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*Bella's POV

The ambulance came and took Liv away Calum just got here in time and left with Liv to go to the hospital. We got some clothes for Liv, some food to eat because I didn't want to leave her side, and clothes for Calum. I left the apartment to go get clothes for Calum, to find Harry was home and relaxing almost naked on the couch.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"It's my apartment, aren't I allowed to be here? The real question is what are you doing here?" He said correcting me.

"I'm here for get some clothes for Calum." I said hoping there was no suspicion.

"Why?" He asked suspiciously.

"We're going to the hospital." Don't say anything, please.

"Why?" He asked shocked.

"Bye, cya later" I left noticing his abs, wow they were good. Really good, could I touch them? No not yet.

I left the apartment and went straight to the hospital to see Liv and the others. I was hoping the best that she would be breathing, but who knows what could happen...who knows...

***Hey guys, these chapters are coming slower than I thought, I thought I would have so much time. But I'm getting ready for tests and exams. Love you all!

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