Chapter 8

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*flash back*

"Naruto wake up" my dad said while poking my cheeks and ruffling my hair.

"Come on buddy you've got a long day ahead of you." I slowly opened my eyes and smiled up at my dad.

"your mom has breakfast ready for you." I nodded and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding his neck with my arms. He walked down the hall holding me steady, while I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I saw my mom in the kitchen finishing up cooking. Her hair was tied up into a neat bun as she turned around and greeted both me and dad with a smile.

"Good morning sweet hearts." She said while kissing me and my dad on the cheek. My dad set me in my chair and pushed me up, while he too-took his seat. We all sat at the table carrying on small conversations while eating.

"Alright Naruto time for your first day at preschool." My mother said while clapping her hands together.

*end of flash back*
When Naruto woke up that morning, sasuke was already gone and out of bed. Naruto sat up and looked around the room, checking to make sure that he wasn't there. He could only assume that Sasuke and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Naruto remembered the events of last night, and it sent his heart soaring. he was on cloud 9, and he never wanted to come back down. He smiled to himself, and hopped out of bed on the search for sasuke. Just like he previously thought, he was in the kitchen with his brother eating breakfast. he looked from afar admiring him and how he can still look perfect after just waking up. Sasuke glanced over and saw him. he called him over to sit and eat breakfast with them, which naruto was more than happy to do. In fact, it made him feel very nostalgic. He watched as Sasuke and Itachi talked to each other about  little details and about little things. Naruto smiled and continued to eat the food he had been given. After breakfast, Sasuke took Naruto on a tour of his house since he was feeling much better. At noon the two had lunch together, and they played video games all day. Naruto began to worry that sasuke wouldn't acknowledge their sweet exchange from last night. Until they begin to watch a movie together for his second night staying at sasukes house. The two decided on a scary movie, but Sasuke protested saying that Naruto was gonna wimp out-which he did. However, Sasuke was already invested in the plot of the movie and wouldn't allow naruto to change it. Naruto had cuddled up next to sasuke, so he would be more at ease but it hardly did anything at all. Sasuke eventually felt bad for torturing the poor boy, and he paused the movie with a sigh.

"Naruto? Are you okay?" He placed his hand over naruto's and he nodded his head. His facial expression dropped into a frown.

"Sasuke, did you really forget what happened last night." Sasuke blinked at him and gave him a confused look.

"never mind" he said while waving his hands frantically in the air. He started to get up but tripped on the blanket and landed on top of him. Naruto stared at Sasuke with wide  eyes. Sasuke could feel his breath against his face as he moved closer to him. They almost shared another kiss, but the tv unpaused, and a girl screamed for her life. Naruto jumped back and put his hands to his lip while Sasuke put his on his chest. Sasuke's heart was beating wildly as he tried to wrap my mind around what had just happened. Naruto tried to kiss me. He actually took the initiative and it caught Sasuke off-guard. He never expected it from him. Naruto rambled apologizes because he thought he has forced himself on sasuke. when in reality, sasuke wanted this just as bad as he did.

"Sasuke, sasuke, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-' Sasuke pressed his lips against narutos quickly shutting him up. He wrapped his hands around Narutos waist and pulled me closer, while naruto entangled his hands in his  hair. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, which Naruto complied. He opened my mouth and Sasukes tongue explored his mouth. He pulled away and kissed trails down Narutos neck leaving purple bruises blossoming on his skin. He pulled away and looked at his masterpiece and smirked. He left Naruto completely out of breath and wanting more.
"sasuke-" sasuke kissed his nose and pulled him down onto the bed.

"Guess that means your mine now right." I slowly nod my head and wrap my arms around him, falling asleep in his warmth.


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