Chapter 21: Change Is Hard

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My room was much like the theme of the house. The carpet was black and fluffy while the ceiling was also black and slanted up to the other wall. Both side walls were dark blue. The curtains were black.

I heard Ash meow and turned to her. She was laying on my new bed that wasn't really a bed. It was a giant blue bean bag that matched the walls. Above my bed was a window on the ceiling, facing the sky. I laid down on my bed and dozed off into a nap.

When I woke up it was 10:00PM. I was still tired so I decided to go to bed. I set my alarm for tomorrow an went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. I looked at the late digital clock on my wall, 6:05, ugh. I thought to myself. I tried to sit up but was stopped by a sleeping Ash. I sighed and shoved her off me. "...meow," she replied in protest.

I got up and stalked down my stairs, no one was on the second floor so I continued to walk over to the other stairs. When I got to the dining room, I saw Cali sitting at the table with a plate of pancakes.

"Well look who's up." I turned as I heard my mom. She was holding my own plate of breakfast, I sat down in one of the seats.

"Mom what are we doing today?" Cali tried to say through a mouth full of pancake but came out like,"Mo whar awre we doing roday?" My mom rolled her eyes and laughed, "Why you two are going to school. And-"

"Ughhhhhhh! School already? I didn't know the move would be this fast..." I cut her off. She laughed again, "School starts at 9 here. You have plenty of time to get ready."

I finished my pancakes and went back up to my room. I took a quick shower and blow-dried my hair. Then, I went to straightening my scene styled, long, blonde hair and went on to putting on mascara. I walked to open my suitcase and picked a shirt and some pants. I looked in the mirror, Ugh, these clothes make me look like a slob... Ehh. I don't care. I thought to myself.

The clock said 7:30 so I decided to start putting my clothes away in my closet. I grabbed my suitcases and opened my closet door. I instantly dropped everything in my hands. "Oh my God...." I said out loud.

Clothes. My brand new closet was Full. Of. Clothes.

I walked up to one of the shirts and grabbed a pair of shorts to check the sizes. They were all in my size. A huge smile laid upon my lips when I took a glance at all the summer clothes. I stripped off my slob clothes and grabbed a new outfit.

I looked at my new reflection. The mint green, strapless dress came up to the middle of my thighs. My old, worn-out, laceless, black Vans looked odd with the dress. I usually don't wear dresses, so I went to find a new outfit.

I finally chose washed out, short shorts with holes in them topped off with a plain, red, v-neck t-shirt. Plus my black Vans. I smiled again and ran down to the first floor.

My mom's head snapped up when she heard me run into the living room. she laughed as I pulled open the curtains to the glass wall. I plopped down on the couch, "Time?" I asked my mom.

"It's time for us to get going." She answered while getting up. "But I just sat down!!" I whined. She kept walking, "Let's go!" I groaned and got up. Ash tripped me three times while I walked to the door.


When we pulled up to my school, my mouth gaped open. It was HUGE. I nervously stepped out of the pickup and walked toward the door.

Everywhere I looked people stared at me. I got some smiles, some didn't even acknowledge that I was there, and some gave me dirty looks or just rolled their eyes.

I just kept walking and checked my schedule and looked at a map to find the office. Suddenly, I was knocked on my ass. "What the hell? Watch where you're going!" I angrily yelled. I looked up to see the stupid bastard that ran into me but the sun was in my eyes and I couldn't see.

"Rain?" A familiar voice spoke. I squinted harder trying to see the person's face. "Oh my God! It is you! Sup' Rain? Lemme' help you up." The person grabbed my hand a pulled me up. When I saw their face I practically rolled my eyes and laughed in their face.

"Oh. Austin. Hey. I uh... need to get going to the office. So if you don't mind, please let go of my hand." He let go of my hand instantly and shyly shuffled his feet. "I need to go to the office too... I'm new too so... Let's go." He quickly said and leased me to the office.

After I got all checked in I was left to find my classes alone. Oh thanks for the help. I don't mind getting lost. Dammit. I thought as I climbed up three flights of stairs.

I got lost every single hour. I guess it was lunch time now so I just followed a crowd of people. I got many weird looks. Obviously my still pale skin stuck out from all the sun baked people. I suddenly felt self-conscious.

I found a little place where food was sold and I bought a sandwich. I looked around nervously for someone. Sadly, I was looking for Austin. He was the only person I knew and it was nice to have at least one person to sit with at lunch.

I didn't find Austin so I sat down in the grass on the soccer field. I'm so glad I can go outside for lunch here. so peaceful. I thought as I laid down. No one else was on the field. It was nice to be alone, there are way too many people at this school.

"So you're new here huh?"

"HOLY SHIT!" I sat up abruptly and looked angrily at the person staring down at me, "I was about to fall asleep. What are you? A stalker or something?" The boy shrugged his shoulders and ran his hand through his sandy blonde hair. He wasn't as tan as the others but was surly more tan than I.

"Alright, fine fine. I saw you walking down here and you aren't the hardest person to pick out from a crowd. You're pale and short. You stick out like a sore thumb. I wanted to meet one of our newest students here at Dawn Center High." He said, his Australian accent was thick and it plucked at the little strings in my heart, playing the most beautiful song.

I felt a blush burn in my cheeks and a looked at the ground, not being able to prevent a smile. I looked back up an he was holding out a hand to help me stand up. I took it and jumped to my feet.

"Do you have a name?" He asked with his royal blue eyes full of wonder. I smiled, "My name is Rain. Do you come with a name or do I have to make one up for you?" He laughed and shook his head. The boy grabbed my old black backpack and handed it to me. While he swung his arm around my shoulder, turned me around and walked me back to the school.

"Call me Jeremy."

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