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I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you that have still been reading this, thanks so much if you have enjoyed this story! I think I'll end it in about 10 chapters? Maybe about chapter 20? Idk I'll update frequently that's all I now 


Xan's POV 

The hug seemed to last forever, Zoe and I. She was a great hugger. When we finally broke apart, I could see Alfie near the back of the car on his phone. He noticed me and waved at me slightly with a huge smile.

I loved his smile.

"Come on, Xanthippe! Let's grab your bags and bring you home!" Zoe exclaimed, grabbing my hand. My bags were behind me with Jean and Scott. I scrambled to grab them, and followed Zoe to her adorable Mini Cooper.

"XAN!" Alfie yelled in excitement, running over to me and hugging me. He kissed me on the cheek as he spun me around.

"You are light for your age, Xan." He said nervously. I shook it off, "it's not a problem, just my height. No eating disorders- I love my food." 


I laughed and got into the Mini, waving at my foster parents while we drove off. I didn't see Andrea again.


We got to my new home, and I ran upstairs quickly, Alfie and Zoe trailing behind. My room changed since I was there last. The walls were still white, but the comforter, bedding, and pillows changed. As did the paintings on the walls. 

"We wanted you to personalize it, so we put in storage the paintings and comforters, but we will go shopping for the new stuff." Zoe told me, hugging me from behind.

"Thank you so much." I whispered to them both.

They both joined me in a group hug, me tearing up at how lucky I was, and how I didn't deserve them at all. Zoe noticed the tears, and wiped them off with the corner of her skirt. 

"Sweetheart, you're fine." Zoe whispered into my ear, still in the group hug. "If anything we were more lucky with getting a daughter as amazing as you."

"Thank you." 

We broke up the group hug, and I dragged my two bags and two boxes into my room from the long hall. Zoe helped me put everything away and found new little decorations around the house that would be perfect for my room.

"Wow Zoe!" I exclaimed after we were done.

"Please, call me mum." She replied, grinning. 

I nodded, "Well, mum, look at my room! ITS BEEN TRANSFORMED!"

"Truly. Now let's find Alfie and buy you some new sheets!"


We ran down the stairs and found Alfie making a smoothie. "Want one?" He asked, showing me the array of all the stuff to put in the smoothie.

"Yes, please!"

"What fruits?" He asked.

I looked at all the fruits he had out. "Pineapple, mango, and coconut?"

"That sounds good, Alfie can you make me one too?" Zoe called out from the living area.

"Sure, love!"

He made our smoothies, and as I brought Zoe and mine's to the living room, she was on Target's website looking at comforters and paints.

"What colors do you want your room?" She asked me after I handed her the smoothie.

I took a sip, "Well, I want my walls to be white so I have more stuff to add on. Can I just do like purple and gray?"

Zoe nodded, smirking. "Those colors would be nice. Or gray and Aqua?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. 

"Then let's go! Now we know what we are looking for!"


We drove to Target and had a list made of some random stuff I needed. Like for instance I needed to buy a few more bras and buy some lightbulbs for my lamp. 

Zoe grabbed a cart and I followed her around the clothing aisles. I have to say, she loved her clothes. 

"Zoe, what is it like being famous?" I asked her.

She giggled, "Well, it's pretty fun and awesome. I've made so many friends from it, and also I love doing YouTube."

"That's so cool you just get to show off stuff you buy and make money." I laughed sarcastically.

Zoe stuck her tongue out, "It's not JUST that, I do challenges with Alfie or my brother Joe- who you are going to meet tonight- and also traveling."


"He's also famous." She said with a wink.

We continued to shop, her finding two adorable on sale dresses, and me finally being able to buy my needed bras. Then we bought everything for my room.

"HOME TIME!" I exclaimed during our walk to the car. 

She shook her head, "STARBUCKS FIRST!"

"OH WHITE GIRLS!" I laughed, "but I do love me some Starbucks."

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