TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Four

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That Butt Naked Godly Being With A Lovely Six Pack.

FAVORITE COMMENT(s) from last upload!

"So im totally looking up wolves on ebay. and my logic is, i can buy a russian mail order bride over the internet. I am going to name her Corrine,and i am going to the zoo and hi-jacking a wolf and naming him Seth. All i need now is a hot guy.. Im going to wal-mart for that one :P" -MLIAfan

"My heart went a bit like this.... Normal beat... Sudden stop... Double time... Sudden heart attack.... Pole dance.... Hang-de-man...irrational 5 second beep... Cardiac arrest.... Exhaustion.... Seth, wolfy-eye roll- reminds me so much of sam winchester that even my heart pole dances... Mmmmah sexy time XD"  -RaisedWithFangs

"I'm gonna dieeeee you need to upload like noW!!!!! anyway... I'm obsessed with this story and Seth. I told my boyfriend I was cheating on him with Seth(jokingly) and he was like SETH? the guy from your werewolf book?I cracked up.. anyway, thank you for the goodness of updating!!" -kelimneil

"NOW STRIP! I command you. Please?" -DreamKiller72

"If I could have one wish in life, it would be to walk into a forest and find a butt naked hunk that is a werewolf and loves me! Ok then not to sound spoiled, I would settle for a butt naked hunk that loves me... fine maybe just a hunk..... and slightly naked LOL" -headintheclouds

<<Keep the COMMENTS coming, remember I am picking my favorite comments with each upload and sharing them with everyone! I can't pick yours if you don't comment, so COMMENT AWAY:)>>

Chapter Twenty- Four

"Are we there yet?" I wondered for what felt like the hundredth time, as I continued to stumble behind Seth through the trees, my hand tightly clutched in his.

Hearing Seth laugh lightly, I was slightly surprised when Seth suddenly stopped walking which had me walking straight into his back.

 Turning around slowly, a wide grin spread across his face, I couldn't help but smile back at Seth, and feel slightly embarrassed over the fact that I just walked straight into him. "Almost," He whispered softly, avoiding the fact that I indeed just walked into him and squeezing my hand in his instead. 

Groaning at hearing him say 'almost' for what also felt like the hundredth time, I closed my eyes tightly together for a moment, and quickly reopened them a moment later. Meeting Seth's blue orbs, I found myself lost in the depths of his beautiful eyes, and all impatient thoughts forgotten. "I think I need to stop looking into your eyes from now on..." I explained to him suddenly, meaning every word.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Seth stared at me with a blank expression, "And this is because..." He wondered, most likely trying to fit together a reason in his mind.

Biting onto my bottom lip, I let out a deep breath, "I get lost every time I do. It's like you're controlling my thoughts-" I paused suddenly, "Wait that isn't some freaky wolf thing right, you can't make me forget something, right?!" I suddenly panicked, my brain going into hyper drive as I thought about the fact that he wasn't a normal human, and maybe there was a reason why I always forgot my train of thought when  I was with him.

Hearing Seth's laughter fill the air around me, I instantly relaxed, "No, for the most part I'm normal..." Seth spoke through his laughter as he turned on his feet and began leading us in the direction we were originally traveling in before we found ourselves distracted in conversation.

"What do you mean 'for the most part'?" I pressed, curious to find out more about him.

Seth laughed once more, "Well for one being an over sized brown wolf..." He spoke sending me a cheeky grin. 

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