Chapter 10

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Just when the light comes back into my life, everything crumbles and shatters yet again. Maybe i'm just being over dramatic, but i have a bad feeling. I'm really happy for Jirayia that he gets to have this amazing opportunity, but something feels off about him leaving. I think i'm having a moment. I need space to think. ever since that day it seems the littlest things can set me off, and i really wish i wasn't this way. it frustrates me to know that it's not that big of a deal, but to me if feels like my world is about to end.

Perhaps I'm nostalgic and memories of the past are coming to haunt me. I know I have Sasuke but he couldn't possibly know how I'm feeling right now after all, he's not alone. He still has a brother and is very popular at school. He's always surrounded with people, even if he doesn't chose to be.

My foot steps echoed on the concrete and I shoved my way through the people on the streets. They gave me death glares and shouted hateful comments. I guess I would have to if some random stranger almost knocked you into ongoing traffic. I ran into the streets and an expensive red car came into view, along with ear splitting shrieks.

I froze and closed my eyes to prepare myself for the impact, but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see the car fully stopped in front of me. The driver was fiercely yelling and slamming down on the horn. I frowned and waved an apology. He rolled down his window and shouted at me.

"Dumb ass stay out of the road you fucking idiot." I gulped and nodded making my way off of the road allowing the man to pass. A crowd had gathered and gave me serious stares. I glared at them and ran off.

I reached for my front door and opened it slamming it shut with a loud bang. The pictures on the wall rattled and one fell, shattering into a million pieces.

I looked down at it emotionlessly and picked it up, not caring that the rubble drew blood from my fingers. It was a picture of my mom and dad. My face stayed emotionless. I stared at the picture and wondered if in another life were all together and happy. I wish for that life, and i hope a naruto out there has it. i picked the picture up off the floor and folded it, putting it in the back of my phone case.

I looked around the house the tears were starting to blur my vision , but I managed to find my parents money on the wooden counters in the kitchen along with a note from Jirayia. I picked up the cash and the note.

'Dear Naruto,
                  Sorry for not telling you earlier but I have a long trip to go on. It's a rare opportunity for me, so I hope you understand. I your parents money on the counter for you to buy food and essentials with. I know you can do it. I believe in you. Make sure to study for those exams! I'll be back soon, I promise

I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room still holding the cash and letter. The floor boards creaked with every step I took. The sunlight was shinning through the white drapes ever so slightly, warming the room to a comfortable temperature. The tears on my face had stopped falling but left wet sticky lines running down my face.

I walked over to the fireplace and lit it with a lighter that was sitting at the base of it. I watched as the flames grew and took over a piece of wood. Popping and crackling sounds were heard as the hole log was consumed. The radiating heat burned my face, drying the wetness on it. I looked down at my scraped hands that tightly grasped the letter and money. I tossed them into the fire with a poof. The fire quickly consumed them both leaving piles of black ashes in the center.

I stood up and walked back over to the pile of glass. I picked up the pieces cutting the parts of my hands that were untouched. I threw them in the garbage and went up to my room. The bed was unmade and my clothes from yesterday littered the ground. I sighed and stepped over the items on the floor and sat down on my messy bed.

I took out my phone placing it on charge. I decided to call Sasuke to let him know I made it home okay, but the blood on my hands dripped onto my phone making the sensitivity run wild. The slightest touch would open the wrong thing.

I cursed and I accidentally clicked on my voicemails. I started to close it out when I heard my mothers hoarse voice. My eyes widened as I thought of the missed call I desperately tried to ignore. I gulped and tightened the grip on my phone willing myself to let the message continue.

"Naruto sweetheart, I'm so sorry for everything." My mothers voice was worn out and it was very clear that she had been drinking. Car horns wear going off in the back ground making it hard to hear, but her voice was still very much audible.

"Minato and I have crashed our car.
A-And I don't think we're coming home this time." She stuttered out her words and crystal clear tears found there way gleaming down my reddened face, splashing onto my bloodied phone.

"We want you to know that we ..." Her voice slurred and a loud thump was heard. Her breathing slowed and came to a stop, but the message hadn't ended yet. More tears fell as I knew my mom had passed trying to tell me something. I was shaking uncontrollably and started to sob loudly, but slapped my hand over my mouth to quieten my cries. My eyes went wide with tears when I heard my fathers voice barley speaking.

"Ku-Kushina, Naruto I'm so, so sorry." He was crying and sirens could now be heard in the background.

"I'll tell him what you were trying to say, Kushina. I promise." His voice was quieting, but he still continued to speak despite how much pain he was in mentally and physically.

"We love you Naruto. Your our baby boy. We're sorry for ignoring ever since you were old enough to care for yourself. W-We just wanted you to have everything you ever wanted. I wish we could have had more time with you, but as fate would have it, our time has come to an end. Thank you for letting us both become parents. I believe in you Naruto. S-t-Stay stro...." His voice dropped and sounds of people yelling at each other in the background was the only thing to be heard. They had managed to turn the horns off. I laid the phone down on my bed and dropped down beside it laying on my side. Tears streamed to the side of my face as I listened to the rest of the recored message.

"Oh god." A person from the rescue team stated in a concerned voice.

"We have the Uzumaki owners over here.." I bit my lip and closed my eyes waiting to hear what was next.   

"..And the Uchihas over here." My eyes shot open and I stared at the phone as my face went white. The message ended with a long beep and I continued to stare blankly at the phone.


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