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I quickly left the house, grabbing my lunchbox and phone on the way, and hearing Andrea still squealing behind me. She was going to be late if she just stood around and fangirled. 

"ANDREA!" I yelled before getting down the pavement. I saw her shadow come out the door through the sudden rain and fog that just appeared. Andrea shuffled towards me, still slightly shaking from the news earlier. I wasn't even freaking out that much. Zoe was just a normal girl- except for more than ten million fans worldwide.

"You okay?" I said, laughing at her. I playfully shoved her off the sidewalk, and she looked up from the pavement and glared at me.

"You are so lucky." She said, starting to walk faster than me. The bus stop was another block away, and I didn't want to lose her in the muggy fog. 

"What do you mean? It may not even be me." I replied stiffly. Andrea continued her slight jog towards the yellow flashing bus stop light. 

"You don't know though, Xan! All these coincidences are pointing straight at those videos and tweets. You don't understand how much of a fanatic I am about Zoella, I love her and she's my idol. What if she does adopt you? You don't even know who she is." Andrea retorted, suddenly stopping in the middle of the pavement, looking at me straight in the eye. 

"Isn't that good though? That I'm not a fan? If I was adopted by Brendon Urie then I would be like how you were earlier. I would feel horrible if she got stuck with a fan that told everyone their address and took pictures of them." I yelled back, trying to make her hear my voice over the harsh rain. "Now let's just go."

I could see the lights behind us in the wet street. "It's coming." I said aloud. Andrea began waving frantically as the bus came into view. My gray shirt that said "BLESS THIS MESS" and skinny jeans were becoming wet, my rain jacket not doing a good job of protecting me at all. The bus skidded to a halt in from of us and we climbed on in, leaving our suburban neighborhood behind us and joining our friends.

I started as a third wheel with Andrea and her friends, Gabrielle and Sam. After two days we became closer all together, and we are all better friends. Wonder if they'll be my friends for long, that is if I get adopted.

"Xan! Come sit!" Gabrielle called down the bus, leading me towards her and Sam. Sam was next to her, kissing her lightly on the cheek while I sat in front of them. Andrea scooted next to me, and we awkwardly sat there. After a few minutes of me listening to music silently in the window seat and Andrea on Twitter, staring at the Zoella tweet, Gabrielle finally got the clue and whispered to Sam to stop flirting. 

He chuckled behind me, but allowed her to sit there and start talking to Andrea without kissing her. Sam whispered to me, "Hey, Xan. What's up?"

I rolled my eyes but turned around and pulled out both of my earbuds. His green eyes stared at me through the headrest and Andrea's seat. "What, Sam?"

Sam smirked, "You're cute, you know that?"

I glanced over at Gabby, not having a care in the world as she talked to Andrea about makeup. Why did Sam have to act this way about every girl? Why is he even dating someone when he acts that way? "Fuck off, Sam. You have a girlfriend, give her your attention."

He rolled his eyes and leaned back into his bus seat. Soon we were at school. 


 Her friends left us, and I followed Andrea to her homeroom, my new homeroom. I found a seat in the back, pulled out my notebook for assignments, and sat there in silence. A boy next to me waved his hand in front of my face, smirking as he did so. I glared at him and smacked his hand away.

"Wow, fiesty." The boy laughed. I sighed, I was SICK of flirting- I can see when people aren't being truthful, and the last two times I've been "flattered by these men" they were lies. "You okay, new girl? Sorry if I bothered you." 

I turned my head and smirked at him. I finally it to get a real good look of this fellow. He had dark brown hair that was like a side fringe (Like Dan Howell's hair lmao) and brown eyes. He was wearing a black and gray butterfly button up shirt and skinny jeans with his white converse. He grinned at me and stuck out his hand, "I'm Blake."

I shook it, "Xanthippe."

His smile turned into a frown as he tried to pronounce my name, "Xanthighie?"

"No, just call me Xan. It's easier, I promise." I laughed.

Blake nodded and smiled again, "Okay, Xan."

"Hello class! Good morning!" A voice boomed. A man walked in, grinning like an idiot as he entered the classroom. Everyone seemed to perk up when he joined the class. "So, firstly I would like you all to give a warm welcome to," he looked down at his paper. "Xanthippe? Xanthippe?"

I stood up and nodded, "Yup, Xanthippe."

The teacher looked up from the paper and smirked, "Thank you. Now won't you give her a warm welcome? Join me up here, please, Xanthippe!"

Finally someone said it right.

I walked to the front of the room confidently and turned to face my new classmates. They all smiled and clapped slowly, mumbling "Hi, Xan!" Hopefully classes will go well.


School was finally over. I left the room last, followed by Blake. I smiled at him as I walked down the steps towards the main door, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back up.

"Hey, Xan." He said. "Can I have your number? Just in case I need help with homework?" Blake winked at the last part. I pulled out my iPhone and put my phone number in his phone. He quickly changed my name to XAN🌺.

"Okay, I gotta go." I said, looking at the time. I needed to see if the Mini Cooper that Andrea said would be Zoe's was actually there to pick me up.

I skipped down the steps, waving bye to Blake, and finding my way outside. I scanned the parking lot quickly, and then saw it.

The Mini Cooper, Zoe's Mini Cooper. 

Adopted by Zoella<DISCONTINUED>Where stories live. Discover now