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okay so if you write fanfiction and you do any of the things I'm about to list I'm like so so so done with your shit. 

CHEATING SHIT: if you want to have like a plot twist in your story and have someone cheat in the relationship then go ahead, sometimes it helps the storyline, BUT I hate when they go a little something like this 

"Babe, please listen to me. She mean't nothing to me." I kept crying and crying as Luke confessed to cheating on me.

"I promise i was drunk it'll never happen again."

"okay i believe you."

*they have make-up sex*

UGHHHH this pisses me off so much, like bitch he cheated on you don't go back to him. AND the excuse I was drunk, it is not an excuse. Ever heard of drunk words, sober thoughts. it the same with actions, cheating is not okay no matter what so don';t do it.

STUPID NAMES: authors have started using stupid random names. Like Artemis. Like i get it's a cool name but bitch so is Stacey and like Hannah, what's wrong with normal names. Like i swear I've read like 2789999483281 Fanfictions with a main girl named arabella or arabelle. YEAH ITS A COOL NAME, but their are other ones too.

like please don't do this shit, i'll write more but i gtg for now.

Love ya bitches

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