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I deleted the other part

no thanks

you know what I hate so so much

I just forgot oops hold up while I remember

in a fanfiction I can't stand it when the main character had three best friends and somehow all 4 of them end up dating a member of 5sos

this just like really pisses me off cause no there is absolutely no way this would happen.

obviously fanfiction is fake but the more realistic you make it the better it is. I'd prefer it if you made it more realistic.

and personally it just bothers me cause If I'm reading a Luke fic I don't wanna hear about Michael calum and Ashton's love lifes. no I'm here to learn about Luke's relationship with some girl.

okay this just really bothers me


I cannot express enough how annoying it is when the guy cheats and she just overlooks it cause she's in 'love' he's obviously not in love with you cause otherwise he wouldn't have cheated

have you ever heard the thing when some guy wanted advice cause he loved his girlfriend but cheated and fell in love with the second girl so he wanted to know who to be with cause he was confused and loved them both.

well he was told the second cause if he really loved the first the wouldn't have been a need for a second.

damn words of wisdom

but seriously if I got cheated on I would dump his sorry ass no matter how much I love him.

don't need to waste my time with these little fuckboys cause they ain't worth it

but seriously pls stop if you make your main character do this. you just make her look weak.

AND (this is also annoying) they give their girl a description to be some 'boss ass bitch' but then they can't get over themselves when their boyfriend cheats on them. this isn't a boss ass bitch, this is a weak ass child.

why be in a relationship where the love is only one sided.

This chapter is getting LONG.

oh well let's make it super long





so I'm listening to livesos and I like really needed to get that out.

I'm going out of town tomorrow

but first I have a stupid orthodontist appointment

I have to get x-rays done cause I have to get my braces put back on

I was 7 when I first got braces.......its been like 6 years. they needed all my teeth to grow in.

i lost this tooth like 2 years ago and it barely just grew in.

I had this gap in my teeth for 2 whole years and it was really horrible

like I looked like a little child

I'm so glad this heat wave ended

it was like 107 degrees yesterday and I wanted to kill myself. it was like that on Sunday too

but today it's been about 78 degrees and it's amazing

I love it so much it's amazing

I went to the ER last night

not for me

for my little brother

he got bit by a gopher

weird, he's fine now

gophers normally don't carry diseases and especially not in America.

wanna hear some pick up lines

no you don't

I probably shouldn't buttttttttt

I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.

Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers.

Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.

Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.

Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

I did it anyway

my favorite is the sweet ass one

ooooo I told this one to Dani

they're called 'eyebrows' cause my eyes are browsing that fine ass.

legit if I had courage I would use these on my crush.

tbfh he'd probably push me off a cliff

cause I suck

at everything.

he's more pick up lines

I need to hit on someone

Are you a fruit, because Honeydew you know how fine you look right now?

Does your left eye hurt? Because you've been looking right all day.

I will stop loving you when an apple grows from a mango tree on the 30th of February.

Do you live in a corn field, cause I'm stalking you.

Sorry, but you owe me a drink. [Why?] Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.

wow wow such swag much doge wow

I should go this is getting really long

it makes me wants to puke it's so long

up all night just came on, on my pandora station

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
cause we got the floor now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you

I'm sorry okay I really need to go
I sound like Cookie Monster in legit all my parts cause I don't edit ok what

Okay bye hoes love ya

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