02:30 am

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He's here.

It sounds like he's drunk again.

He bursts the door open and laughs loudly.

"You're still up?" He asked as he sees me looking up at him from the bed.

"It's 2 in the morning, where have you been?" I asked with a little anger in my voice.

"I'm not tied up to you, you can't tell me what time I can and can't come home." He scoffed as he struggles to take his shoes off.

I watched him where I sit, struggling, not any part of me wanted to make a move and help him get out of his dirty clothes.

"You're my boyfriend, of course I want you to be home earlier than this." I told him, standing up and out of the bed to turn the light on.

"Yeah boyfriend not a husband." He chuckled and threw his shoes to the other side of the room.

"You've got to be kidding me." I scoffed at him as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Just shut the fuck up and go back to bed." He stood up from the floor, stumbling a little on the way.

"Come on, go to sleep." He grabbed my wrist and tugged on my arm to so that I go back to bed.

"No." I told him firmly and took my hand out of grip, "just go home to your own place." I then added.

That's when he started to lose it.

The anger is now building in his eyes and I could see that I've set something in him that I might regret later.

"You're such a fucking bitch!" He started to raise his voice at me.

"Leave." I grabbed his shoes off the floor and gave it to him as I push him out of the room.

"Fuck you." He cursed.

"Leave you, asshole." I repeated.

He turned around and stopped in the middle of the room to face me.

"Bitch." He pushed me to the wall, hitting my head quite hard.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I screamed at him as he walks out of the room. "That's what you're good at, walking away from the problems that you've created." I added as I follow him to the living room.

For fuck sakes it's 2:30 in the morning, he's drunk and blaming me for things that he's done.

"You superstars always want to get everything don't you?" He turned around to face me and started to point his finger at me.

The anger in his eyes is scaring me about what he's gonna do this time. Flames are burning in them, what have I gotten myself into?

I started to take steps back away from him as he inches in closer and he closes his fists together.

"What does this have to do with my job now?" I asked him as my voice started to tremble and break down with fright.

"That's just it!" He screamed, "it's your fucking job that's making all of this complicated between the two of us." He then stopped as I finally took enough steps to land me against the wall.

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