.  If you think hard enough and you truly want more, however, I'm willing to try to move passed it all.  You'll know where to find me if you think about it long enough.
All of my love, and wishes for your happiness,
Lady Angel Rose Windsong"    J.J. was red with fury and the rings were clenched so tightly in his fists that they were cutting into his palm as he shot up from his bed and bolted passed his stunned family and across the street.
They followed him not knowing what to think, as he ripped open the hanger door and stopped short upon seeing that her car, and her biprop plane was gone along with all of her tools.  Inside was parked instead T.J.'s truck   where her car should have been.  He spun as He heard T.J's voice coming from the house screaming at someone again and ran for the house fearing that he was screaming at his Angel, his lady who he wanted now more than ever, and stopped short again when suddenly a set of heavy suitcases came flying out at him, as T.J. whirled on his father and mother again and screamed again.
"Son, be reasonable.  You don't have to move out." his mother cried.
""Tayler listen to your mother.  You're our son." started Mr. Yates as suddenly T.J. snapped and penned his shocked father to the wall between his well-muscled arms.
"Oh, I'm your son, and Scarlet is whether the two of you acknowledge it or not, your only daughter who you've treated like shit.  She's my precious baby sister, and is a hero for saving Eagle and Ace risking her own life.  You have done nothing but insult her, degrade her, belittle her, and cause her pain.  I don't fucking blame her for changing her name and leaving the family at all.  Hell, I'm thinking that she has the right idea, and just might take a leaf out of her book." T.J. snarled before he was pushed away from his father by J.J. who stared them both down with cold Ice blue eyes that were filled with a fire that T.J. had only seen a few times, and knew that it meant danger.
"What the fuck is going on?  Exactly where is Scarlet, and what have your parents done other than what I've overheard that makes you so angry at them that you'd want to move out of there house?" J.J. asked looking back and forth between them both.
"When Scarlet came home three weeks ago dad shot her in what's left of her right shoulder, and basically told her that she was dead to them, and that it would be better if she just offed herself.  She's been trying to make them see that she's still the same person under all of the scars, but they just won't see it.  It's their fault that she left changed her name and had all of her contact info unlisted.  I've been searching for her for weeks and haven't found her.  I've even asked Eagle and Ace because I know that she speaks to them on a daily basis, but they refuse to tell me anything as long as I live with her sperm donor and the incubator." T.J. frowned as he turned and grabbed his stuffed duffle bag and stomped from the house picking up this suitcases on the way out to the hanger to toss them into his truck.
"T.J. where are you going if you don't know where Scarlet is?" J.J. asked as he ran up behind him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know.  Maybe I'll just crash in my truck." T.J. said glumly.
"You most certainly will not, young man.  We have an extra room.  You are more than welcome to have it for as long as you need it." John Watt said as he placed an arm around his wife's shoulder and turned to walk back across the street to their home with their younger sons following them.  J.J. leapt into the truck with T.J. and pulled the letter from his pocket reading back over it again while T.J. pulled into the Watt's driveway and parked beside J.J.'s truck.
"God, J.J., I miss my baby sister.  I wish that I could get those friends of hers to just tell me where she is, but they are so loyal to her, after what she's done for them, that, there's nothing that they wouldn't do for her.  If she asked them to , they'd happily cut off their balls, and place a bullet between her eyes if that's what she wanted them to do.  She's been so depressed ever since she came home that I'm surprised that they've managed to keep her mind from going there."
"T.J., go and put your stuff in the spare bedroom, and tell my family to load up in the van and follow me.  I think that I know where she is, and if I'm right.  I'm going to be the happiest man on earth because scars or not, she's going to be my wife by the end of the night." J.J. said as he hopped out of T.J.'s truck and ran up to his bedroom to grab  a bag that had something that Scarlet had bought for him, and her wedding dress from his closet.
The Watt family all piled into their van, and T.J. leapt into J.J.'s truck and barely managed to shut the door as the truck spun backwards down the drive, and out onto the road with squealing tires.  "J.J. man, are you sure that you know where she is?  What if she's not there when we get there?" T.J. asked as he took notice of the long white garment bag that was laying on his back seat  with a duffle bag sitting on top of it.
"I know because she wrote me a letter telling me exactly what she changed her name to, and hinting at where she could be found until tomorrow night when it's the last day of the season." J.J. said as he moved the truck out onto I-45 North towards Conroe with his foot on the floor.
"Damned, J.J. do you have to drive like my sister?" T.J. asked as he held onto the hand grips of the truck for dear life.
"Yes, We have to get there as soon as we can and meet up with everyone.  I'm not letting her slip away from me this time, T.J." J.J. snarled as he stopped at a street light and rummaged through his center console and pulled out his wallet.
"J.J., what are you talking about?  Who are we meeting up with, and where are we going?" T.J. asked in confusion.
"T.J. Your sister is my spark, my Lady Sky Angel, she's my Rose, she's my Windsong.  We are meeting the team, and the cheerleaders where your amazing sister has been hiding herself, and I am going to marry her even if I have to sweep her off of her feet to do it.  I've made all of the arrangements once I figured it out, just trust me, and be ready to walk her down the aisle and give her away to me."  J.J. said with his ice blue eyes looking as if they were on fire at that moment as he made his plans and prepared to carry them out.
Thirty minutes found J.J. pulling into the parking lot of the Texas Reissuance festival, and pulling over to the private parking lot where the entire Texan's team and the Cheerleaders were already waiting for them dressed in sixteenth century styled clothing that made T.J.'s jaw drop in shock.  "No, fucking way!  She's been here the entire time!" T.J. blurted as he saw her car sitting in the parking lot alongside of Eagle's jeep, and Ace's Sports car.
"Yes, now, we are going to surprise her, and show her how much she means to us all.  Go with my family and get properly dressed so that you don't stick out like a sour thumb, T.J." J.J. ordered as he handed the dress bag to an member of the wedding staff and ordered them to please have the dress ready to get his fiancé into it, when he managed to get her to the changing room, before he ran off and changed into the chain male, colors, and armor that he was carrying in his duffle bag.
T.J. dressed and followed the Watts out into the festival grounds  and started to search for his sister with them, while  J.J. slid off unnoticed and managed to talk the white knight into letting him barrow his horse so that he could sweep his Lady Angel off of her feet .  "Wait a minute, I know you, you're J.J. Watt of the Houston Texans.  I'm one of your biggest fans, man.  What can I do for you?" the white knight asked.
"Do you know a lady here named Angel Rose Windsong, and exactly where I can find her at this moment?" J.J. asked as he patted the horse thoughtfully.
"Hell, Lord Watt, who doesn't know Lady Windsong.  Even a blind man could see that one arm or not that she's not a woman to be messed with, especially since she's very quickly became the festival sward champion, and has kicked the asses of every swordsman here." the Knight said with a chuckle.
"Where is she?" J.J. asked as he scanned the crowd of performers knowing that she had the connections to join them is she so wished.
"She's up the parade line there about fifty feet ahead of us.  The knight said as he prepared to mount his horse only to be stopped by J.J.'s hand on his shoulder.
"Look, I've been in love with her for a long time, and have been trying to marry her for just as long.  Do you think that I can barrow your horse, so that I can convince her to finally marry me?" J.J. asked with his sky blue eyes blazing.
"You love her that much, huh?"
"Yes, I love her that much and more than even she knows." J.J. said calmly.
"Well man, anything for love.  Um you do know how to ride, right?" the Knight asked as J.J. leapt easily into the saddle and gathered up the reigns.
"Yes I do, don't worry I won't hurt your horse." J.J. said as the horse pranced beneath him.
"Lord Watt, I'll tell you now, your lady love is not an easy one to get close to.  You might have to have a private word with her to convince her that she's worthy of you.  She seems to think herself ugly and unworthy of being loved.  My tent is over by the paddock in the staff area.  Feel free to use it as a private place to convince the lady." the knight said as the trumpets blared and the parade began to move.
J.J. placed his helmet onto his head and moved the horse forward as he worked on spotting Angel.  It took him a few minutes, but her sward tricks weren't hard to miss.  He waited until her sward was tossed again and made the horse leap forward and race along the parade participants swooping up behind her and sweeping her off of her feet and onto the horse to hang over his lap as he caught her sward and quickly rode away with her screaming with rage that she was going to castrate the knight that she clearly thought him to be with a smile on his face.
T.J. the Watts, and the team and the cheerleaders all turned in shock when they heard a horse neigh and the scream of none other than J.J. who was dressed in silver chain male and armor with white colored silk trimmed in sky blue with  a coat of arms emblazoned upon his chest as he rode a horse fast down the parade route, and scooped the very person that they were just now suspecting was Scarlet into his lap holding her there with an iron grip as he caught her sward in his free hand before it could hit the ground and wheeled the horse away making the crowds cheer at the show not knowing that it definitely wasn't planned by Festival staff.
As she was carried away into the staff camp grounds Angel could feel the erection of the horses rider begin to press into her ribs where she was held across his lap, and she blacked out mentally not realizing what she was saying or that it was in another language.  As he rode towards the tent of the white knight, J.J. had to hold her even more firmly and prayed that he could snap her out of whatever this was.  She was now screaming in rage in another language that he had never heard, and he feared that she had snapped back into the past and was having a flashback of the likes that he knew would haunt her dreams for a long while.  He didn't want to hurt her but she gave him no choice because as soon as he had pulled her from the horse after jumping off himself he was forced to grip her wrist tightly preventing her from plunging the very sharp dagger in her hand into his heart.
Her eyes were a turbulent mixture of fear, and rage, as he spun her around twisting her arm around her back and ripped the dagger out of her hand as she screamed out in pain and he pushed her into the tent closing the flaps behind him before sitting the dagger well out of her reach along with her own sward and his own sward belt.  She just stood there in the center of the tent with wide fearful eyes looking for anything that she could defend herself with as she held her now bruised wrist to her chest shaking like a leaf as sweat beaded on her forehead and dripped from her black leather mask that hid her scars like the phantom of the opera from the world.
J.J. removed his helmet and his gloves and tossed them to the floor of the tent as he moved silently up behind Angel, who suddenly spun on him with her hand raised to strike his face, only to have to catch her wrist in his hand again and to rip her off of her feet again, and carry her over to the low soft bed that was covered in soft quilts, fur, blankets, and silk sheets, and throw her down in the center of it.  Her eyes widened even more in terror of the man that she still couldn't see through her mental haze, and she screamed as he suddenly straddled her legs keeping her from kicking him.  She tried to slap him again, only to pinned to the mattress again this time with a gentler touch, and started to sob as one of the man's hands gently removed her mask from her face.
"No, no, please, don't , stop!  I'll do anything that you want, just please don't hurt me anymore!" she sobbed as she shook and started to hyperventilate as the panic took ahold of her.  A gentle hand caressed the scars that ran from the center of her forehead over her right eye, and down part of her cheek, and she heard the man who held her down take in a deep calming breath to calm himself before he spoke .
"I'd never hurt you on purpose, my Lady Sky Angel Rose Windsong.  I love you so very, very much.  Please open your eyes and look at me." J.J. whispered gently as he removed his right hand from her wrist and gently moved her face so that she was looking up into his blue eyes that were filled with love and pain for what she had suffered.
Her ice blue eyes blinked as she gazed up into his face, and her hand trembled as she brought it to cover her sob that escaped from her lips as the tears started to flow freely upon realizing exactly who was straddling her legs.  "J-J-Justin, I-I." she stammered as he leaned down and placed his lips to hers silencing her as he kissed her tenderly attempting to convey all of his feelings into that one kiss.  She moaned into his kiss  and ran her trembling fingers through his hair, as he deepened the kiss relaxing her further, and ran his hands down her ribs  lovingly.
"There's the beautiful woman that I fell in love with." he said as he pulled away for air, leaving her lips red and swollen from his kiss as she panted.
"J.J., I'm not," she started, only to be cut off by his lips as he unclasped her cape and the shoulder plates that she wore and placed tender feather light kisses to her shoulder that was missing the arm, before trailing his lips up her neck following the scars and gently kissing every inch of her scared face before kissing away her tears.
"Silence wench, you will, listen to me!" he ordered in a soft tone that made her want to melt beneath him as the butterflies fluttered in her stomach upon feeling his warm sweet smelling breath upon her face between each kiss to her face.
"I am aware of what those fucked up rapists did to you, and what you've been through, Angel.  I know that they hurt you, I know what you had to do to come home to us, and how your own family treated you.  I don't care about your scars, they are only on the surface.  It doesn't change the beautiful, crazy, brave, heroic amazing woman that you are inside," he said as he gently took her hand in his and placed tender kisses to her wrist that he had regrettably had bruised during her fight with him, before slipping the Eternity and engagement rings back onto her finger where they belonged. 
She gazed into his ice blue eyes that were filled with an unknown fire that made her want to tremble, and made her grow wet between her legs, it was so intense.  Angel, my love, do you remember what the first band that I gave you represents?" he asked as he continued to hold her hand in his gently running his finger among the eternity band with a gentle smile upon his face.
"Yes, it represents eternity." she whispered.
"That's right my Lady love, and what exactly does it mean when they say eternity?" he asked  as he lowered his lips to her collarbone and began to kiss her lightly there sending little tingles of pleasure down her spine.
"Oh, god, Justin, don’t' do that please." she pleaded softly as he unfastened one of the straps of her leather outfit and lowered the material to bare one of her breasts to his lips.
"Answer me, Angel of mine, what does it mean?" he ordered before he bared her other breast and started to kneed it gently while lavishing the other one with his tongue, making her gasp out her answer.
"F-forever, Justin, please, don't do this.  I'm not worth it, I'm deformed, damaged, and defiled.  You can do so much better than me, please, no," she gasped as he ran one hand down her stomach and under her leather pleated skirt and into her sexy leather panties that kept people from looking up her skirt.
"That's right, my Lady Love, that means that you are mine and mine alone for the rest of your life until the end of time.  I don't want anyone but you.  I want you to proudly bare my name and my children.  I want you to be by my side forever, and I want to make you happy , I want to make you forget all of your pain, and those that hurt you, by replacing those horrid memories with newer happy memories that will make everything that you've experienced up until this point vanish into nothing." he said as he kissed her and removed his tights before moving lower down her body and taking her leather panties slowly down her legs  removing them as he gently parted her thighs to lick and suckle lightly at her center in that way that he knew drove her wild.
She moaned softly as she felt his gentle familiar tongue stroking her center as he gently thrust a finger between her legs making her back arch in pleasure.  "Oh, my Lord, Justin, I-I, Oh,." she panted making him chuckle between her open thighs.
"Those idiots never made you feel this good, did they?  What they fail to realize is that just because a lady screams, it doesn't mean that she likes it.  Ladies such as you, my love, must be lavished slowly, and tenderly, to make their blood boil, with desire before a man can make them there's." J.J. said as he removed his finger from between her legs and brought it to her lips to have a taste.
"Do you see, Angel, of mine, if you didn't want me, and if I didn't want you, you wouldn't be so wet and hot between your legs right now, and I wouldn't be standing at attention with my rock hard dick throbbing to be buried deep inside of you.  I'm going to fix what I consider to be a major problem, right now.  I'm going to make love to you the way that I wanted to ever since I saw you that day years ago when you walked boldly into the locker room at the Stadium,.  I'm going to make you forget every pain that they placed upon your beautiful body, by lavishing you with every bit of my body gently the way that it was meant to be for your first time." he said as he rose slightly over her and positioned himself at her wet entrance.
Angel clenched her eyes shut as he slowly and gently eased into her  in small strokes filling her a bit more with each thrust of his hips , until she cried out in pain when he hit what she believed to be the very farthest that he was capable of going.  "Aaah, J-Justin, no, it hurts, your too big, I can't take it, please stop," she cried causing J.J. to stop where he was as he felt what couldn't have been there unless the man who raped her were less than men with dicks like fingers.
"Angel of mine, it's okay, calm down, love.  I need you to answer a question for me." he said upon taking note of how much of him was still outside of her trembling body.
"W-what?" she sniffed as she tried to relax around him not wanting the pain that was throbbing between her legs to continue any longer.
"Angel, did it hurt like this every time that they took you?" he asked gazing down at her with concern.
"Yes, why, isn't it supposed to hurt like this?" she asked as her body relaxed a bit further the longer that he remained still within her.
"Angel of mine, did you have your monthly visitor all of the time that you were held captive?  What I'm trying to ask, is did they manage to make you pregnant?  Did you miss even once?" he asked as his sky blue eyes flashed with a primal desire that turned them a dark shade of Safire blue.
"I was so regular, the entire time.  I assumed that the reason that I never got pregnant with their bastards was because they beat the shit out of me until I was laying there half dead after each rape session." she answered wondering where J.J. was going with his train of thought.
"Angel of mine, I think that you're virginity is remarkably still intact.  I think that the only reason that it hurt and you bled a bit , and didn't get pregnant is because of the fact that their sorry excuses of dicks were no longer than a finger even when erect.  There's only one way to find out, if I'm right, so I'm going to give you a choice." he said as he stroked her cheek lovingly .
"What kind of choice, Justin?" she asked as she tried to remain calm.
"I'm going to give you the choice of when I will continue this little experiment of mine.  You can either relax, right here, right now, and I can take you the way that I'd like to, or, we can slam on the breaks and I will wait until later tonight after you marry me and become my Lady Watt.  Either way, we are going to finish what we've started." J.J. smirked.
"Wait, did you say we're getting married today and you'll , you know, take me later tonight?" Angel asked in shock.
"Yes, we're getting married as soon as we decide what to do about this little interesting puzzle that we've discovered, and you are in your wedding dress.  I've made all of the wedding plans, and our guests are waiting along with my family, and T.J. who I had to stop from killing your ex-father." J.J. smiled as he pulled out of her reluctantly and kissed her before helping her back into her leather panties.
"Why do I feel like I'm still on fire J.J?" Angel asked as she stood and reattached her shoulder plates and her black cape about her shoulders.
"It will be better this way, besides, the guy that I barrowed the horse from would probably frame the sheets if I deflowered you in this bed, not to mention what he'll probably do to the tent and his saddle knowing that I more than likely may have farted on it." J.J. said making his lady burst out laughing as she reached for her mask.  He them moved quicker than she knew that he was able to in his armor and swiped the mask away from her hand and placed it into his chain male tunic shaking his head at her disgruntled expression.  "No, Angel, you're not wearing this mask anymore.  Let the world see the fire and the beauty that I see every time that I look at you." he said as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately before handing her back her sward and the dagger with a smile.

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