part 13

17 7 1

aye that's my age.

im in 5th period and I'm writing on my phone, pretty sure my teacher is making me retake a test I already took, it's an open note Test and I don't know where mine is sadly.

I'm laughing cause I don't have to retake it, she just called me back and told me since she can't find it and it's the only one she can't find that she'll give me full credit

I like really need this cause I have a C in this class. this is great



I'm still really tired and hungry
I didn't eat at lunch

I want to sleep

I have to dissect a frog in 6th period, I don't really want to go

I'm supposed to be working

I'm tired

I hate this

I'm going to probably write some rants sooner or later

probably next chapter

so be ready

cause it ain't gonna be pretty

bye hoes

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