Chapter 10 A Mother's Worries

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Wanting to ensure his gut feeling , and his desire to have his unborn child growing within his wife's belly, J.J. awoke Angel at least four more times that first night and made love to her for up to three hours each time spilling his seed into her womb each time until finally falling into a satiated exhausted sleep as the sun arose over the beach house and the sun slowly crept across the floor. He awoke around noon to find his wife in the kitchen just plating up a healthy breakfast of egg white and spinach omelets served with turkey bacon, whole wheat toast and a bowl of fresh fruit for each of them. He kissed her on the scared side of her face as he took both of their plates and carried them for her to the table, while she turned to get the coffee pot, and poured him a cup choosing instead to have a glass of milk with her own brunch.

"You're not drinking coffee, why?" J.J. asked as he pulled out her seat for her and pushed her in before taking his own seat beside her.
"You seem to be under the impression that I've conceived our first child last night, J.J. I'm not taking any chances. I want to have our baby as badly as you do." Angel smiled as she took a bite of her omelet.
"That's good, but I might have to take you a few more times before we know for sure if you're pregnant." J.J. smirked as he placed his free hand on her inner thigh and got slapped away as her cell phone rang out.

He pouted as she answered her phone, and sat there with his arms crossed as she placed the phone on speaker mode and sat it on the table between them so that J.J. could hear the conversation. "We are aware that the two of you Horney little fuck bunnies were just married yesterday, but your mother expects you both over here for Christmas Dinner and refuses to allow anyone to open any presents until the two of you are here. That said get your naked ass out of bed, and get over here because Santa left more than a few presents under the tree for the two of you." T.J. said with a laugh in his voice.

"T.J., bro, have you been drinking dad's homemade eggnog?" J.J. asked shaking his head.
"Yeah, it's really good. I need the recipe, but he won't give it to me." T.J. complained.
"That's because it's a family secret passed from father to son, and you are just a brother-in-law to me, and a pain in the ass to everyone else when your drunk." J.J. laughed.
"Hay, I resent that remark! I am not drunk." T.J. said defensively.
"Keep on drinking that eggnog and you will be passed out by the time that Angel and I get there." J.J. said with a knowing snigger.

"Tell my mother, that we may be a little late for dinner, because we have a bit of last minute shopping to do since my wife didn't plan on spending her holiday with anyone." J.J. said before reaching forward and ending the call with a smile on his face.
"How do you expect to go Christmas shopping when everywhere will more than likely be closed?" Angel asked.
"Don't worry, your pretty little head about it, my Lady. Just call Eagle and Ace and invite them over to my mother's house." J.J. said as he handed her back her phone with a smile before taking their plates to the sink and washing all of the dishes as he hummed Christmas songs.


By New Year's day, J.J. was allowed to return to the football field and he played in his first game in a long time with his wife sitting on the sidelines by the bench cheering him on. By the end of January her pregnancy was confirmed, and she smiled like the cat that swallowed the canary as she watched J.J. out on the field playing in his first Super Bowl game in Detroit Michigan. The first quarter was a bust for the Texans, and the second had them doing slightly better against the Sea Hawks, but by Halftime they were all starting to wonder if they would be able to pull off a win against the three time Super Bowl Champions.

Due to her Military training that just wouldn't go away, Angel Watt was now the first female head coach in the NFL, and she smiled as she entered the locker room knowing exactly what to say to boost the entire team's fading Moral, and encourage them to win. "I'm not going to say anything about that first half gentlemen. You all know where it went wrong, and the mistakes that were made. We need to focus on the second half now, and I have something to say that just might give you all the fighting spirit that you all need to bring home the big win. I want you to all close your eyes, yes, J.J. even you. T.J., I said shut them!" she snapped as she popped her brother with a rolled up towel making him jump.

"Imagine it boys, Super Bowl rings on all of your fingers. Now Imagine the pride that you'll all feel as you all stand around your M.V.P. J.J. Watt next season with those rings on your fingers as you all fight with him over the right to be called god father to his first born son or daughter." Angel said making J.J. leap up to his feet followed closely by T.J. and the eyes of every man in the room pop open in shock over what she had just said. J.J. dropped his helmet on the floor as he ran to her and pulled her into his arms and gazed deeply into her sparkling blue eyes as she smiled up at him.

"Are you, Angel, are you really?" he asked hopefully.
"Yes, J.J. I am. Now get your head in the game, and win this for your baby." Angel ordered as T.J. stepped to J.J.'s side and handed him his helmet before putting him on the back in congratulations and hugging his sister warmly.
"You all heard the Coach, boys! I'm going to be a dad. Let's win this, and I'll make every one of you the baby's god father's for sure." J.J. yelled making the team chant Watt, Watt, Watt over and over again as they rushed out onto the field again.

J.J. kissed his wife on her cheek before running out into the team huddle, where they all placed their hands in the center and broke the huddle on the words of For Baby Watt confusing the opposing team greatly as to what exactly that meant and throwing off their game drastically. As the game passed with the Texans going ground rapidly, Angel's smile grew larger and larger as she watched her husband take down player after player causing them to lose more and more ground to the Texans. As the clock counted down and the Texans drew to a staggering lead, the win was assured when J.J. ran for the goal line with six men on his heels feeling like he could fly, as he ran the ball under the goalpost.

The Texan's colored confetti erupted all over the field, and Angel ran out onto the field with two of the team members chasing her around with the large igloo cooler of gather aid sports drink wanting to dump it over her head. She screamed as she ran into J.J.'s strong arms and they were both drenched as he kissed her passionately not caring that people all over the world saw him kissing his wife senseless until they were both drenched in sports drink. Angel and J.J. were then surrounded by reporters as they celebrated the win, and it took them hours to get free from the stadium.

As they were leaving for the team bus surrounded by the team and a horde of reporters, someone asked a question that J.J. actually felt the need to answer because his wife simply turned her head and buried her face into his chest in embarrassment at the reporter's question. "J.J. the first half of the game was depressing to say the least. What was the most inspirational words that your wife, Mrs.. Coach Watt said that you believe tipped the scales in the favor of the team?" the reporter asked. J.J. smiled down at his wife before he looked the reporter directly in the eye and spoke.
"The most inspirational words that my wife, our wonderful coach said tonight that was a complete game changer for us all, was the most wonderful thing that any man could hear in his lifetime. She informed us all that she thought that it would be nice if the Texans brought home the win, so that we could all be wearing a Super Bowl ring in September when our first son or daughter is born. I'm going to be a father." he said with a large smile on his face.

The reporters all chattered and crowded around them screaming for more comments as J.J. and the other members of the team surrounded Angel, and loaded onto the bus. In Houston, two televisions within two different houses glowed as the voice of J.J. Watt proudly proclaimed that they had pulled off the win because his wife was carrying his unborn child. One of the reporters managed to catch T.J. Yates, and asked him how he felt knowing that he was going to be an uncle to the child of J.J. Watt, and he smiled as he stepped onto the bus . "How do you think that I feel, my best friend, married my baby sister a few months ago, and They're going to be parents before I have even managed to get married. I'm the happiest big Brother, brother-in-law, and future uncle that has ever lived, and I am going to enjoy telling my future niece or nephew how their mother singlehandedly shocked the entire team, and encouraged us to win, souly for the pleasure of being named their god parents." T.J. smiled.

"You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen! The Texans have one the Super bowl for the joy of sharing the story of their victory with the Future child of Coach Angel and J.J. Watt. This reporter hopes them both all of the happiness in the world and the greatest luck upon their new adventure. This is Tim Keller for Fox 26 News signing off." the reporter said as Connie and John Watt screamed excitedly over being grandparents, and danced around the living room laughing. On the other side of the street, The Yates's sat there in stunned silence, finally thinking that maybe their daughter was more alive than they realized, and that they shouldn't have treated her as if she was dead.


The Yate's called T.J. and tried to talk to him, and to ask about his sister only to get hung up on, by Angel after they ordered T.J. to hand her the phone. It was now the day before J.J.'s birthday, and aside from being nervous over what they would see upon her first ultrasound that was to take place early in the morning the next day, Angel had been getting noticeably quieter, and barely spoke to anyone. J.J. knew that something was bothering her, but he could never get her to talk about it, figuring that it was a combination of things, that he had no control over. T.J. noticed her mood change as well, but he figured that it was simply her pregnancy hormones making her act funny, and didn't comment on it.

Earlier that day, J.J. had left the house with the other members of the team who begged him to make her come with them, since they were having a little pre-birthday party for J.J. knowing that he always spent that day with his family, and rarely drank in the presence of his parents,. Angel had been alone all day, and upon returning from the club with his brother-in-law, and his friends, at first thought nothing at all of the darkened house that he stepped into thinking that his wife was already in bed fast asleep. He walked straight through the living room and back into their bedroom, not bothering to turn on any lights, until he found that Angel was definitely not in the bed, and he jumped in fear turning on every light that he came upon on his way back through the house to grab his phone when he notice her sitting out on the back porch with the breeze moving her hair and making her robe flutter in the wind.

She just stood there unmoving until he wrapped his arms around her and whispered into her ear. "Angel, love, what are you doing out here? It's very late, I expected you to be in bed fast asleep by now." he said softly into her ear before she turned in his arms and buried her face into his chest and started to shake with silent sobs. J.J. scooped her into his arms and carried her into the house sliding the back door shut with his foot, before he settled himself into his favorite comfy armchair with her in his arms and whispered sweet soothing words into her hair as he rocked her gently.

"Angel of mine, what's bothering you? Why are you crying like this? He asked as he gently lifted her face to meet his gaze and to kiss away her tears of distress.
"J.J. I was sitting out on the back porch earlier today just enjoying our beach and the afternoon son, when that came in the mail." she said as she pointed a trembling finger at the offending package, and a large pile of opened letters that were addressed to Scarlet Rose Watt. J.J. stood with her in his arms and settled her back in the chair with ahis Texans jacket draped around her shoulders, before he stepped over to the offending pile of mail, and picked up a few letters scanning through them quickly with his muscles rippling with rage.

He then flipped open the lid of the box and found that it was full of what appeared to be baby things. A there was a baby book, filled with pictures, of a baby girl with the most beautiful sky blue eyes, and a tear stained letter that apparently had the tears of two different people on it, from Angel's mother. It appeared that she was trying to make amends to his wife, while her father was going the total opposite direction sending her letters that made his blood boil because of the effect that they were having upon his wife. He didn't know how they had obtained their address but he was damned sure going to find out.

"Angel, listen to me, darling! I want you to go into our bathroom, and rinse your face. Then I want you to get dressed into something comfortable, and to pack your nightgown, my pajama bottoms, and our travel bags. We're going to stay somewhere more comfortable tonight, and your big brother and I are going to go over to your parents' house with a couple of policemen, and have a nice little friendly chat with them about stalking, and harassment, and why it cannot continue, and what will happen if it does. I won't have them stressing you out. If I have to, I'll sale this house, and buy you another in a more secure location in a gated community with twenty-four hour security and police surveillance. If that doesn't stop the harassment, I'll quit the team, and take you to my hometown in Wisconsin, to get you away from this." J.J. said as he helped her to her feet and left her standing in the bedroom while he slid his feet back into his shoes, and quickly moved back into the living room to gather up the letters and the box, not sure how Angel felt about her mother's attempt at reconciliation.

Thirty minutes later found J.J. carrying his soundly sleeping wife up the stairs of his parent's home and into his old bedroom, to lay her into bed. The Police officers were waiting just inside of the front door beside T.J. and his father, while his mother turned away and went back up stairs to sit by Angel's bed, in case she awoke before J.J. had come back, and prayed that his father would be able to keep J.J.'s Temper in check.

Across the street T.J. rang the doorbell and then stepped inside when his confused mother opened the front door, followed by an Irate looking J.J. his father, and two policemen. J.J. calmly handed his mother-in-law back the box with all of his wife's baby things in it, and gently told her that he had appreciated her heartfelt apologies, and the gesture of her sending it to Angel, but that considering the letters that her husband hand sent along with it, that Angel was in no condition to accept it at the moment. He allowed her to hug him, and to thank him for truly loving her daughter, and smiled wiping away her tears as he told her that if she truly meant the things that she had said in her letter, to simply hold on to the baby things, until Angel was ready to accept them.

Mr. Jonathan Yates came downstairs then and the shit hit the fan, when T.J. snapped shocking everyone, and forcing J.J. to hold him back, from attacking his own father in rage. As T.J. was calmed and dragged outside, by John Watt, J.J. Handed the pile of threatening letters over the police. "Mr. Yates, I don't know what the hell, is your problem, but I'm only going to say this once. You are fucking lucky as hell that your daughter didn't press charges on your when you shot her in the shoulder when she came home, and that I wasn't there when it happened or you'd be in jail right now. I want the rude, threatening letters to stop and you will not step so much as a toe near my wife, until you've gotten some mental help for whatever this problem that you have with my wife is."

"I'd do it pretty soon and get your head out of your ass before your first grandchild is born, because if you don't, I will not allow you to even see my child, let alone to hold him or her even once. Refuse to change, and you'll have no right to any grandchild that Angel and I will have in the future. Is that clear?" J.J. asked with his arms crossed angrily. Mrs. Yates nodded and picked up the box of her daughter's baby things and simply carried it up stairs and shut herself into the bedroom that Scarlet used to use on rare occasions when she was too tired to go to the Hanger.

J.J. nodded and turned to leave, and then stopped as the policeman asked him if he wanted to press charges for the harassment. "Mr. Watt, do you want to press charges over the Harassment of Mrs. Watt?" the officer asked in a calm tone.
"No, just place it on record that he has been warned. If he persists in this stupidity, and causes my wife any further stress, then I will press charges and will have him prosecuted to the fullest extent that the law will allow. Now if you will excuse me, I need sleep because I have a busy day planned for tomorrow. Good night Mr. Yates." J.J. said as he left the Yates house with his father by his side, and his shoulders slumped as they reentered the Watt house.

"You should have pressed charges on the Stubborn old bastard!" T.J. growled as he plopped down onto the living room sofa.
"T.J., he's mentally unstable, and depressed over something that he has not come to terms with yet. Angel once told me that everyone grieves in their own way, and that some never get over it without mental and emotional help. Your dad, has never seen a grief counselor, when you all thought that Angel was dead, and then he went into shock upon finding that she was alive. I think that part of his mind still thinks that she's dead, while the other is struggling to accept the fact that she isn't. Think of it from his point of view, yes, I'm pissed that he's done this, and yes, it's not cool that he is treating Angel like this, but, he's the one who is unstable, not her. I'm going to bed, Angel and I are going to her doctor in the morning to get the best present a man could have on his birthday." J.J. smiled as he stretched sleepily and yawned.
"What's that?" T.J. asked.
"She's having her first ultrasound. I'm going to get to see our child for the first time and will get to hear its little heart beating. I can't think of anything that I'd rather have." J.J. said as he climbed the stairs and hugged his mother goodnight before shutting the door as she left the bedroom.

The next morning Angel was silent and toyed with her food listlessly while Connie tried to get her to eat just a little more than a bit of eggs on a slice of toast. Just as J.J. entered the kitchen she looked up at him with sad eyes and sighed deeply. "Angel, mom's right , you should eat a little more than that, or you'll be hungry long before lunch." he said with a worried expression on his face.
"J.J., about yesterday." she started before he squeezed her hand gently and brought it to his lips brushing her knuckles tenderly.
"I was gentle with your mother, because of her kind words of encouragement to you in her letter and her effort to give you something special. I've asked her to please hold on to the box of baby things until you decide that you're ready to speak to her about it. Your father, was strongly advised to stop sending your those letters with the threats, slurs, and insults and was ordered to get mental help. If he doesn't than I'm not going to allow him anywhere near you or our baby, and that's final. Now please eat some more breakfast." he coaxed as he stabbed a few pieces of fruit onto his fork and held it out to her lovingly.

They left for the doctor's appointment after that, and Angel was silent in thought in the passenger side seat, as J.J. drove his truck through Houston, towards Texas Children's Hospital where her doctor was based. "Angel, talk to me, what's bothering you?" he asked as she sighed again and placed her left hand on her right shoulder tapping it thoughtfully.
"It's nothing that we can do anything about, Justin. I just feel inadequate, that's all." she said not meeting his eyes as he waited for the traffic light.
"Angel, come here." he ordered in a soft tone.

She didn't move, instead tears started to flow down her cheeks and she started to shake. "Angel, don't make me stop the truck, and come and get you. Come here." he ordered a bit firmer but still in a gentle tone, as he reached over and released her from the seatbelt and grasped her arm gently tugging her over into his embrace. She finally slid over and buried her face into his side, as he stroked her hair and crooned soothingly to her. "Angel, Sweetheart, please don't cry. What's wrong? Please talk to me." he said as he pulled into the parking lot and parked under a tree before shutting off the engine, and wrapping both arms around her.

"J-Justin, I can't do this. Most mothers have two arms to take care of their babies. You can't be with me twenty four hours a day. How am I going to do the simplest things for our baby with only one arm? What if, I can't take care of our baby and it gets taken away from me because they think that I'm an unfit parent? What if my own baby takes one look at me, and I scare it so badly that the baby grows up thinking that its mother is a horrible monster? What if I hurt our baby, what, if-if, oh, god, he's right, I'm nothing but a freak who doesn't deserve to have a baby!" she sobbed starting to lose it completely.

"Angel, listen to me. Your father is wrong. You're not a monster, you are a loving, caring, strong, smart, inventive woman who is going to be the best mother that our baby could ever want. I've been reading some articles online and found a few tips for mothers who only have one arm to work with, and I'm certain that we can do this. You can do this. As for only having one arm, what do you think about after we are done here, I take you over to Methodist Hospital and we tell them what you need in a prosthetic limb. Maybe they can come up with something that will make you feel normal, that will give you back almost full use of your right arm. Come on, my Lady, calm down, and let's go and see our baby for the first time. While we're here I want you to think over what I've said." J.J. said as he opened the truck door and helped his wife out, guiding her into the hospital.

Fifteen minutes later found Angel feeling much more calm with J.J. by her side, and yet nervous as she clenched her husband's hand in hers while they both watched the monitor as the doctor moved the ultrasound probe over her stomach and then stopped as the sounds of the baby's heart beats sounded into the room through the speakers. J.J.'s face was excited, and he placed a tender hand onto the screen in an attempt to trace their baby's outline, when he noticed something strange at the exact same time that Angel did. "Why does our baby's heart sound like that? Is something wrong with the baby?" she asked fearfully, before J.J. moved so that she could see the screen more clearly and gazed down at his wife with pride glowing in his eyes.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Watt, from the looks of things your twins are doing just fine." Dr. Wintergreen said with a smile. Tears filled Angel's eyes as she stared at the monitor in shock unable to speak. In her mind one baby would be a challenge, but twins, oh god , what would she do? How would she be able to handle it? The doctor noticed her tears and the stricken expression on her face, and placed a tender hand over Angel's stomached as she printed out the Ultrasound for them to take home. "Mrs. Watt, I hope that you don't mind, my boldness, but I've written you a referral to visit a prosthetic specialist at Methodist hospital. When you are done here, Mr. Watt, you should take her over and give them this script. It's for the most advanced prostatic on the market, and because your wife is a veteran, we've decided to cover the cost. I want her to be fitted as soon as possible and start rehab and therapy so that she can get used to using the prostatic long before your twins are born." smiled Dr. Wintergreen as she placed the printed copy of their ultrasound into a folder and handed it over to J.J., who was gaping at her.

"Did I overstep, Mr. Watt, I only thought." she started before J.J. snapped out of it and spoke.
"No, Dr. Wintergreen, it's great, It's just that we were just discussing this exact thing before we entered your office for our appointment. I'll make sure that we get over to Methodist, for sure now. All I want is for my babies to be strong and healthy and for my wife to be happy with herself. Thank you very much." he smiled as Angel still gaped in shock.
"It was my pleasure, Mr. Watt. I'll just leave these papers with you, and leave the two of you in private so that Mrs. Watt can get the goop off of her belly. I'll see you again at your next appointment and look forwards to seeing your progress. And Mrs. Watt, Don't let whoever is stressing you out get to you. You're more of a person than they will ever be." Said the Doctor as she left the room.

By the time that they got out of the appointment at Methodist, they had missed lunch and Angel was starving. J.J. took her out to her favorite restaurant in the medical center area of Houston, and just couldn't stop smiling the entire time. The Doctors of Methodist had measured her for a state of the art prostatic, that would look feel and move like her real arm with nothing but a twitch of her muscles and nerves in her shoulder. They had shown her an example of the prostatic and how it would work, using another willing volunteer who had already used the same kind of prostatic, though he preferred the one that looked like it was part of a robot instead of the more natural looking one that Angel was going to get in a weeks' time.

They returned to The Watt home to enjoy J.J.'s birthday and the ultrasound was passed around that clearly showed that J.J. and Angel was expecting twins. They were all externally happy that at last Angel was going to get a prosthetic that would hopefully make her life easier. The only thing that still bothered them both greatly was whether or not Jonathan Yates would continue to bother Angel. J.J. didn't want her to worry about it, and decided to start looking for another house to raise their children in, just in case it was needed, not telling Angel that he had already made up his mind.

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