Letter 6

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Ashton looked with unseeing eyes out the window at the scenery whizzing by while the bus continued the journey through the United States. "How's it going?" Calum asked, taking a seat next to Ashton.

"What? Fine," he replied with a start. He caught Calum's knowing eye and sighed. "She hasn't responded," he muttered, looking out the window again to hide the pain in his eyes.

"How long are you supposed to write these before you, ya know, give up?" He asked with a sigh. Ashton had thought about that before, but having no answer, he simply shrugged. "Are you any better?" Calum asked, biting his lip and eyeing Ashton with concern.

Again Ashton shrugged, letting out a long sigh as he thought about his answer. "Reliving the memories makes me feel good for a minute - like she's still with me," Ashton explained, "But then I'm forced to remember that she's not and - and I feel the pain and heartbreak like it's brand new." Calum nodded that he understood, but Ashton knew he was just being polite. Calum would never know how he felt. "What if it never stops hurting?" Ashton asked in a whisper, his voice threatening to break as he confessed this fear.

"Don't say that," Calum commanded, "It just takes time. Just keep your head up. It'll get better. It has to." Ashton smiled gratefully at Calum, hoping to convince him that his attempt at an inspirational speech helped, although they both knew it didn't. Calum nodded sullenly and got up, leaving Ashton alone. Immediately Ashton pulled out a pad of paper, ready to write his next letter.

Dear Dakota,

I have a story to tell you that you don't already know. While we were on the roof that night, the others had some time to talk, and Luke, Michael and Calum shared with me what they heard.

"Okay, Lacey, truth or dare?" Michael asked.

She thought for a moment before replying, "Let's start out with truth."

"Do you like Dakota's boyfriend?" Michael asked instantly.

"Do I like him?" She repeated, tapping her chin. "There isn't that much of a reason not to. He's definitely a likable guy. He's successful, responsible, and everything that every parent tells their daughter to look for in a boyfriend. I think that's the problem, though, ya know?" She looked around at the boys as they shook their heads, showing that they did not understand. "I mean, he's boring. But not in the sense that he isn't funny or nice to talk to, because he is. He's just - everything is so planned out with him. Dakota claims to like that - knowing everything in advance. But I know Dakota, and she misses the adventure and excitement of someone more, I don't know, unpredictable." She looked around again and Michael nodded that he understood, although Luke and Calum still seemed lost.

"So you don't like him?" Michael asked, hoping to get a straight answer.

"I don't think Dakota likes him," Lacey stated.

"Why is she with him?" Luke piped up.

"Why do you guys care?" Lacey chuckled, eyeing them suspiciously.

"We, er, have a friend that might be interested in her," Michael said casually. Lacey gave a knowing smile and laughed, shaking her head.

"Dakota's not the type to cheat," Lacey said simply.

"Ashton's not the type to get her to cheat," Michael retorted.

"So it's Ashton?" Lacey asked with a smirk. Michael's eyes widened and Lacey laughed. "It's alright, it's pretty obvious," she added. "But that doesn't change the fact that she has a boyfriend."

"But would she be interested in Ashton?" Calum pressed.

"Look, Dakota has been a fan of your band for a while, and she freaked when she met Ashton. If she was single she'd probably be interested in Ashton, but she's not. And to be honest, even if she was single I'm not sure it would work. Dakota's fragile - she's had a really rough past and a lot of heart break - even if she doesn't show it. She's scared of relationships and of falling in love and of relying on people. Even if she had feelings for Ashton, she'd never take the risk. You should tell Ashton to give up on her. I'm sure you don't want to see him hurt, either. And in this situation, especially with Chase in the picture, if he pursues her I think more than one person would end up broken-hearted." She finished her speech and the four of them sat in silence before she asked, "Luke, truth or dare?" And the game went on.

Things would have been so easy if I would have listened. Why don't I ever listen?

Still yours,


[A/N] this is late and I'm sorry but there is dramaaa coming to make up for it don't worry!

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