Chapter 7: the sadness!!

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I woke up to a soft knock on the door then the door opened. I sat up I see it was lady Maddie then she said with her amazing smile "time to Wake up, dear! Don't forget that lady Ava is coming over tomorrow!" Muffin ran through the door and of course we got him back yesterday from my old house. my mother was happy that I was going to live with the man she loves. I then got ready and left for school.

~~middle of class!~~

Math. why do we even need to learn it if I'm not going to use it when I'm older?!? the class room phone then went off then mrs. Snow answered it. she went in the hall so I had no clue what she was talking about. She then walked into the classroom then said "class dismissed." I then said "class isn't Over but I'm not complaining." Mrs. snow bit her lip but it wasn't holding back anger but yet... sadness. "mrs. summers can I talk to you?" she asked as I was about to walk to the band room then I said "sure." she then bit her lip very hard then said "your mother has... passed away." my eyes grew big as I heard footsteps stop from around me and stare. "she was walking back to her house when a drunk driver drove her over. I'm very sorry for your loss." As I then felt as of my heart had stopped then I said coldly "thanks for the news." she looked shocked then some of the students gasped and whispered to each other. "August you shouldn't..." she started but I then looked into her eyes as if I had no soul then I said "I'm not showing something that could ruin my life." mrs. snow then hugged me then said "I'm so sorry." I then but my lip as I said these few words that hurt so much I whispered "she was already going to die anyway." I was right, she said that people have threatened her and they said she was going to die so that's why she wanted me to live my father. she then hugged me tighter as I then gotten out of her grip then said "you can't change anything, no matter how many times you say sorry or how many times people say they miss her." mrs. snow was on the edge of tears then said "August..." As I then walked by her casually then people began to stare. she was the only person I cared about so why would life do this. I then walked outside of the school then to the back. I really wanted to cry but yet the tears aren't there. I cried them all away. I then heard footsteps then i heard a voice say "August, I know you pain." as I then realized it was Cyrus then he sat down next to me. at the back of the school there was a pond I would always love to see and there were swans there as well. I then said softly "do you really know the pain or are you just lying to make me feel better?" as he looked at me with worry then said "I'm not lying, my mother passed away last week by a overdose. I had to take care if my little sisters ever since. my father left us when I was little and I hadn't seen him since." As I looked at him he seemed to be trapped in his own thoughts as he looked at the pond then I said "my mother died today but I guess I can't cry no matter what. I really wanted to but back there I was to busy realizing that I just lost the one person I loved more than my guitar." Cyrus looked at me as if he wanted me to continue so I did "my mother, Jenny was a great person. she couldn't keep up with the rent at my house so I created the band to help me with that money and in the end I guess I never really helped." he looked at me with a smile then said "if you do ever need to talk to someone I'm always here." as he then handed me a slip of paper then I realized he just his phone number on the paper. was he trying to get close to me so he could break my heart or... is her actually trying to get closer to me so we could be better friends. I then handed him my slip of paper that had my phone number on it then said "here's mine, I guess I realized that Amy was corrected about me having to give boys my numbers." As we both laughed. I think from that day on, I think me and Cyrus has gotten a lot closer than I imagined.

~~this is the end if this chapter and I updated two chapters today! well don't forget to follow me and don't also forget to tell your friends! the question of this chapter is: have you ever been really sad and someone helped you through that sadness? bye! gladiator out!✌✌✌❄❄❄~~

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