Chapter 31

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(Original Author: )

 *Haley's P.O.V.*

There were five minutes until the boys were going on stage. Dani and I were just being the idiots that we are and were running around behind the backstage area, taking pictures with our IPhones. Derek and Jesse were being boring on some couches that were set up in a meet and greet room, and Michelle and Sydney were in the bathroom. The boys, of course, were getting all spiffed up for their performance.

I must admit, I was very excited. I had never been to a concert, and I had been eager to see one ever since the band was formed. Dani and I were taking pictures of ourselves making stupid faces while sneaking around the dark hallways of the venue, adventuring to cure our boredom. I felt like a spy, like when you're sneaking around the dark hallways of the high school on a weekend when you're in elementary school. We decided to go all out, with the somersaults, standing against the walls, hand guns, the whole shebang. Suddenly, we heard whispers and the clacking of heels coming from the hallway around the corner. "Shh!" I shushed Dani, flattening my body against the light blue wall. She did the same and we listened, on guard like when you think a janitor is coming.

"BOO!" We both shrieked as Michelle and Sydney popped up in front of us, laughing. Dani and I giggled along with them, clutching our chests. "You guys got bored too?" Michelle asked. We nodded and she and Sydney smiled at us. "Come on, you should see this!" she said, leading us down the hallway they had just come from and taking a right.

"Whoa," I breathed. It was amazing. The walls were covered in drawings, murals, designs, messages, and signatures. It just went on and on, the hallway seemed to never end. It just looked like it tapered off into a tiny eternal black square at the end of your vision of sight.

"Anyone got a Sharpie?" Dani asked, surveying the wall. Messages like "You are beautiful" and "Make art, not war" were written on the wall along with song lyrics. There were also a few things such as "FUCK SOCIETY" and "love is dead". I smiled at those ones in amusement. Michelle whipped a black marker out of her back pocket with a smile and handed it to Dani, pointing to a note in perfect bubbly classic girl handwriting that read, "Smile you gorgeous motherfucker(; ". I smirked, assuming she wrote that. Dani took the writing implement and began scribbling down a message. I walked slowly, scanning the wall. A huge grin spread across my face when I spotted a Taylor Swift message:

"Never Grow Up. We're all Tied Together With a Smile, so Stay Beautiful and live Fearless. Life's too short, so Long Live the good times, any bad one is just another Picture to Burn. So just forgive, forget, and Breathe. If you have something to say, Speak Now. Life is a Love Story, so make every day The Best Day. Because when we tell The Story of Us, do we really want to be Haunted by memories of being Invisible?"

I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. I snapped a picture, making it my background. "Dani, can I see that marker for a sec please?" I asked, holding my hand out. She placed it in my hand and I quickly jotted down, "LONG LIVE THE TAYLOR NATION" with an arrow pointing to the beautiful message. I handed the marker back to Michelle who smiled at the paragraph and my response in appreciation as well. I looked at what Dani wrote and smiled. It was classic Dani.

"Hey, so if you're reading this then you're in a really sketchy dark hallway. Unless I just came at a bad time... Anyway, if the lights are off as you read this and you can't hear a thing but your own breathing, congrats! You're one badass motherfucker! Cuz you're probably sneaking around this place like a boss while waiting for your amazing boyfriend to go on stage. Oh wait, that's what I'M doing! Kthxbi♥"

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