Chapter 9 Fireworks

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Once outside of the tent J.J. mounted the horse again and held out his hand to Angel who shook her head refusing to trust riding with him again on the horse choosing to walk beside him instead. "J.J. I've got an idea, that will make our wedding day more fun, and interesting. The renaissance festival, loves pageantry and shows. The way that you carried me off gives me an idea. You go and return that horse to Sir Oliver and meet me at the jousting arena. I have a little something fun planned that will sooth your ego a bit, especially if you manage to beat me at my own game. You do know how to use that manly sword on your hip, right?" Angel asked with a beaming smile on her face.
"I certainly do. You're not the only one who was the captain of the fencing club, although I was always more interested in football, so you'll have to take it easy on me if it looks like you're about to hand me my ass on a silver platter." J.J. chuckled.
"I make no promises, my Lord Sky Blue Eyed Devil." Angel laughed as she turned and ran towards the kings podium to have the announcement made.

After returning the horse J.J. popped up out of nowhere between his mother and T.J. who both gave him stunned expressions. "Scarlet didn't look too happy with you, darling. Is everything sorted out between you?" Connie asked her son.
"Oh, it's fine mom. She's agreed to marry me after all, but I kind of pissed her off, so she wants to call me out on it in public, and make me earn it." J.J. said as the King suddenly stood and called out to the crowds.

"Honored guests, Lords, and Ladies, Presents, and commoners please be still. It has come to our attention that our Huntress Lady Angel Rose Of Windsong has been insulted by an unknown knight, who has stolen her magical mask of truth. For that reason she has decided to issue a challenge to this most dishonorable knight and shall give him a chance to return the mask in return for his worthless hide. Lady Huntress, you may precede." the king said as he guested to the arena floor of the joust ring with a flourish.
"My thanks to you my King." she bowed as she stepped out onto the joust field with her crimson leather armor shining in the afternoon sun and walked the fence that separated the crowd from the arena spinning her sward preparing to issue her challenge.

"Where are you sir knight? Surely after our last encounter you are not afraid to face me, and to meet your death like a real man?" she said as she passed J.J. and gave him a slight nod as she traveled to the other end. J.J. stepped out of the crowd and leapt over the Gard rail drawing his sword making the crowds gasp in shock as he removed her mask from under his chain male.
"Truly Lady Huntress, I meant not to harm you, or to insult you by taking this little trinket of yours. I'll make you a deal my Lady Huntress. I will return your mask of Truth to you if you will throw down your sward fall to your knees and agree to become my bride until your last breath." J.J. said as he dangled the mask.
"You are a fool, Sir knight. I am a warrior first and foremost and if you think that I will ever yield to your whims simply because you are man, and have stolen my possession, I will enjoy removing you of your thieving hand with its sticky fingers, followed by your manly pride." she said smiling wickedly.

" You won't be needing them anyway for I have vowed that I shall wed no man unless he can best me in combat. You may look strong, but there have been many who have underestimated me in the past. What say you to that?" Angel asked as she prepared to square up against J.J. who simply smiled before he stabbed his sword into the ground and then broke the mask in half with a grin. Angel charged at him and he quickly grabbed his sword and spun blocking her sword as it crashed against his before placing a chased kiss on her lips making her face go almost as red as her armor.

She snarled and the fight was on. The Texans team and cheerleaders all rooted for J.J. while his family and T.J. rooted for the Huntress Angel who was doing a pretty amazing job of meeting J.J.'s sword on every blow though she only had one arm to work with. They moved all over the jousting field as Angel ducked , jumped, swerved, and spun with her sword giving J.J. a real challenge. It seemed to him that they were evenly matched until he managed to tackle her to the ground only to be kicked off , and to have her leap back to her feet, and come after him with a new energy that made him laugh.

He spun just as she almost had him and managed to get her into a headlock with his sword at her neck as he whispered seductively into her ear. "This is fun, Love, Remind me to show you how my sword that I have hidden inside of my pants works after we are married tonight." he said.
"Sir Knight has a dirty mind and an equally dirty mouth, perhaps I should remedy his foul language with my dagger removing his wicked tongue for him, but first." she said as she suddenly rammed her elbow into his ribs and then managed to free herself from his grasp to rowdy applause.
"Oh, you are going to regret that one , my Lady Huntress , J.J. said getting tired of allowing her to thrash him.

"Am I now, I'd like to see what you are going to do about it." Angel said as she pushed him away from her forcefully making Eagle and Ace cheer her on. Suddenly J.J. sped up his moves, and she couldn't keep up with him, and lost her footing when her boot got caught up in her cape sending her sword flying out of her hand to stab into the ground just out of her reach as she fell onto her back. She moved to reach for her dagger only to find J.J.'s sword had flicked it out of its holster and was now stepping on it, with his sword tip resting between her heaving breasts as she laid there stunned staring up into his eyes.

"Do you yield, Lady Huntress, or shall I embarrass you further by taking you right here in front of all of these good people?" he said loud enough for all to hear.
"I yield," she whispered where he could hear her but the crowds couldn't.
"Come again My Lady, I don't think that your Master the King, and his loyal subjects heard you correctly. Would you repeat that just a bit louder?" J.J. smiled.
"I YIELD, I'LL MARRY YOU FOR GOD SAKES, LET ME UP!" she screamed angrily over getting beaten.

"You heard the lady, Guards, take my bride to the royal dressing chambers and have her properly prepared for our nuptials at once. You hand maiden, ensure that she is dressed properly from head to toe, I want her attired properly and smelling sweet like Apples and spice." J.J. said as his brother's and his mother stepped out onto the jousting course and escorted Angel away hanging her head and hiding her smile with her long red hair. "You're Majesty, please allow me to properly introduce myself to the court." J.J. called out as the crowds cheered.

The king nodded, and J.J. smiled as he sheathed his sword and collected Scarlet's sword as a prize. "I am not just some common knight from afar. I am Lord Justin James Watt crowned prince of the Kingdom of The Houston Texans. I have searched these lands far and wide for years to find my Lady Love, only to find her here within your kingdom at long last. It would be a great Honor if the court and all of its subjects, and honored guests would join in on the celebration of my nuptials to my Lady. All Expense of food and drink shall of course be paid from my coffers." J.J. said as he bowed to the King and Queen of the Festival with respect.

Upon realizing exactly who J.J. was and what he was offering not only to the staff and performers but to everyone in attendance at the renaissance festival, the King bowed and made the announcement to be proclaimed through the festival so that all could partake of J.J.'s generosity. The wedding was held in the rose garden so that all could attend, and there were several cameras both video and digital going off to capture the memorable bonding union and hand fasting ceremony of Justin James Watt to his lady Angel Rose Windsong who decided to drop her last name completely and use only the Watt name to J.J.'s great joy.

As agreed upon T.J. walked his sister down the aisle beneath an arch of knights with their swords drawn, and the crowds gasped at her beauty as her white and sky blue trimmed gown flowed around her on the gentle December breeze. They ate, and drank, and danced until the royal fireworks display later that night as the sky darkened, and J.J. held his wife close and danced with her never taking his eyes off of the way that her eyes parked with the light from the exploding fireworks. As they left the festival grounds, T.J. and the others who had rented costumes returned them, and J.J. tossed T.J. his keys to the truck because he was going to drive his wife's car wherever she wanted him to take her for their wedding night and honeymoon.

"So, Lady Sky Angel Rose Watt, tell me, my love, what would you like to do now for our wedding night and honeymoon." he asked as he helped her into the passenger seat of the car and then ran around to the driver's side before giving the paddle shifter on the steering wheel a strange look. "So how do you work this new system that you've got in the car? I might have to let you drive instead." J.J. said as he turned the key and the car hummed to life.
"It's not that hard, really my Lord Sky Blue Eyed Devil. This one on the top is reverse, and Neutral the four on the back side of the steering wheel are the six gears. To move through them just press them down while you press on the clutch. Go ahead and pop her into reverse. If you can't handle it, I'll drive." Angel said with a smile as she scooted up next to her husband and leaned gently into his right shoulder.

After a few minutes out on the road, J.J. soon had the hang of driving with the paddle shifter, and smiled over at his wife as she programmed the GPS for him, to lead him right to where she wanted to spend their wedding night and Honey moon. "So, where are we going? Your brother is staying at my parents' house now, and I definitely want you all to myself for a long while before we get back to real life." J.J. smiled.
"Why don't you just follow the GPS, and you'll find out now only where, I've been living for the past three weeks, but where we will be living until you decide to find another house here in town that isn't so close to the givers of life." Angel said with a little smile tugging at her lips as she snuggled close to J.J. as he drove on into the night.

J.J. slowed the car and gaped at Angel in shock when the GPS declared that they had reached their destination. "You rented the house that we were going to be married at the first time?" he asked in clear shock as he pulled into the driveway and parked the car.
"No, I bought the house and the private beach attached to it with the money that I've been saving for my dream home since I was five." Angel smiled as J.J. got out of the car and opened the passenger side door for her holding out his hand to help her out.

"Is it the house of your dreams, Mrs. Watt?" he asked as he pulled her close to him and ran a tender hand over her scared face before lowering his lips to hers and placing a tender kiss upon her lips before she could speak.
"It wasn't quite my dream home before tonight, but I think that you've changed that slightly." she smiled up at him.
"Only slightly, Mrs. Watt? That's disappointing, I'll have to see if I can change your mind on that, but first things first, My Lady." J.J. said as he swept his wife up into his arms and made her scream as he ran up the stairs of the raised beach house, onto the porch.

He handed the keys to Angel who unlocked the front door and then turned and ordered her to lock it, before he carried her into the bedroom and gently sat her on the vanity seat before running into the bathroom and drawing them both a large warm bath to share. She had just removed her vail and the flowers from her hair, when he caught her hand in his and pulled her to her feet with a large smile upon his face. "Let's play a little game to help you relax before we continue where we left off earlier today, my Lady. I propose a little role-play where I am the Lord of the castle and you are my sexy little serving wench, who has been caught red handed wearing my wife's dress." J.J. said with a smile.

"If you wish to not face punishment , you will obey my every order, or I will have to punish you severely. Now my little Wench, remove my armor, and don't stop until I am completely naked." J.J. ordered with his eyes sparkling.
"As you wish my Lord." Angel bowed giving him a pleasant view of her breasts before she worked on removing every piece of Armor cloth, and chain Male from his impressive body.
"Pants last, Wench, I want you to remove them slowly and then , you may stand unless you desire to do something else while you're upon your knees." He said as he felt his erection grow harder with every slow gentle touch of her hands upon his flesh.

Once she was done he stepped into the bathroom and shut off the water so that the tub wouldn't over flow, and then returned to find her still on her knees where he had left her. She was shaking slightly and her face and neck was dotted with beads of nervous perspiration He pulled her gently to her feet, and tilted her face to meet his gaze, as he gently wiped her tears from her eyes. "Angel darling, don't cry. I'm not going to hurt you. This is meant to relax you. Come with me, I think a nice hot bath in the Jacuzzi tub is just what you need." he said as he led her into the bathroom where her eyes widened upon seeing that he had lit all of the candles that smelled like lavender, and had sprinkled red rose petals into the water of the tub for a romantic effect.

She was silent for a moment as he moved around behind her and snaked his strong arms around her waist before placing light tantalizing kisses upon her jaw, neck and her exposed collar bone, making her sigh and lean into his attentions. He hummed soothingly as he slowly unlaced her wedding dress completely and making the dress slip slowly down her body following its progress with kisses all the way down until her renaissance corset was revealed and he found that she was wearing no bra, and better yet no panties. The corset laced in the front so he gently turned her to face him, with dark Lust filled eyes that went even darker as he bent and took one of her nipples into his mouth making her moaned as he slowly unlaced the corset placing a kiss on every bare inch of flesh as it was revealed.

By the time that he lifted her out of her shoes, she was so wet between her legs that moisture dripped down the inside of her legs. She had no idea that J.J. could affect her this way, and gasped sinking her hand into his hair as he sank to his knees on the bathroom floor and lifted one of her legs making her grab the bathroom counter for support as he plunged his tongue into her and lapped at her juices until her knees went weak and she screamed out with pleasure. At that point he thrust his finger into her and got her all worked up again, only to pull away right before the orgasm was about to hit her , leaving her moaning from the loss of contact.

She glared at him as he stepped into the tub and settled himself in the swirling water knowing exactly what he was doing to her, and how badly she wanted release that he had denied her. "Join me My Lady, if you want release." he said as he held out his hand to her and helped her to sit in the tub facing him straddling his legs dangerously close to his massive erection.
"Justin, what are you, doing," she asked as he pulled her over him and held her hips in position before slowly lowering her onto him as far as she could go until she cried out in pain upon his tip hitting the same spot from before that had brought tears to her eyes.

"Angel, you're in control of this. All you have to do is to let your full weight down and it will be over. It will more than likely hurt for a few seconds, but trust me, that you'll feel much better once it's done." he said as he kept his hands at her hips not allowing her to move too far and to remove herself from around his organ.
"J.J. what if I bleed, and it doesn't stop bleeding or hurting?" she asked as he felt her legs beginning to shake with the effort of keeping the position.
"You won't, now either you sit all the way down on me, or I'm going to make you do it. The sooner you do it , the better this will feel to both of us. Now sit!" he ordered as he tightened his grip on her hips.

Angel finally lost the battle of will with her trembling legs and screamed as she fell hard down onto her husband, making him moan and toss back his head as his organ popped through the thin barrier that had protected her from being the mother of another worthless man's baby. He wiped away her tears trying not to move his lower half until she was ready and she had relaxed around him. "Now, that's much better don't you think?" he asked with a smile as she looked down into the water to where they were so intimately joined, before looking back up into his eyes..

"Justin, gods you feel so, so, oh, god, I can feel every vein in your Penis inside of me. It's so deep, I never knew that anything could go that far inside of me." she panted as he pulled her forwards and latched his lips around one of her hard pink nipples making her moan before making her move slowly up and down his shaft with his strong hands guiding her movements gently filling her over and over again until her walls tightened around him and she started to panic with the tightness. "Justin, no, no, no, aaah, , Justin!" she screamed as a powerful orgasm ripped through her setting her body on fire as he pulled her up and down his shaft faster and harder until her screams of passion softened and she shook in his arms still impaled upon his length that was still as hard as ever.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked as he kissed her face tenderly while she calmed and relaxed around him.
"Justin, it, oh god that was amazing. It was like the orgasms that you gave me with your hands and your tongue, but more , oh god, more!" she cut off noticing that he was still as hard as a rock inside of her.
"More intense, right?" J.J. asked as he allowed her off of him and pulled the drain from the tub before wrapping her into a fluffy warm towel and carrying her into the bedroom where he laid her in the center of the bed and started the whole thing again without the water quickly bringing her back to the very edge with his lips and tongue before pulling away and placing feather light kisses onto her body .

"Oh, Justin, please, don't stop, I want, oh god I want." she stammered as he kissed her from head to toe while teasing her lightly with the tips of his fingers ghosting across her sensitive clitoris.
"Yes, my darling Sky Angel Rose Watt! That's it, tell me what you want me to do to you. I'm your servant and it's my pleasure to please you my love. What do you want? Do you want me to suck your breasts like this?" he asked as he lowered his lips to her nipples and sucked and teased them lightly with his tongue, sending shivers of delight down her spine. She moaned loudly and arched her back off of the bed pushing her breasts closer to his mouth and began to tremble. "No, well maybe you want this," he whispered huskily as he gently thrust his fingers between her legs as she trembled even harder and started to beg unable to form a coherent thought.

"Come on Angel of my heart, what do you want me to do to you? Should I tease you a little more, or do you want me to take you to heaven, and make you fly without leaving the ground while I attempt to make you have our baby? Say it, Angel, and I'll give you fireworks all over again." he said as he held himself over her holding his erect shaft at her entrance and gently moving it back and forth along her slick folds rubbing his head along her clit gently with each movement making her gasp.
"J-Justin, p-please take me. I want to feel you inside of me again. I want to have your babies, please, Oh YES, YES, J.J. YES, DON'T STOP! AAAH, YES, TAKE ME HARDER, JUSTIN, I'M YOURS, OH, YES, JUSTIN!" she screamed as he thrust into her as far as he could go hitting her g-spot with every thrust making her see stars as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her until he finally came hard filling her with his seed as he screamed out her name before collapsing on top of her and panting to catch his breath.

"Did I hurt you, Angel?" he asked in concern as he held himself over her while his cock still twitched with the aftershocks of their shared orgasms.
"Oh, good lord, Justin, no, that was amazing. If felt so good, so, Justin, what's wrong?" Angel asked as he suddenly clenched his teeth and shook with his mouth open in a perfect O shape with no sound issuing from his lips.
"Oh, Fuck, Angel I'm coming again!" he moaned as he felt his seed flow into her again even though he wasn't moving.
"Is that even possible?" Angel asked as she felt her insides heating up and his seed beginning to drip down between them as he shuddered and shook before rolling over once it had stopped and holding her against his chest as he panted and gasped for air.

"I'm not sure, but it just did. Angel, when was your last monthly visitor? He asked suddenly having a strange feeling that he needed to know the answer to that question at that very moment?
"Um, about fourteen days ago, why?" Angel asked confused at his train of thought.
"No reason, My Lady, just don't be too surprised if your next monthly visitor never makes an appearance, because I think that you might have just conceived our first child." J.J. smiled as he kissed her and then fell asleep with her in his arms.

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