Chapter 14

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Sasuke's Pov

"Sasuke," I reached my hand out to grab his and a happy reassuring smile spread across his face, showing his stunningly beautiful white teeth. My heart melted at the sight of him crumbling into my arms. I smiled into his neck and protectively wrapped my arms around his frail skinny waist.

"Let's go home ne, Naruto." He nodded his head slightly and collapsed in my arms making me panicky.

"Naru-!' my eyes softened once I heard soft snores escaping his slightly opened mouth, making a long puddle of drool slip out the corner of it. I shook my head and chuckled while placing the sleeping Naruto on my back.

I walked back onto the Main Street and looked up at the stars. They were each twinkling one by one in the night sky, lighting the back to Naruto's house. I looked back to see Naruto burying his reddened nose into my neck, looking for a source of heat.

I shivered when his cold nose made contact with my warm skin. Naruto smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around my neck making me cough a little. He jerked awake and loosened his grip on me.

"Ah! Sasuke I'm sorry." He looked down blushing and I sighed while smiling.

"Dobe you worry too much, go back to sleep." He pouted and thwacked the back of my head.

"Stupid teme, don't tell me what to do." He mumbled while puffing out his lips. I shook my head and continued to walk back.

When we reached Naruto's house, I opened his door and locked it behind me sighing at the mess on the floor. I walked up to his room and into his bathroom.

"Hey Naruto wake up. I need to treat your hands." He groaned and placed his head in my neck to shield his sensitive cerulean eyes from the brightness of the bathroom lights. I sighed and placed him on the bathroom counter.

He wobbled a bit while rubbing the sleep away from his tired eyes. I smiled and grabbed the first aid kit, picking up his injured hands to treat them. He jerked awake once the cold rubbing alcohol touched his sensitive skin.

"Oww! Teme that hurt." He used his spare hand to wipe the little tears forming in the corner of his eye.

"Well you should have done it before hand and it would have been this bad." He whimpered when I tightly secured  bandages around his hands.

"See that wasn't so bad." I lifted up his hand and lightly placed a kiss.

"Hmpf," he turned his head, but I still noticed his scarlet red blush. I chuckled and grabbed his other hand, to repeat the same steps I did on the other one. Once I was finished, Naruto had his head laying on my chest and his arms were wrapped loosely around my waist. 

"Sasuke what about your arm." I looked down at my arm and noticed the small red burn.

"It's alright it's not that bad." He groggily nodded his head and fell asleep. I played with his fluffy blonde locks and kissed them softly. I picked up his small light body and carried him to the bed.

He laid softly of the plushy blankets and his bangs slightly covered his sleeping face. I lightly brushed them behind his ear and walked back down stairs to clean up the mess. I sighed at the large puddles of water and began working because it was going to take a while.

Sorry for not updating in a while and for making this one short, but I have writers block rn and it really sucks. I really love writing but lately it's felt like homework but I'm going to continue writing this because I really wanted to finish it. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!

{not edited}

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