its like part 6

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hey im updatng cause its 4th period and i have no life.


okay what to talk about, well like im reading this story and michael is being a little bitch to his girlfriend and like only wants sex from her and wtf why is she still with him.

He's always lying to her and going to hang out with other people. like wtf bitch get a life.

can i rant heres my rant.

so one of my guy friends is dating this little hoe at my school i used to be really close with her but then realized that shes a back stabbing little bitch so i got her out of my life.

well my guy friend wants to break up with her but hes not putting on his big boy pants and actually breaking up with her. SHES A LITTLE ANNOYING ASS BITCH. why is she still around.

my group is kinda popular so it would make sense that she wants to hang out with us but this little hoe is annoying as fuck.

She likes is faking some ankle injury for attention too. She had "always" had ankle problems and now shes in a boot walking around like an idiot.

AND this all happened RIGHT after i come to school with my knee injury. like this little bitch is lying for fucking attention. nobody likes this little hoe. not even her fucking boy friend, I dont even hate this bitch. OH NO my hate is all for this other little bitch.

i hate this girl named brooke. shes this short skinny kinda ugly little girl. She has no life. AND she asks the dumbest questions possible. Like she asks questions that have obvious answers. and like she does some stupid ass fake cough all the fucking time for attention. LIKE WTF. shut the fuck up little bitch.

she even broke my fucking necklace, tried to deny it was her fault, tried to lie about how many pieces fell off, and didnt even apologize. 

But she does tell me how pretty i look everyday and im like i know bitch i slay all these motherfucking hoes.

okay thats all for now.

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