Doctors Orders

76 21 0

* Samantha's POV*

I roll over and groan. Sunlight is streaming into the room that I'm in and it was making my head hurt.

I have a pretty bad headache so I thought of just staying in this room the entire day. I look at my surroundings taking it all in.

The walls are light blue and all the other furniture is white.

The room feels very beach like from all the blues and the creamy whites.

I close my eyes and cuddle into the sheets when I hear a knock at the door.

I sigh and jump out of bed way to fast. I got an immediate head rush and I fall to the floor, my head spinning.

The door opens and someone walks in. I can't see who it is cause my vision is filled with colourful pixels.

" Sam, you can't jump out of bed that fast after what happened yesterday." Aaron warns me.

" I know, I know, I just forgot ." I reply through clenched teeth.

" Okay you, back in bed, after what happened yesterday you could be in bed for a few days."

" A few days!!" I whine.

" Yes my mom thinks that you have a mild concussion."

I groan. I can't I have a concussion when I have to train for a competition that is in a couple of weeks.

" But I have to train, I have lots to do. I have to order a singlet and a crop top and sweatpants and a sweater and..."

I stop talking when I realize that Aaron isn't even listening.

If he isn't going to listen to me I'm not going to listen to him.

Sure that is kinda childish but I don't care. I hop out of bed and over to the door and close it with Aaron still inside.

I continue to walk down the stairs when someone grabs onto my ponytail.

" Ouch!!" I yelped in pain.

" What are you doing young lady, the doctors orders are for you to stay in bed." Aaron warns again.

" Why did you grab my ponytail? Remember what happened last time on the stairs when we got in each others way."

" Yeah, yeah, I remember. Come on and get back into bed, I'll make you breakfast."

" No, that's okay, I don't need you giving me food poisoning."

" Hey I can cook, I've taken cooking classes." He replies looking a little insulted.

" Fine you can make me breakfast. But I'm warning you, you better make it quick , cause when I get hungry I get grumpy!" I growl.

" Grumpier then you are now?" He smirks.

" Oh shut up I have head problems." I pout.

" Oh it's more then head problems it's brain problems." He laugh.

" Ah! Wow someone's nice."


I'm in my bed, bored out of my mind. Aaron comes in once in a while to bring me food or just company.

His food was kinda AWESOME!! It's some of the best food I've ever eaten!

It was eggs Benedict smothered in hollandaise sauce.

Aaron's mom brought up the phone after calling my mom telling her what happened and that I was going to be okay.

My mom asked to talk to me but I didn't really feel like it.

One minute I'm tired and the next minute I'm restless.

I hear a knock on my door and I open it.

" Hey." Aaron chuckles.

" Hi" I groan.

" Were going out for a welcome Sam dinner."

" YES! I can get out of this room."

" Only for a couple hours." Then it's right back into bed for you."

" Fine a couple of hours is good enough for me." I squeak, "I'm going out of mind from the boredom." I whine.

" It's going to be fancy so dress nice." he calls half way down the stairs.

I close the door and walk over to my closet.

I didn't bring any fancy clothes over so I grab my keys and walk out my bedroom door.

I yell to Aaron that I'd be right back.

I walk out the front door and across the street, unlocking my door.

I run inside, up the stairs and into my room. I belly flopped onto my bed.

I snuggle into my bed taking in the comfortable sheets. I had been in my bed for 10 minutes when I remembered why I was here.

I roll out of bed and over to my closet where I grab some clothes. I sigh as I walk out of my room.


I look in the mirror while I brush my hair. I look at my clothes very pleased.

I was wearing a black strapless dress that was tight until it came to my waist, then it puffed out until mid-thigh.

I have on white heels and a high ponytail with a black bow.

I clip on a diamond bracelet, necklace and earrings before walking out into the hallway.

I am greeted by Aaron walking up the stairs in a black suit. He had on a light blue tie and napkin peeking out of his chest pocket.

"Wow, you look... nice!" I compliment.

" I was going to say the same about you." He replies with a smirk on his face.

" Well thank you." I smile.

" May I walk you out to the car?"

" Sure." I blush.

He grabs my hand and leads me down the staircase.

Remember to





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