Chapter 2

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TW: self harm

Naruto's Pov

  I arrived in Japan, once the funeral was over. It was a short and simple service. I sat in the front, and watched people come and go. People cried, and looked at me with pity. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to cry. I felt nothing and everything all at once. It was numb. Even though i was meeting someone new, i couldn't even manage to feel nervous.

  Once my airplane landed, I stepped off of the plane and looked up at the sky, wondering if my parents were watching over me. I felt the hot summer heat quickly take over, but I was relived once a cool gust of wind blew past. I began to take steps towards my new life, a fresh start. A life without my parents.

  I was walking through the airport, looking down at the picture the policemen gave me, so I could find my new relative.  I felt like I had been searching for hours through the crowded airport. I found myself getting a migraine due to all the loud noises around me.

The wails of babies and children, couples screaming at each trying to figure out directions, and the annoyingly loud "entertainment" music they had on the intercom. I took out my phone and ear buds; I then blasted the music in my ears and drowned the  annoying sounds out.

I sighed as I felt myself calm down. that's when I saw an oddly familiar man walking towards me. He had pure long white hair and weird red tattoos under his eyes. I looked down at my picture and sure enough, it was him. I felt the pit of my stomach turn upside down and I felt like I was going to hurl. I wondered what kind of person he was as he walked closer to me. He looked me up and down with a smile, and finally, engulfed me in a hug. It was a weird sensation, a feeling i've never felt before. I can't remember the last time i've had a hug. He realized me with a happy sigh.

  "Naruto? My, my, you have grown into a fine young man." I straightened my posture and you could probably see the nervous rays radiating off my body.

  "Yes sir, but I don't remember meeting you before." I decided to be honest with him, and he looked hurt for a brief moment. this caused me to look down in embarrassment.

  "Ehh, don't worry about it. I wouldn't expect you to remember me anyways." His attitude was back to his happy self, and he carried on conversation like normal.
      "After all, you were still inside of Kushina when we met. Just to clarify any confusion my name is Jirayia and I'm your god father." He gave me a genuine smile and stuck out his slightly wrinkled hand for me to shake. I took his hand and gave him the best smile i could muster up in that moment.

  "I have a question though...If you weren't actually my blood related relative, how did you adopt me." He gave a sad smile and let go of my hand.

  "Well actually, Kushina and Minato had written wills. They didn't want you to be put in some grubby old foster home,so they put me in their will to inherit you or adopt you, just in case anything happened." I nodded understanding the situation completely now.

   "if you don't have anymore questions we better get ready to go. is that all you brought with you" he pointed to my luggage, and I nodded my head and pulled my heavy, silver suit case with me.

  I felt like we arrived at his home in no time at all. I stepped out of his car and grabbed my suit case out of the back seat. I took a look at my surroundings, the house I was going to be staying at wasn't that big, but it was still a nice house. I stepped inside and I saw white carpets, a stone fireplace, and a black leather couch. On the outside it looked like a city home, but on the inside it looked like a cozy log cabin. I made my way down a short hallway and entered the door to my right as he had instructed me to do. The walls in my room where white and the bedroom theme color was orange. I unpacked my suitcase and tried my best to stuff all my clothes in the small closet. Once I unpacked and settled in, I walked over to the large window and shoved the curtains aside. I opened the window and the fresh summer breeze nipped at my overheated neck. I let out a sigh and listened to soothing chirps of the birds. I began to daydream about the time I had spent with my parents. I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Once again, tears began to swell in my eyes. I tried to blink them away. That night I cried myself to sleep. I tossed and turned in the bed. A nightmare about my parents began to form.    

    "Naruto how could you. You didn't even answer our last call. How could you expect us to call you a son." They both screamed throughout my head. Vivid visions of the crash flashed through my head. I seen their car collide into another persons car, and it painted the windshield with crimson shades of red.

  "N-NO!" I jerked awake and grabbed my chest. I was taking quick breathes trying my best to breathe, but it still felt like i was getting no oxygen. My stomach began to wretch. I began to gag from the endless sobbing, so I threw the blankets off  and went into the bathroom. I quickly turned on the blinding bright, lights and opened the toilet lid, so I could empty my stomachs content. I flushed the toilet and put the lid back down. I put my back against the wall and slowly slid down to put my head in my knees. I let out silent sobs. I felt the same feeling as before. Numb. I wanted to feel anything but this. I thought of an idea, and searched the bathroom. I opened a drawer and saw a packet of razors. I tore into the package and broke through plastic, only leaving a small silver blade behind. It gleamed in the bathroom lights. I slid back down the wall and held out my wrist. I began to question if i was I really going to do this. Without even hesitating my body moved on it own.


  I winced from the sudden pain on my wrist as the blood dripped slowly. It oozed out of the wound and dribbled onto the floor. It felt like millions of tiny pinches, and suddenly i no longer remembered why i was upset in the first place. I want to do it again. I placed the blade back onto my wrist  and slowly glided it across my skin. That is until somebody grabbed my  hand and took the razor from my other.

  "Naruto what the fuck!" Jirayia screamed into my ear, and I looked at him with widened eyes. He had a sad look on his face and his face wrinkled with distress.
  "If you needed therapy because of the trauma, you should have told me, but this is a temporary solution that leads to bad things." His voice calmed with a hint of worry. He let his grip on my wrist loosen. My wound still dribbled out blood. He sighed and pulled me up from the ground.

  "Come on lets get you cleaned up, and we can talk to a therapist tomorrow after you get out of school." I nodded my head and wiped the tears out of my eyes. He walked me over to the sink and boosted me up, so I could sit on the counter. He grabbed the first aid kit from one of the cabinets and told me to hold out my wrist.

He poured disinfectant onto a piece of cotton and lightly dabbed my injury. I jerked back at the sudden stinging sensation. He looked sternly at me, and I gulped and decided it was best to sit still. Finally, he took galls and wrapped it around the cut firmly.

  "Alright, all done. Get back into bed because I already registered you for Kohana Academy. if you need anything else let me know. i know this is hard, but we are in this together. you aren't alone anymore." He smiled and patted me on the back, while shoving me back into bed, but little did he know, I didn't fall back to sleep, in fear of reliving my nightmare.

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