Chapter 17

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(Original Author: )

*Haley's P.O.V.*

After about half an hour of just lazing around with Niall, I decided to get ready to go wherever he was taking me. He told me to wear whatever I wanted, advising it be something I really liked. His instructions confused me, but I went along with it. I knew exactly what I was going to wear.

I entered my closet, searching for what I had set my mind on. Finally I found it: my hot pink strapless top with a corset and navy sash. It was adorned with white flowers, and I was absolutely in love with it. I had given up a new bathing suit to have it. I paired it with a pair of dark wash Abercrombie short shorts and laid the outfit on my bed as I went to shower. When I was done, I made sure my hair curled the way I wanted it to, then brushed on some Maybelline Colossal mascara and applied subtle top eyeliner. I spritzed some Taylor Swift Wonderstruck perfume on my wrists and neck, then sprayed a cloud in front of me and walked through it. Slipping on my black flats, I looked in the mirror, smiling. Not because I looked good, I mean girls never think they look good, but I thought today was going to be a good day.

I descended the staircase, finding Louis, Liam, and Niall lounging on the couch watching something they didn't seem too terribly interested in on TV. I assumed Harry and Zayn were across the street, helping Dani and Derek get settled in. My heart leapt when Niall smiled at me and stood up, meeting me at the bottom of the stairs. Liam whistled, making me giggle. Louis winked at me and I returned it with a giddy smile as Niall took my hand and led me to the door.

"Where are you two off to?" Liam asked in a slightly fatherly way. I said nothing, seeing as I didn't even know.

"We're going for a walk," Niall answered simply. The three of us all gave him questioningly looks, which he just shrugged off.

"In this weather?" Liam questioned.

"Why not?" Niall shot back, making me grin. Liam shrugged, accepting his answer, and turned back to the television. Niall held the door open for me, exposing the water that was flowing magically from the beautifully ominous gray sky. (Yes, I know my perception of beauty in nature might be a bit strange.) I looked at him with a playful grin.

"No umbrella?" I questioned.

"Do you want one?" he offered. I smiled and shook my head.

"Nope," I answered, walking through the door and waiting for him at the bottom of the porch. I really didn't like umbrellas. I mean, what was wrong with the rain? I loved the feeling of the droplets plopping softly down on my head. I loved the mist that surrounded me, the fresh scent that filled the air, the thunder that rumbled gently, everything. I ran out onto the front lawn and spread out my arms, spinning around in circles with my face tilted towards the sky. Summer storms were the best. I started giggling like a crazy chick, high on life. I stopped to face Niall, realizing he probably thought I was insane. He was just smiling at me, almost in wonderment. Then he crossed the green landscape to me, picking me up the way Noah picks up Allie in the Notebook, and started spinning me around. I was still giggling like an idiot. Every time I thought life couldn't get any better, it did. He set me down, so we were face to face. Our breathing was kind of deep, though I'm not exactly sure why. I leaned my forehead against his, staring into his mesmerizing blue eyes. My hands were around his neck and he was delicately cupping my face. Suddenly, I was leaning in...

"C'mon, let's go," Niall said abruptly, pulling away from the almost-kiss. I must admit, I was disappointed. But if he didn't want to kiss me, trust me, I wasn't going to make him. Being in that position was not fun. But I really did want to kiss him. Maybe it was too fast, but I felt like we were ready. It was weird for me, wanting my biggest fear with such a burning passion, but something in Niall changed me, made me believe. After Louis' little push, I've had no control over my emotions. He took my hand and led me down the empty street, rain pelting our heads. I think I wanted Niall so badly because he was my dream come true. I knew he would never hurt me, and even though I thought that about Chase, this was different. With Chase I was a naïve, vulnerable, desperate little girl who thought the boy she was crazy for loved her. But now with Niall, I've been hurt before. I know what can happen in relationships, but I know the boy I'm crazy about, the boy I love loves me.

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