15/09/2013 10:00Pm
I was talking to my girlfriend, I asked how she'd see our future she said marraige but It feels like Romeo and Juliet .. This world is cold and it's dying, we fight to try to keep it going but it doesn't help nothing does these days, but before I get sidetracked, think about one thing, if I did marry this girl Our parents wouldn't like each other, I came on thi website hoping someone would see my words and I'd be able to help people if they feel stressed but I noticed something in this story I call my life, there's a lot of people who come to me if they want help or advice, but I have no one, can't go to my mom, don't see my dad, my friends don't care Am I alone? I feel confused a lot and I feel lost, wondering this earth, is going to cuse me to hrm myelf I don't want to see the future unfold because I know I won't like it, I hope I'm gone before it happends but it's already too late, as I write these words the one I love turns on me I don't know wht I should do anymore tell her I don't want LOVE anymore...? how could I do such a thing, she's the type who'd break your heart over and over and not even know it she's broekn it more then once But I wen't back, Why? I don't even know, I'm too lost to know anything anymore, all I ever had and EVER will have are these words you read .. .the need to see the things I see to see this world, to see me, to see what I go through every day, when some wish the day, would end I try to fight to keep her in this LIFE!
I'm done for now do not frown you must enjoy your life it passes by so fast, try to make it last, enjoy being happy without strss and such please do not give up...