Chapter 12

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Sasuke's Pov

After the last school bell rung, I got up from my seat and ran out the door. My shoes tapped against the schools tiled floor and soon after more followed behind me.

"Sasukeee! Stop!" I quickly came to a stop, causing Itachi to run over me. We fell to the floor, but Itachi broke my fall.

"Ughh, Sasuke your a lot heavier than what you used to be." I got off of him and held out my hand to help him up.

"Of course I am, you bastard." I said while rolling my obsidian eyes. He glared at me and stabbed my forehead with his fingertips. I winced and rubbed the sore red spot on my face.

"What was that for." He grabbed my arm and started to pull me out of the school building, but I flung my arm out of his grasp.

"What are you doing, it's time to go home." I shook my head, and he gave me a look of confusion, while tilting his head causing his black silky hair to fall to his left shoulder.

"I have to go see Naruto. He didn't call me last night and I'm worried about him." His confused look changes into a smirk.

"So your going to see your boyfriend, is that it." He nudged my arm with his elbow and I turned a light shade of pink.

"Yes actually, so if you don't mind I'll be leaving." He smiled and poked my heated face.

"Sure, sure, you can even spend the night if you want." He raised his eyebrows up and down still nudging my arm with his elbow. I punched him in his arm and turned my face to hide the cherry blush that covered my pale cheeks.

"Alright I'm leaving now." I started to walk away when Itachi threw a small box at me.

"Make sure to wear protection!" He yelled really loud and his deep voice echoed through the halls. The boys turned and snickered, while the girls passed out and held their noses. Dammit Itachi, why do you always do this. I put the small box in my pocket and continued to walk towards Naruto's house.

*time skip*

I walked up to Naruto's house and took a deep breath. Everything's going to be alright so why am I so nervous. I slowly walked up on his porch and knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer, so I knocked again a little louder this time. Still no answer, so I decided to pick the lock on his door.

I rummage around in my pockets and took out the small condom package. I sighed and opened it and just as I had thought, Itachi left a note for me, which was my ticket into Naruto's house. Oh god I'm starting to sound like some rapist. I shook my head to rid myself from the thought of me being a major perv. There's no way in hell I'm going to turn out like Kakashi.
I smiled once I found a small silver paper clip attached to the note.

Thank you Itachi, stupid bastard. I chuckled to myself and put the box back in my pocket making sure to keep out the clip. I opened the paper clip, making it semi-straight. I sighed at all the little bumps still left in it, but smiled at my real life comparison. Once something is bent, it can never be straight again. Well, that's how I saw it anyways.

I bent down on one knee, and grasped Naruto's sliver doorknob.(A/N-omg I took that the wrong way;) I wiggled the paper clip inside of the lock, but it wasn't working. I raised one brow and turned the knob. The door smoothly glided open revealing Naruto's cozy home, well almost.

I looked over to the fireplace and the fire was raging, spewing over the stones. I ran inside and grabbed their black mop bucket, filling it up with crystal cool water. I ran into the living room throwing the ice cold water into the scorching fire. It sizzled and gray smoke arose in the air. It's not enough. The fire crackled and hot embers melted a spot on my arm.

"Dammit!" I dropped the mop bucket and grasped onto my arm. This isn't good.

Naruto's Pov

"Dammit!" W-as,was that Sasuke. I shook my head and clutched my cut hands. The blood had already dried, but they still stung every time pressure was applied. Tears gathered in my eyes as I tightened my hands into fists although, it was better than cutting. I made a promise to Sasuke, and I intended on keeping it.

"Ah!" It was Sasuke! I jumped up from my bed and slammed my door open, ignoring the sharp pains in my hands and fingertips.

"Sasuke!" I ran down the stairs and fell backwards when I saw Sasuke fighting a fire that I had caused. His hair was flopped down in his obsidian and sweat dripped from every place on his body. I shook my head and ran outside, grabbing the water hose and turning it on. I ran back inside and sprayed the fire quickly putting it out with a hiss. Sasuke stood wide eyed and collapsed into the wet floor.

"Sasuke!" I ran over to him and picked him up into my arms. My cold tears fell onto his pale features.

"Naruto that feels good." He pulled my face closer to his and let my tears drip down his face. I kissed his cheek and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Sasuke I'm so glad your ok, if anything would have happened to you I would' he backed out of the hugs and lightly place his cold lips onto mine. The kiss tasted of salt, probably tears and sweat mixed together, but that didn't matter to us. It was actually really pleasuring.

He moved up to my forehead and kissed it putting his dirtied hands into my soft blonde hair. I noticed Sasuke had a small burn spot on his arm and started to panic.

"Sasuke your arm!" I tried to get out of his tight grip to see to his arm, but that only caused his grip to tighten most likely causing pain for him, so I decided to stay still.

"Stupid dobe, you had me worried when you didn't call me or show up for school." He rubbed circles into my back causing a few small tears to slip from my puffy cerulean eyes.

"That's because I was scared to talk to you." I pulled back from the hug and gave me a serious look. My gaze dropped down to the floor.

"Sasuke there's something I need to tell you. Just please don't hate me after."

Finally I emerge from the darkness. Sorry for not updating just been busy. Thx you guys for all the wonderful comments, messages, and votes u guys give me! Ily so much! Thx for reading! Comment/Vote

(Not edited) 

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