Chapter 22

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(Original Author: )

 *Dani's P.O.V.*

"Derek?" I called lightly, poking the door so it slightly creaked open about another two inches. I peered in as a few more sniffles silenced the sobs. I could tell they had been held back, not stopped, so I walked over to the unmoving lump that was resting under the brown duvet. "There, there," I said, rubbing the lump as I sat next to him.

"Get your hands off me. You're rubbing my ass," he informed me in a mumble.

"Ew!" I quickly removed my hand and he revealed his face to smirk at me. His eyes were read and puffy, tears glistening on his cheeks. I felt like I might cry at the sight. I hated when Derek cried, he was my wall, my source of strength. He always has been and always will be. "Aw, Der Bear." I leaned down and hugged him, cooing words of comfort. Haley was much better at the whole comforting thing than I was, but I would try my best for my brother. I'd do anything for him, because I knew he would do anything for me.

"It's ok," he sighed. "I just really liked him..." he trailed off, sobbing again. I rubbed his back and squeezed him tight, knowing how much he was hurting. Derek rarely ever fell for people, and when he fell he fell hard. "I'm sure Michelle's gorgeous and a wonderful person, she has to be to be worthy of him. I'm happy for them. I just really wish it was me with him." I let him rant as I comforted him. I knew all he really needed was someone to listen to him, so that's what I did. I lifted my head for a second to see Zayn standing in the doorway just as Derek muttered, "It's my own fault. I'm such an idiot, falling for a straight guy."

Zayn's expression looked heartbroken at that statement. I was about to say something, but I didn't know what. Good thing he said something first. "You're not an idiot," he said softly, in practically a whisper. I was shocked at how devastated he looked. I looked over at Derek, who just looked absolutely mortified. He pulled the edge of the bed cover over his face, as if that would hide him from his problems like children do to stay safe from monsters. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in, I just wanted to see if he was okay," Zayn started, apologizing to me. I shook my head with a sad smile on my face.

"It's fine," I replied softly. I knew Zayn loved Derek, even though it wasn't in a romantic way. And I knew it hurt him almost as much as it hurt me to see Derek like that. He smiled slightly at me, but then it vanished again as he approached the bed and sat down on the end.

"Derek," he said gently. He received no response. He sighed and looked at me, desperation clear in his eyes. I just motioned for him to go on with whatever it was he had to say. "I'm sorry. I love you, but like a brother. I'm so sorry I hurt you. And I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way, but you're a great guy. You'll find someone, I know it. In fact, I know an awesome lad, Jesse, and I'm sure you two would get on very well," he rambled, awaiting a response. Derek peered over the blanket, revealing his puffy red-tinted brown eyes. It seemed as though Zayn's heart broke through his eyes.

"Well," Derek croaked, "Going on a blind date is on my bucket list." Zayn and I both sighed and smiled in relief as Derek let the blanket fall to reveal his sad smile.

"GROUP HUG!" I shouted, squeezing all three of our bodies together. The boys laughed and I smiled.

"Well I'd love to meet this so-called Michelle," Derek said as we broke apart, "But I should probably get freshened up," he chuckled. Zayn and I smiled back.

"Sounds like a plan," Zayn agreed, "See you soon!" He hugged us once again before walking out and across the street. Once I knew he was out of ear-shot, I turned to Derek.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked, needing reassurance. He flashed me a sad smile, wiping away the tears.

"Yeah," he sniffled. "I mean it still hurts, but I'll be okay. And besides, I'm going on a blind date with a guy named Jesse!" he exclaimed like a girl, making me laugh. My brother was adorable. "But yes, I'm happy for Zayn and Michelle. She's a lucky girl." I nodded, proud of him. I remembered what he was like when he had come back from summer camp four years ago... I was overjoyed that he wasn't like that now. "Well, I'm going to go shower. I suggest you do the same," he taunted, gesturing to my wrinkled dress, disheveled braid, and smeared cosmetics. I rolled my eyes, but headed over to my bathroom, taking my time with the shower. Now that I knew Derek was stronger than I had thought, I could relax. Everyone went through heartbreak, even unbreakable little me...

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