Chapter 21

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(Original Author: )

 *Dani's P.O.V.*

As we sat in the car the butterflies just grew more and more, continuously reminding me of how nervous and giddy Harry made me. Reminding me how special he was. I was staring out the window at the blackened scenery of the night as we cruised along, listening to Cher Lloyd's 'Over the Moon'. I loved this song so much, it had such a fun vibe and Cher was amazing. I started singing along with the chorus, and then launched into the second verse. Harry looked over at me with slight amusement on his face. "You rap?" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and blushed.

"Only with the radio," I replied. Normally I would've said something that was dripping with sarcasm, but there was something making me act more polite. I wasn't sure what it was about Harry... Then I realized: I cared what he thought about me.

Wow. I am honestly shocked that I ever thought that. I'm not sure if I'd ever given one fuck about how people see me before I met Harry. Yes, I wanted Halez, Julez, and Meggy to continue liking me, but I never had to think much about that. I mean after all, we all knew we were practically soul sisters. But with Harry... It wasn't that I felt had to make myself into something I wasn't, but he changed me. Not in a bad way, like he made me a monster or shit, but like he made me a happier person. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but he just made me feel different than my normal fuck-society-I-don't-give-two-shits self. And I liked it.

"Well, you're not too bad," he complimented with a winning smile. I think I understand that saying know, because his smile completely won over my heart. He didn't just smile with his mouth; he smiled with his eyes and his heart as well. He was incredible. I just smiled at him like a creepy creeper.

"Thanks," I replied, blushing. "Not really a hobby of mine, but I guess talking quickly to a beat is fun." He smiled again and chuckled a bit, making my heart flutter as his crystalline jade eyes flickered from the road to me. I might have been imagining, but I thought I sensed some real feelings for me within those eyes, like I was making him feel something positive. Which was a very good thing. I smiled, high on the feeling of a blossoming relationship, and stared out the window. I noticed we were driving down the coast of a beach, driving away from marked beaches. I turned towards him and raised my eyebrow quizzically.

"No peeking!" he scolded like a child playing hide-and-seek. I giggled at his adorableness. With his curls, wide green eyes, dimples and charming smile he seemed a bit like a little kid. No one else would really notice it, and a lot of the time it was masked by his perverseness, but during that sentence he just seemed so young and cute. I held up my hands in mock defense, and then used them to cover my eyes. "Much better." I snuck a glance at him out of my peripheral vision, not wanting to miss one amazing smile he flashed in my presence. I mentally swooned for about the millionth time since I met him, and actually obeyed as I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt the car swerve slightly and come to a gradual halt. "We're here!" he announced happily.

I smiled as I looked out of the window at the dark, mystical beach. I smiled once more when Harry's perfect face appeared in front of me as he opened my door for me like a gentleman, flashing me his million dollar smile. He offered me his hand and I took it graciously, stepping out of the car and holding his hand as we made our way down the beach. "One sec," I said, quickly slipping off my heels. Nice call, Halez, I thought sarcastically. Without the shoes I was now noticeably quite a bit shorter than Harry. He smiled down at me and I blushed back.

"You're cute," he complimented me, making me smile down at my feet as they sunk into the cool sand with every step took.

"You're not too bad yourself," I shot back, looking up and smiling into his stunning green eyes. He grinned back, chuckling a bit.

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