Cute Couple Right?

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*Samantha's POV*

When I was around 3 or 4 years old I was sitting on the couch with a bowl of M&M's.

I was watching an episode of the Wiggles and I started to admire the colour of their shirts.

They were all different colours like my M&M's.

So I thought to myself, maybe the Wiggles don't have a place to live because they are always in their big red car.

I pretended that the Skittles were the Wiggles and my ears were their houses.

I shoved 4 or 5 M&M's in my ears that day, and later on the Wiggles were being picked from there home because apparently sticking chocolate in your ears is bad.

When that happened I was only in the hospital over night.

Now my last experience in the hospital was 5 days and 5 nights.

Now for 2 and a half of them I was unconscious, but I could still hear everything around me.

That's when I heard Aaron say that he liked me.

Now he was very stalked up on medication so he might not have realized what he was saying.

But from what I've seen and heard, is when someone is drunk or on drugs, their true emotions and feeling come out.

Whether it's true or it's not, I'm not going to bring it up.

Until I have to and then we will deal with it.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Samantha honey it's 7:30, you have to get up for school." Lesley informs me from outside my door.

"Okay thanks." I reply, my throat very horse from all the medication.

I lie there for another few minutes working up the strength to sit up.

When I finally do I walk over to my dresser and I pick up the to pills I left the night before.

I've been popping pain killers like they're M&M's. ( haha you get what I did there)

I've been off my feet for 3 weeks because I broke my leg.

But since my legs are so strong it healed faster then most people's.

Once I knock them back with a bottle of water, I pull open one of my drawers and I pick out what I want to wear on my first day of school.

I don't see anything in there so I head over to my closet to get a dress.

After searching and trying on clothes for the next 10 minutes I finally find a dress.

It is a high-low long dress with a black sweetheart top and a teal bottom.

I match them with tan heels and I pin my hair up.

I put on some light make up and head downstairs.

"Here catch!" Aaron says throwing a granola bar at me.

"Thanks see ya at school."

"You walking? Don't you want a ride?" He asks holding up his car keys.

"Sure that would be great. But I get to pick the car." I laugh.

He's the only person I know that has 6 cars.

"Let's take the pick up." I tell him throwing the other set of keys at him.

"Good choice."


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