Chapter 15: Boxes

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Two months have passed since my father's death.

They weren't easy.

Nothing was...


I got home from the funeral and didn't speak to anybody. I didn't eat. I didn't do anything.

I went back to school 3 days after.

I lost my 'sister,' August. My best friend, Whitney, moved away. My other best friend, Kat, also moved. Dany, spread rumors about me.

A few weeks later, Kayden and I broke up. He said I had changed. I was hated. My only friend left, Serria, had went on a vacation.

I was alone...

I was hated...

I had nothing...


I got home one day from school and saw everything in the living room was in boxes.

"Mom?!" I yelled. I threw my back pack down and looked for her. She was in her room. "Mom, what's going on?" I asked her.

She looked at me and spoke, "We are moving. Start packing."


"Please, Rain." She cut me off. "just pack. Please." I nodded me head and walked up to my room. I saw my mother had already put boxes up here for me.

I called Whitney and she said she was coming to visit in a week.


When she came out of her car I burst into tears and ran to her. "I missed you so much." I said. "I missed you too, Rain."

My best friend Whitney was Hawaiian. her long, corse, black, highlighted hair flowed in the soft breeze. Her brown eyes glowed. She was only a little bit taller than me. She smiled.

"So where are you moving?" She asked. I took a deep breath of the spring air. "I don't know. My mother wouldn't tell me. We are leaving in 4 days." I told her. She sighed and nodded her head.

She waited a moment to speak, "Then we should make the most of these 4 days. How much more do you need to pack?" She asked.

"Well, I'm already all packed. So I can do anything." I answered.

"Alright. Come on! Get into my momma's car!" She said as she grabbed my hand a pulled me toward the car.

10 minutes later, we ended up at the mall. It's windows were clean and shiny. There were people going in and out of the big building. I felt a tug on my arm. "Come on, Rain! Let's go!" Whitney motioned me.

We got out of the car, slammed the car doors, and walked toward the mall. We opened the big doors and ran in. Straight for Dairy Queen.

"What do you want from DQ?" She asked. "Bitch! You know me!" I said. We burst out laughing.

We walked past a shop and I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I stopped. Whitney came to my side. "What is it??" she asked. I got a huge smile and started to laugh. "What Rain? What is it?" she asked again.

I pointed at the Pepsi machine. "Pepsi-A?" We both burst out laughing at our long going inside joke. I forgot what it's like to feel so alive.

At 6 I got dropped off back at home cause all the stores close then. I waved bye and headed into my house. When I walked in the front door, my little sister was watching tv. I looked harder. She wasn't watching it, she was sleeping. Ugh... Naps.

I stalked into the packed up kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table and was on her phone.

"Hey Mom?" I said uncertainly.

"Oh... Hello, Rain. Did you have fun?" She questioned.

"Well, yes. Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." she answered.

"Can you tell me where we are moving?" I asked.

She tensed up. "No, it's a surprise."

I frowned in confusion. "Well ok then... Food?" I wondered. "Nope. not tonight." my mom shrugged her shoulders.

I sighed and walked up to my room. A little black furball was cuddled up in my blankets. "I would hate to wake you up but...." I thought out loud and woke up Ash. "Meow." She licked my hand and cuddled up to me.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. I checked it,


I was debating if I should open it. Being indecisive, I kept putting my thumb on the OK button and then taking it off. I sighed and set my phone down.

Suddenly Ash hopped up and attacked my hand. I accidentally opened the message. "Well thank you SO much Ash." I said sarcastically. I picked up my phone and looked at the message.


Rain, I'm so sorry. It just looked like you were starting to like Patrick and I wanted to back off. I don't ever want to come between your happiness. I still love you. I love you much it hurts sometimes. You are so beautiful and I can't stand to see you hurt. And I've noticed you haven't been at school. Where are you?? Please give me a second chance...

I sat there thinking about what to say. My thumbs were just drumming on my keyboard. Finally I thought of something simple,


Come to my house at 3 tomorrow and we will talk.

I pressed the send button and took in a deep breath. He is so important to me. My phone buzzed,


Ok. See you then beautiful! Oops, now my face is red... ;)

I just shook my head and giggled to myself. I decided to finish up some packing.

Boxes after boxes, my things were stored away. Just a whole bunch of brown cardboard boxes were in my room.

Just Boxes...

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