Chapter 9

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(Original Author: )

It was a weird feeling, hope. A very foreign one for me. But it was a good one. I hadn't felt this wonderful in such a long time. Niall really was my light at the end of the dark, cold, lonely tunnel, all of the boys were. With everything that had happened with my parents and moving to England, leaving Julez, Meggy, and Dani, still afraid of love due to Chase's betrayal... It was such a nice thing to be past that. Well, of course I wasn't past my parents' death, but the boys got me to genuinely smile, something I didn't do very often.

            I decided to go to my room and listen to music, maybe Skype if anyone was on. I didn't want to bother Niall, he was song writing. Not to mention how I awkward that could potentially be, thanks to good old Lou. Well, we quickly got past the bra thing... Hopefully we could just forget Louis' comment. But now he probably had a good idea that I liked him, and if he didn't like me back (which he probably didn't) things would most likely be awkward. But Louis and Liam had both said they thought I had an amazing chance of Niall liking me back... Or fancying me, or however Irish people showed affection. And they both sounded positive, as if they knew something I didn't... Did Niall like me back? Ah, the power of hope. I started having day dreams of Niall and me as a couple. Was this normal...?

            I was shaken out of my thoughts by the annoying ring of a Skype video call drumming in my ears. I had my headphones in just in case they called, the boys needn't be bothered by my conversation with my friends. The screen flashed the name "Julia Tomlinson♥" and a picture of Louis appeared above it. I smiled to myself, thinking of how much Louis would enjoy seeing that. I was thinking of letting it ring just to show him, but decided against it. Instead I clicked the 'Accept Call' button, and three boxes popped up on my screen; one with Julia's face in it, the others with Megan's and Danielle's. Their names were "Megan Payne♥" and "Dani Styles♥". Gahh, I still found Dani's preference a bit uncomfortable, but oh well. "HALEYYYY!!" three voices screamed into my ears. I laughed a little and lowered the volume.

            "Hey guys!" I replied, kind of quietly. No need for the boys to think I was talking to myself. Actually, that'd be hilarious... Eh, whatever, I'd just talk at normal level. "I miss you guys so much, you have no idea." And it was true. Life without them just wasn't the same.

            "We miss you too!" They all cried. "But at least you got five hot guys in return; we just have an empty seat at our lunch table!" Julez frowned. I rolled my eyes.

            "Yeah!" Dani agreed, "You're the lucky one!" As if on cue, Harry waltzed into my room, bearing just pajama pants.

            "Haley, I need to talk to you about your confused teenage heart," he said jokingly, walking over to me.

            "Is that Harry?" Danielle asked, trying to quell her excitement but failing. Megan and Julia's faces lit up, though they tried to hide it too. I rolled my eyes, at them and Harry.

            "Give me a sec, I'm on Skype," I said to Harry.

            "Ooh, can I say hi?" he asked, jumping onto my bed. I pulled my headphones out of the computer so that Harry could hear what my friends were saying, but turned the volume way down in case they started screaming. God, all three of them looked like children on Christmas morning when Harry came into view.

            "Hi Harry!" they all said, Dani smiling from ear to ear.

            "Ello loves," Harry replied, flashing them his million dollar smile. "I like your names, especially yours Dani," he winked. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him as they all blushed and Dani giggled nervously, but I couldn't help but smile.

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