Chapter 15

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Naruto's Pov

I woke up to the morning rays shining brightly upon my face. The sun radiated a comfortable warmness throughout the room and around my body. I slowly sat up and stretched my tired muscles, while noticing the tightly wrapped bandages around my hands.

"Sasuke thank you." I pulled my hands up to my chest and hugged them tightly. I smiled and shook my head in determination.

"Alright, let's do this!" I jumped up out of bed and ran into the bathroom, throwing off my clothes in a hurried motion. I turned the shower nozzles to a perfect temperature and jumped in, making sure to carefully remove the bandages from my injured hands.

I sighed in relief as the warm water washed the sweat from my clammy skin. I stood in the water and let it gush down my body as it relaxed my tense muscles.

After I was done with my shower, I dried my fluffy blonde hair and threw on a pair of grey jogging pants. I walked back over to my bed and collapsed onto, closing my cerulean blue eyes, hoping to fall back asleep. I felt my stomach rumble and I signed. Guess I wouldn't be falling back asleep anytime soon.

I stood back up and walked down the stairs. My footsteps caused the wooden stairs beneath me to creak and echo throughout the empty halls. I walked into the kitchen and cooked my favorite, ramen. After it was done cooking, I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and broke them in half. 

"Itadakimasu!" I clapped my hands together and dug in but stopped, once I noticed black hair sticking out from the couch.

"Sasuke?" I walked over to the living room and looked around, it was completely spotless. The big puddle of water by the stone fireplace was completely gone. The black and gray pile of ashes, gone. I looked over at Sasuke and noticed  he had black smudges across his pale face. I sighed and crouched down by the couch, brushing the hair from his face.

"Teme, your such an idiot sometimes." I brushed the loose pieces of his silly black hair behind his ear and kissed the top of his dirtied forehead.

"But thank you for all that you've done for me." I felt him smile and he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"No problem dobe. You know I would do anything for you." He kissed my ear softly with his pleasantly cold lips, and smiled against my skin.

"I'm really glad I met you Naruto. You have forever changed my life." I blushed and sunk my face into his neck.

"Yeah me too, Sasuke."

Sasuke's Pov

"Yeah me too, Sasuke." His whispered breath tickled my neck and sent shivers down my spine. I tightened my grip on him and pulled him closer to me.

"Naruto.." I whispered lightly into his reddened ear.

"Y-yes Sasuke." I smiled at his cuteness and sighed.

"I promise one day I'll make you mine and give you everything you ever wanted." I felt him pull back and I slowly sat up in a sitting position.

"Sasuke what are you saying." I noticed he had his head down and his hands clenched his grey jogging pants. My fave saddened and I let my hands rest on his shoulders.

"What I'm saying is, after high school is over I want you to marry me." I felt him jerk and he lifted his head up. He had tears streaming down his face making it red and swollen. I gulped and bit my lip.

"Ah I'm sorry Naruto I didn't mean to make you-,' Naruto jumped on top of my lap and kissed me passionately.

"You better take care of me you bastard." I laughed into the kiss and hugged him tightly.

"Trust me I will."

*time skip (one month later)*

Naruto's Pov

"Hurry up Sasgay were going to be late for school." I rushed down the stairs and grabbed my school bag.

"Teme I was waiting on you." I pouted and pushed him out the door.

"Yeah, yeah whatever just hurry up."
After we got to school, Sasuke was bombarded by his usual fangirls and I was pushed to the side as always, but it's ok because Sasuke always tells them to back off.

"Will you please get off of me already." He pushed his way through the overpowered stench of perfume and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go Naruto." He looked back at me and smiled, while pulling me into the school building. The group of popular kids gave me their usual death glares, that Sasuke quickly puts a stop to.

It's been getting better. They use to physically and verbally bully me. Giving me beatings and calling me terrible names, but I never let that bother me. It was worth it if I got to be with Sasuke.

After we got to our classroom, we took our usual seats next to each other and waited for Kakashi to start class.

"Alright as you guys know, school is coming to an end for you. You will grow up find love and start your own lives, but before that we're going to host a festival. I want you all to have fun and stay safe. Now everyone turn to page 420." Everyone sighed and took out their history books.

Sasuke's Pov

The ending of high school means I'll finally be able to make Naruto mine. Well get married and start a life together. I'll propose on the night of the festival.

"Sasuke please read the next paragraph." The sound of Kakashi's
voice snapped me out of my daydream.

"I'll read it for him Sensei." I turned around and saw a pink headed girl stand up and begin reading. I sighed in relief and noticed that this girl was one of the girls most craziest about me. I rolled my eyes and faced Naruto who just giggled at me not paying attention.
I frowned and glared at him.

"I love you Sasuke." He slowly mouthed my most favorite words to me.

"I love you too dobe." He stuck out his tongue and turned back around to his textbook. He's so adorable.


(Not edited)

Guys this story is almost finished, but I'm planning to make a sequel! I really appreciate all your comments and votes it's makes writing worth the time. Ily all so much. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!

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