Chapter 4

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(Original Author: )

You know that moment of complete and utter confusion when you wake up at a sleepover or on vacation and you have absolutely no idea where you are? Well that's what I experienced when I woke up the next day. I sat up in a daze, not a clue where I was, until I remembered: I didn't live in New Jersey anymore. I lived in England now. Aware of my surroundings, I relaxed back into the irresistible comfort of my new bed. Damn it was comfortable. I cuddled into the soft, fluffy pillow and deeply inhaled the crisp scent of clean linen and dryer sheets. I exhaled slowly and repeated the process a few times before remembering how jet-lagged I must've been. I frantically checked the clock. 2:17 PM. Shit. Just then I noticed a piece of notepad paper that was left on my bedside table.

Hey Halez!

            Morning! Or afternoon, rather. I tried to wake you, but you were pretty much dead to the world. Anyway, we're going to the gym, we'll be back around 3. If you're even awake by then :) See ya, sleeping beauty!


P.S. you're cute when you're sleeping! :D xLouis

                I smiled at Louis' playful addition to the note and stretched out my legs before I attempted to stand on them. Once I was properly loosened up, I got out of bed and walked across the room into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, and wasn't surprised to see a mess staring back at me. My hair was a nightmare, my eyes were half closed, and my face drooped like a dead flower with fatigue. I quickly scrubbed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed out my hair. That helped, but I still wasn't happy with my hair, so I just tied it up in some pigtails. I considered showering, but I've always had a fear of showering when no one else was home. Must've been a horror movie I saw once.

                I crossed the room to the other black door and entered my dream closet. I looked around, and since it was warm again I swapped my polka-dot shorts for jean ones and my purple tank top for a light pink one. (Which fit me properly.) Although it was warm, I still felt the need to wear a sweatshirt. I approached my sweatshirt shelf and selected my dark blue one that I had gotten from a bar mitzvah in seventh grade. It was huge, and longer than my shorts, so it looked like I wasn't wearing pants, but I didn't care. I was comfortable.

                I still had about fifteen minutes until the boys got back, so I wandered downstairs.  I surprisingly wasn't that hungry, so I wasn't sure what to do. I stood in the middle of the living room and looked out the giant sliding glass doors that exposed a glorious back yard. I walked across the glossy hardwood and slid open the door, but not with ease. (I'm not exactly what you'd call "strong".) Once it finally opened, I stepped out onto the patio and embraced the scenery. There was a huge pool with a mini waterfall, a slide, and a hot tub, then behind it was an enormously vast field of bright green grass with a slight incline. There was a barbeque to my left and a long picnic table to my right. Dew dampened the blades of emerald, and moisture still hung in the air from last night's storm, but the sun still shined through the clouds. It was warm, but there was a slight breeze, which made me glad I wore a sweatshirt.

                I stopped admiring the beautiful afternoon after a few minutes and went back inside. The boys would be back any minute. I plopped down on the couch, sinking into the red cushions. I flipped through the channels until I found an interior design show. I'm not sure why I love these so much, but I do. The credits started playing at the bottom of the screen as the couple talked about how happy they were with their new kitchen when five boys walked through the front door. Five sweaty boys.

                "HONEY, WE'RE HOOOOME!" Louis yelled in an obnoxious, yet funny way. They all entered the living room, drenched in perspiration. "Aww, she's awake!" he complained, "I wanted to scare you. Oh well." The stench of body odor was too much to handle. I stuffed my nose and mouth into my sweatshirt, taking deep inhalations of my perfume.

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