Chapter 3

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(Original Author: )

There were no more tickle fights that night. There were, however, a few pillow fights and even a banana battle... Which was interesting. By 3:00 AM, the boys were pretty tired. We decided to call it a night and go to bed. They guys all hugged me goodnight before retiring to their rooms for the night. It was a humid night, seeing as how it was early June, so I slipped into my light blue pajama shorts with green polka dots and my purple tank top. I wasn't tired at all since I was used to going to bed at midnight or later, New Jersey time, so I thought I'd occupy myself by putting some of my clothes away in my new closet. 

        I opened the black door that didn't lead to the bathroom, and what instead led to every girl's dream come true: A huge walk-in closet with more space than I could probably fill. Mental Note: Thank Harry for the closet. I started organizing my new, amazayn closet, but by 3:40 I got bored and decide to try to sleep. I climbed under the cool white comforter and the quilt I had made with my mom in third grade, which I brought with me to England. I kept the lamp on, because I couldn't even stand the dark in my room in Jersey, let alone this new, unfamiliar one. By 4:00 I just accepted that I wouldn't fall asleep for a good hour, so I silently crept out of my room, using my phone as a flashlight as I tip-toed down to the kitchen. I crossed my fingers, praying I didn't wake any of the boys.

        Once I made it to the kitchen, I flicked on the lights, but dimmed them just in case. I wasn't really sure why I went to the kitchen, I wasnt hungry, plus I'd feel bad taking their food without their permission. I was just kind of standing there, leaning against the cold granite counter top while staring at the rain drops rolling down the window, listening to the soft rumble of thunder when I heard an Irish accent behind me, practically giving me a heart attack. "Can't sleep?" Niall asked.

        I spun around, slapping my hand to my chest. I relaxed a bit, not wanting to look like an idiot. (And proably failing.) "It's only 11:00 for my body," I shrugged, self-consciously sucking in my stomach, which was exposed due to the fact that the tank top I was wearing fit me well in fourth grade, before my growth spurt. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" I asked guiltily.

        "No, I just get hungry in the middle of the night," he smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he added apologetically. I assured him that it was fine, and then I realized:

        He had no shirt on.

        I tried not to stare as he walked past me to one of the cabinets. "Hungry?" he asked.

        "Sure, I guess." I didn't want to be awkward, I wanted to make conversation, but for God's sake, I was alone in the middle of the night in a dimly lit room with a shirtless Niall Horan. I mean what would you do in that situation? Other than start making out with him, which wasn't an option here. I mean I didn't like him, I just met him, but it was a pretty nice sight.

        He pulled out an unopened box of Oreo's and poured two glasses of milk. My absolute favorite snack!

        "Mine too!" he smiled at me, setting the glasses down on the breakfast bar. Had I said that out loud? I sat down in the stool next to him as he opened the package. The black and white cookies were lined up perfectly, and he took the one in the middle. I took one too, and dunked the whole thing in the cold milk, getting the tips of my fingers wet but not caring. When I had held it under for a good amount of time, I popped it into my mouth. It had softened to the perfect consistency. "I'm sorry about your parents," Niall broke the silence, speaking softly.

        I swallowed. "Thanks," I replied. I mean I wasn't going to lie and say it was fine. Because it wasn't. "And thanks for letting me stay with you guys." I should probably thank the other guys, too, I thought to myself.

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