Chapter 18

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A/N- final chapter

Naruto's Pov

I woke up to Sasuke tightly hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe.

"S-asuke I-I can't breathe." He jerked awake and loosed his grip on me. I sat up and gasped for air.

"Naruto I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-' I placed my lips lightly on his to tell him it's ok. He calmed down and lightly kissed back.

"Let's get dressed ok. Tonight's the festival." He frowned and stood up without saying another word. He walked over to the closet and took off his shirt slowly and painfully. I gulped and walked over to him.

"Sasuke are you nervous about tonight." I wrapped my tiny arms around his waist and nuzzled my head into his back.

"Something like that dobe." I frowned and let him go so he could continue to get dressed. I know somethings wrong with Sasuke. He hasn't been acting like his usual self ever since he talked to Itachi, but I'll wait until he's ready to talk about it.

"Naruto are you ready yet." I snapped out of my thoughts and rushed over to put my clothes on.

"Yeah I'm ready." I smiled and grabbed my school bag. I reached for his hand and he grasped it tighter than usual. Maybe he is worried about tonight?

After we arrived at school, Sasuke was attacked by his usual fangirls, but this time he didn't push them away. He looked broken and sad being pushed back and forth between the girls. That's when I noticed, Sakura was being more clingy than usual, and she was wearing a diamond ring on her finger.

I shook my head and reminded myself that I was to get married soon. I blushed and thought of my future life with Sasuke. Once I came back to reality, I noticed Sasuke and the girls were gone. I sighed and walked to class, alone.

Once I got to class, I saw Sakura sitting on Sasuke's desk. I felt rage and jealously boil over inside me. I rushed over to her and jerked her off the desk by her arm.

"What do you think your doing Sakuhoe? Don't you know he's mine so back off you whore." Sasuke looked at me stunned and covered his hand with his mouth to keep him from laughing.

"Well actually-' her eyes widened as Sasuke stood up and slammed his hands on his desk. He gave her a level 10 Uchiha glare.

"Sakura go sit down now," she jumped back and nodded her head rushing over to her seat. I frowned but replaced it with a smile knowing that I made Sasuke happy again.

"Um, sorry about that Naruto." He sat back down causally as if that whole thing never happened. He placed his head in his hands and frowned. I pouted and poked his forehead.

"You know Sasuke you look much better with a smile." I whispered seductively in his ear. He blushed and shoed me away.

"Naruto you always make a mess of me." I smiled and kissed his cheek. The bell rung and I took my seat, already ready for the class to end.

After class was over, Sasuke ran over to me, not even giving me time to pack my things, and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the classroom. When we got to the end of the hall, Sasuke finally let go of my hand, and I panted trying to catch my breath.

"Sasuke what's.... Wrong, oh man I'm out of shape." I grabbed my chest and stood back up. Still panting a little.

"It's nothing dobe, there's nothing to worry about," he lightly kissed my nose and dragged me into Itachi's classroom.

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