Chapter 12

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(Original Author: )

   As we crossed the perimeter of the forest, Niall set me down on the ground. I was glad to be able to use my own feet again, still not the biggest fan on being carried. It was very dark by now, but the house was illuminated in the distance by the lights that were on inside. I was happy when Niall slid open the back door, seeing as how I had some trouble with that. We stepped inside to find Harry, Louis, and Zayn on the couch watching Power Rangers, and I could hear Liam and Sydney's voice floating in from the kitchen. Naturally, that was where Niall headed. I followed behind him, wanting to talk to Sydney more. I liked her.

            She and Liam were giggling when we entered, and her face lit up the moment she saw us. "Congrats you little love birds!" she cheered, engulfing us both is a huge embrace. She smelled very good, like rosemary and mint. I giggled and blushed.

            "Thanks," I said as she let go. Niall thanked her bashfully as well and went to raid the refrigerator.

            "I am starving," he complained. Poor Niall, we had been out for a pretty long time. I could only imagine how hard it had to have been for him to go without food for so long.

            "What were you two doing all day?" Liam asked, sounding bewildered at how long we were out. I checked the clock. 9:36? Wow, we really had spent all day in the meadow.

            "Just talking," I answered dismissively. I decided to leave out the crying bits.

            "I'm sorry to take your lover away from you Nialler, but I'm stealing her for a little while," Sydney teased, gently taking me by the hand and guiding me up stairs as Niall put on a pout. Gahh, he was so adorable!

            "But- but she's my captive!" he whined jokingly. I giggled and Sydney smiled at me like an older sister. Well, she did have two years on me, and seemed like the sweetest woman alive. We entered my room and she sat me down on my bed, taking a seat beside me.

            "I heard the boys' version of the story, but I've been dying to hear yours!" she gushed as we settled down. I smiled like an idiot as I recalled the memory, and she smiled back, urging me to go on.

"Well, I just woke up to the sound of his guitar," I started as she leaned forward, listening intently. "At first I was convinced it was a dream. And he started singing Call Me Maybe," I smirked at that and continued, "That song is like my cheer-up song. Harry must've hinted him on that one. But then they started singing Stand Up, and it was so amazing... I never thought anyone would ever sing to me in my life, let alone someone with a voice as angelic as Niall's," I sighed dreamily. Today truly was the best day of my life. Sydney sighed as well, smiling at me knowingly.

"It's the best feeling, isn't it?" she related, and I nodded. "So I heard you two lovers left at 2:30, what were y'all doing all day?" she asked in a gossipy voice, making me blush.

"Well, he took me to this gorgeous meadow... And really, it was amazing. We just kind of talked about random, irrelevant things the whole day while lying on the grass." Okay, not exactly irrelevant things. But not exactly things that I was ready to spill to Sydney, either. Just thinking about it made me feel ashamed of myself.

"Aww, well that's just adorable!" she squealed. "Next time you little cuties do something cute together, I want to know every detail!" she begged. I giggled and agreed. She left, probably going off to be all precious with Liam. I was about to head down stairs as well, but I checked my phone first. I had left it on my bed all day. I was surprised to see I had four new texts, seeing as how it would cost money to text Julia, Megan, and Danielle. But then I noticed that three of them were from Louis and the last one was from Harry.

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