Humpty Dumpty is that you?

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*Samantha's POV*

I've never really enjoyed the feeling of deja vu before and now is not the time to start.

I didn't end up liking Miami as much I thought that I would, but that could also be because of the Mia confrontation.

Nothing with Mia and the other girls ever ends well.

But none the less, we are going back to Miami, despite my feelings for it.

I don't know how long Aaron plans on keeping us here before he takes us to another location but I can tell that the others aren't as anxious to get back them I am.

Sure they would all like to get back to their regular lives but I also think that they are enjoying being away from home and gaining some travelling experience.

Never in a million years would I have thought I would go on a road trip with my closest friends because I thought my parents would never allow it.

But I just had to stand up and tell them what they needed to hear, and even what I maybe needed to hear.

Caden and Sloane are getting along swimmingly and Sloane told me they are even planning on going on a date.

Jamie on the other hand hasn't stopped asking me questions about Destiny, so he is very obsessed.

Sam still looks kind of depressed because he didn't even get a chance to go out with Sloane, but he is dealing in his own Sam way.

Caden said the trip to Miami will take four hours not including traffic time so we are all just going to enjoy the ride.

We are leaving right now and it's 3:00, we all slept in really late.

Sloane insisted on sitting with Caden in the front seat so the rest of us are just watching tv.

"I can't wait, Miami is going to be so fun. We are getting a do-over since we had to leave early last time." Sam pumps his fist in the air when the commercials comes on.

I begin to feel really guilty because if we didn't leave early then the boys could have had fun and we probably wouldn't have gotten hit by that car.

"Yeah it's going to be pretty fun." I smile trying to mask the guilt that is slowly consuming me.

"I hope that Aaron gives us another day off day so we can do something we want to do." Chase says while holding a sleeping Sophia in his arms.

"That day off day was fun." I admit a smirk growing on my face.

"The only part of the day that you liked was when you saw Aaron." Jack elbows me playfully in the side making me jump.

"What can I say, I miss him." I shrug.

"We all do." Jamie smiles a sad smile.

"This channel is crap can we turn it off." Chase whines waking Sophia.

"Sure. I'm going to listen to some music." I reach into my backpack to grab my IPod and headphones.

"Can I listen to." Jack looks at me with pleading eyes so I buckle and let him listen with me.

"They are going to be old songs." I warn him and he pulls the headphone out of his ear and hands it back to me, a disgusted look on his face.

"Never mind, listen to your hearts content."

I smile to myself as I pop my headphones in and close my eyes.


"Humpty Dumpty is that you?"

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