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We left the parking garage and met up again with Zoe and Connor at the mini. We found them outside the parking garage with a great spot.

"Good job Zo." Alfie joked. "Did you pay them for the spot?"

Zoe rolled her eyes and we started down the street to the pizza shop. Tyler and I had our arms linked as we walked to the restaurant straight ahead. We were talking about Troye, since he was behind talking to Connor, and I was telling him how Troye was my idol.

"Then why don't you talk to him?" Tyler whispered.

"Cause then he thinks I'm a fangirl, duh!" I replied.

Tyler nodded, "Yet he came with me and Connor to meet you."

"Seriously?" I whispered back. "You guys came for Zoe and Alfie, not me."

He shook his head, smiling, "Nope. Zoe told me and the boys about you, and we wanted to meet you instantly. Yes, seeing Alfie and Zo is a plus- but you were the main reason."

I blushed, "Well that's cool."

He ruffled my hair, "Shush. Ooh look we're close to the pizza place!"

I giggled and followed Tyler who was running down the street screaming about how hungry he was. Troye and Connor began running too , leaving Zoe and Alfie in the dust as she ran in heels.

We got inside out of breath and Troye leaned over and out his head on my shoulder. "IM SO TIRED." He moaned.

I laughed at him, and Tyler winked at me as he got a table for us all. Zoe and Alfie joined in the restaurant and we got a table quickly.

I took a seat at the table for six in the middle on one side. Troye sat down next to me, then Tyler on the other side. Connor smirked at me as I was blushing between the two boys and he sat across from me.

The waitress came and took our drink orders, me and Troye both got a cream soda. He high fived me, then pulled out his phone to check Instagram. 

"Ooh look! Xan someone says they think Tyler and I had a child." He laughed and showed me the comment on the picture from the car. 


"Wow do I look that similar to you guys?" I asked, turning from Tyler and Troye, who smirked at each other in response. "I suppose that means yes."

They both nodded with smirks playing on their faces. Maybe Troyler is a thing...


"Everyone what pizzas do you want?" Zoe asked us all.

"HAWAIIAN!" I exclaimed.

"Goodness child," Connor laughed, shaking his head. 

"That sounds so good though." I laughed.

Troye nodded along, and the music started playing louder in the restaurant. I knew this song by heart. Youth, of fucking course.

He started laughing, and began to sing along loudly. People were staring at him like he was crazy or an angel. Zoe began singing along, then Connor, Tyler, and I. Alfie just recorded it for us. 

"MY YOUTH IS YOURS!" We all screamed.

"Shh!" A waitress said behind us. "You will have to leave if you do it again."

We all quieted down and then our waitress came to bring us a pizza.

Adopted by Zoella<DISCONTINUED>Where stories live. Discover now