Chapter 6 Blood for Blood

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A month had passed with no word from Scarlet, and everyone kept their eyes glued to the news broadcasts for updates from the front lines. J.J. had taken her wedding dress home with him, and hung it in his closet so that he'd have the last thing that she had worn where he could see it to give himself comfort. As the days passed slowly by, he simply sat on his bed with his head in his hands. He had gotten so damned close to finally being married to the woman of his dreams, and cursed the U.S. Government and the Air Force for taking her away. From the day that she left J.J. and his family along with T.J. and the Yates's all spent every spare moment either in church or anywhere else that they felt at peace on their knees in prayer for the safe return of Scarlet.

The Yates family lost that hope one day upon the late evening news broadcast while at dinner over at the Watt home. They were watching channel Fox 26 Houston's segment called focus on our Forces, when their hearts were caught in their throats and their stomachs seemed to hit the floor. They all looked in Horror and shock as one after another the Familiar faces of Alpha Squadron appeared upon the screen. Gunner Wilson, Hawk Pearce, Falcon Thomas, and Rookie Chance were all reported killed in action. They all exchanged shocked expressions around the table each not able to eat another bite as they realized that there were three of Scarlet's team yet unaccounted for.

Suddenly there was a breaking news report from a live correspondent in Pakistan. "Fire rained from the skies above Pakistan early this morning as three remaining members of the U.S. Air Force known as Alpha Squadron were flying back to base, as enemy forces attacked again disabling one of the U.S. Fighter Jets to the point where the other two had to aid the Pilot in an Emergency landing. Here's live video footage of exactly what happened. It is unknown at this moment if the two pilots that managed to land have been captured or not, all that is known for certain at this point is that one of the three broke away from the other two to attempt to draw the Enemy fire, and we were treated to a spectacular air show unlike any that we've seen thus far."

"Wait a minute, we're getting confirmation as we speak. It seems that the two pilots Eagle Montgomery, and Ace MacClare have in fact landed and have been picked up by ally forces. It has now been confirmed that, the spectacular air show that regrettably ended in a fiery crash of many enemy plains as well as the last of Alpha Squadron was indeed performed by Squadron Leader Major Scarlet Rose Yates. It is unknown at this time if Major Yates managed to escape her jet, or her exact whereabouts at this moment. Our prayers go out to a true American Hero who refused to stop fighting until the last. Our prayers are with the Major wherever she may be, and with her family back home. May god bring her home safely and if not may her body be reclaimed so that it may be returned home for a Hero's burial as befits such a fearless worrier of the Sky's." The television was turned off by John Watt as the Yates family burst into tears and J.J. sat there in clear shock staring at the black screen refusing to accept that Scarlet may well be dead.

He didn't sleep at all that night and slept even less the longer that they went with no further news of Scarlet. Then one morning a week after the crash that ripped their world apart there was a panicked pounding upon J.J.'s front door that made his mother drop her cup of coffee, his brother's choke on their breakfast, and his father step quickly to the door while J.J. stared at the Television willing them to say something, anything about his beloved Scarlet and her condition. He jumped when the Television was abruptly shut off to find T.J., Ace, and Eagle with his left arm in a cast and a patch over his right eye as they stood in front of him.

He leapt to his feet with the question on his lips, and was cut off before he could even utter a single word. "J.J. sit down man, because this is going to hurt." T.J. said somberly as he wiped a tear from his eyes.
"No, no, please don't tell me that she's really dead!" J.J. pleaded as he started to shake.
"We don't know if she's alive or dead Mr. Watt. They found the plane, and it looked like she was hit with armor piercing rounds and had caught fire. They didn't find her body or even any ashes to suggest that she was still in the jet when it had hit the ground." Eagle said in a soft pained voice.

"It looked like she had been forced to kick her way out. The wind screen was shattered, and the seatbelts were unbuckled . There was a lot of blood around the glass as if she either climbed out or was taken out by someone else. It hasn't been announced but she is still considered missing in action until our forces have searched every possible place for her. We only hope that wherever she is, that she is with friendly forces and not the opposite." Ace said.
"The last order that we got from her before we lost radio contact was to get the hell out of the area, and to tell you that she didn't care what it took, that she'd come home to you all, and that she will love you until her last breath leaves her body." Eagle said as he pointed directly at J.J. who was stunned beyond words.

"Scarlet said that she'd come home to me. If there's even the smallest chance that she's out there alive somewhere, I'm not going to give up on her. Thank you, guys for coming and telling me this. It means the world to me." J.J. said as he got to his feet and finally decided to attempt to get some much needed sleep. If Scarlet was going to fight to come home to him the least that he could do was to fight to live for her, even if his dreams that flooded into his mind were the worst nightmares that he could imagine of his Lovely Scarlet being held prisoner somewhere and being tortured and raped by dark skinned men who spoke in a language that he couldn't understand. Every morning after that he'd awaken with his dreams going dark and her pained and weakened voice whispering his name, and begging him to not give up on her.


Scarlet awoke three days after the crash in immense pain that was unlike anything that she had ever experienced in her life. The right side of her head and face was throbbing and she felt like her head had been shaven completely bold before it had been wrapped in bandages of clean white gauze. She couldn't feel her right arm below the shoulder that hurt like hell and got even more worried as she attempted to move it only to find herself to be strapped down to a hospital bed of some sort like you would find inside of a Doctor's office. She groaned as she attempted to open her left eye that wasn't covered by the bandages just as the sounds of the Urdu language filled her ears when a doctor in white suddenly appeared in the door way and entered the room tasking under his breath as he was followed into the room by four other men dressed in the Uniforms of the Enemy forces.

"Oh, fuck, I'm dead for sure! God please help me survive this." Scarlet thought as she listened to the men's conversation with them unaware that she could understand every single word that they spoke. Suddenly the Doctor silenced the men as he noticed her blue eye staring at him and watching his every move wearily and he moved to her side to gaze down into her face as he spoke then in accented English.
"Well, it seems that our little wounded bird has finally awakened, my comrades. How are you feeling, little bird? Are you in pain?" the Doctor asked as he moved to her other side and checked the dressing on the surgical wound of what was left of her shoulder, which wasn't much.

"As if you care if I'm in pain, you suckers of dog shit." she rasped out in their native tongue surprising them all.
"You are the most surprising American that we've ever come across little bird. And you have quite a tongue on you, for a virgin who is not more than a little girl in our eyes. We've never managed to capture any American female officers until now, so you're a bit of an oddity. Had you not been so horridly burned and deformed with scars that will never fade, we'd probably have great fun and make a great deal of money from selling your mostly lovely body to the highest bidder after you are healed, but regrettably for you, no wealthy man would want such a disgusting monstrosity for his wife or even for his whore,. That leaves you for the likes of us."

"My friends and I have never seen any virgin with such wonderful taste in under garments, and it's been a long time since either of us has tasted the sweetness of a virgin. You may well enjoy this , little bird." said the Doctor as he moved the cold metal stirrups that her feet and legs were tied down to into an open position that left her feeling extremely vulnerable and exposed once she realized that she was in fact wearing not undergarments except for her silk stockings, the garter belt and the corset which had ended up protecting her ribs and vital organs during the crash.

"As discussed gentlemen since I saved her life, I get to taste her first you have until I make her juices flow to decide who gets to test her next." he said as he settled himself of his rolling stool, and moved between her legs and began to lick and suck at her hard as she clenched her eyes shut and tried to not react knowing that was exactly what they wanted, to hear her scream. Tears flowed down her face as one man each began to fondle her breasts and sucked and nipped at them, while the Doctor continued to assault her with his fingers and tongue. Another man removed his organ that thankfully was nowhere near as large as she knew J.J.'s to be, and she winced as he forced her to turn her head and take him into her mouth warning her that if he felt her teeth, that he'd slit her throat, while the last of the men had started to thrust one of his large finger's deep into her ass making her scream at last in pain that made her orgasm hard making the Doctor between her legs moan into her and lap up the resulting fluids from her center greedily like a starving man.

It continued like this for the next five hours with each man rotating and taking his turn between her trembling legs until they had each had a taste as they called it three times and she had tasted the disgusting saltiness of their seed as it flowed down her throat making her choke equally as many times. She lost consciousness just as they had carried her into a small dark cell and tossed her roughly onto the floor like a rag doll, before she could hear them discussing how they would decide who would get to take her Virginity. As her world went black her last though was of J.J.'s smiling face with his eyes the color of the wide open sky. At that moment she feared that she'd not be able to keep her promise to return home to him and the tears flowed.

It took the five men a day and a half to come to terms with who would have the apparently great honor of deflowering her, and for them to decide who would go next and so on. Scarlet was feeling a bit better at this point, due to the Doctor's insistence that she be fed well, and that her wounds were treated . . So now she sat alone in her dark cell thinking over how she could escape from this hell that she was being held captive in. Suddenly the light came on and blinded her momentarily as she was ripped from the floor and was dragged by her left arm into a brighter room with one window, a simple bed, a chair and a table within it. She was given a sponge and a large bowel with a pitcher of water and was told to make herself presentable and was then left alone in the room.

Feeling absolutely disgusting she bathed herself as best as she could and struggled to remove the corset so that she could clean herself better, when suddenly she was grabbed by the back of her neck and was thrown down onto the mattress and she gaped at the naked man as she tried to scooch away from him unsuccessfully. As he leapt at her and penned her wrist to the bed as he hoisted her legs up and positioned his rock hard organ at her entrance before without warning or proper preparation thrust into her body hard and fast tearing her tender flesh though unknowing not the flesh that he truly wanted to rip through, and filling her completely as she screamed in pain and blood spurt from between her legs as he ripped into her over and over making her tears flow and her screams of pain intensify as he ravaged her body.

After that horrid occurrence, Scarlet was passed around to all of the five men day after day and if they feared that she'd become pregnant they'd beat her half to death to prevent the seed of their lust from taking root within her womb. It had continued this way for almost an entire eight months before one of them finally made a mistake that proved to be fatal. Scarlet was by this time always on guard and was on her feet before the obviously drunk man could move across her cell. He staggered towards her and dropped his pants around his ankles allowing a very sharp knife that he always carried to fall carelessly to the floor.

Knowing by now exactly what he wanted from her she dropped to her knees and began to pleasure him with her hands and her mouth as she slowly reached for the knife that lay on the floor beside her and waited for him to throw back his head before she brought the knife flashing up and clamped down on him with her teeth before bringing the knife down between them completely severing his genitals from his body in one quick move before she leapt to her feet and silenced his screams forever with a quickly savage slash to his throat. She then quickly grabbed up his degraded pants and his top shirt of his uniform that was slightly splattered with his blood and put them on before taking his pistol in one hand and stepping from the cell with one goal on her mind, Freedom.

Quickly moving like the highly trained Military officer that she was despite her obvious limitations she soon managed to take down every one of the men who had tormented and raped her for eight months, before sneaking out and stealing a set of women's clothing that hung upon a line in someone's back garden, and made her way out into the last place that anyone would think to look for her. In their minds no woman in her right mind who was not from that country would venture out into the deserts on foot, that made it easier for her to hide from them. She only hoped that she could find the American troops and that they wouldn't shoot her first and ask questions later.

The heat in the desert was far worse than she was prepared for and by the fifth day out in the desert she could go no further, and collapsed in exhaustion rolling down a sand dune right into the exact place that she needed to be. It wasn't an American camp, but the instant that they caught sight of her tattoo that was in the shape of a heart with the air force wings in the center colored in the pattern of the U.S. Flag she was taken by those friendly troops and was transferred to a Military Hospital in France where she was nursed back to health and was treated for several illnesses and infections. Once she regained her voice and was able to relay her story to them they also tested her for any sexually transmitted diseases, and she was extremely thankful to have come up clear. Now all that she had to do was to get into contact with J.J. and her family and to let them know that she was alive and was coming home.

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