Letter 3

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A pair of small, soft hands flipped through the mail, tossing bills and magazines onto the coffee table until they stopped, holding the last envelope. A pair of fingers tore the envelope open, gingerly pulling out the folded sheet of paper.

A pair of bright green eyes shut tightly as memories came flooding back. After a moment, the eyes opened and began to read.

Dear Dakota,

I waited again for an answer, and again I was disappointed. I don't know why I expect you to reply. I suppose if you didn't respond to my phone calls or emails you won't respond to my letters, but I can't keep myself from hoping.

I like to believe that fate wanted us to be together. If we weren't meant to be, then we wouldn't have seen each other that second time. Surely you remember, but just in case you've forgotten, I'll tell the story.

I walked aimlessly down the sidewalk with Michael, turning into any shop that peaked our interest. We entered a small surf shop, although neither of us had any intention of purchasing anything, and that is when I heard it. I heard your laugh, and looking back on it I must have been falling in love with you already, as crazy as that sounds, because your laugh made my heart race and my stomach flip like nothing else had ever done.

I looked to where the sound had come from and saw you looking at swim suits with the same girl you were with at the beach. "Dakota," I said aloud, although I didn't mean to.

"Ashton!" You said in surprise, "Hi." You smiled at me and I grinned back, not knowing what to say, but not wanting our conversation to be over.

"I'm Michael," Michael interjected, sticking his hand out for you to shake.

"I know," you giggled, shaking his hand, "I'm Dakota." Your friend nudged you in the side and you jumped slightly. "This is Lacey," you added, pointing to your friend.

"Nice to meet you," Michael stated with a nod and a concerned look in my direction. "So what are you up to?"

"Shopping," you answered, with a shrug. "What about you two?"

"Just walking around. Enjoying our day off," Michael explained. You nodded, and silence fell, the only noise coming from the Air Conditioner in the little shop.

"How long are you in California?" Lacey asked, looking at me instead of Michael.

"Uh, the rest of the summer," I murmured, my cheeks reddening for no particular reason.

"Maybe we'll all see more of each other," she said.

"You two should come over some time!" Michael suggested excitedly.

"Yeah," Lacey agreed, smiling at you.

"How about tonight?" Michael invited.

"I dunno," you mumbled, looking to Lacey for help.

"We'll be there," Lacey stated with a definite nod.

"Lacey!" You whispered harshly.

"Relax, it's not a date. It'll be fun," she mumbled, smiling at Michael and I innocently.

You stood aside begrudgingly as Michael and Lacey exchanged numbers. "I'll see you tonight, then," Michael said finally.

"Great," Lacey said with a smile.

"Bye," you said weakly before Lacey pulled you out of the shop.

"You are so sad," Michael said to me once you had left.

"I don't know what to say to her!" I defended, "Besides, she has a boyfriend."

"Well, she's into you," Michael pointed out simply.

"No she's not," I argued.

"I guess we'll see tonight," Michael said with a shrug.

You can't pretend that the fact that we met again, and only a few days after the day at the beach, didn't mean anything. Of all the surf shops in California, we went to the same one. I haven't been there since, if you were wondering. It reminds me of you. But then again, most everything does. I hope sometimes things remind you of me. I miss you, but I'm sure you know that.

Still yours,


Just as the eyes reached the end of the letter, a pair of ears heard a voice call from the other room. "Babe, are you ready to go?" The hands folded the letter, quickly returning it to the envelope and tucking it into a drawer containing two similar envelopes. The hands shut the drawer quickly as the door opened and a man stood laughing in the doorway. "You can sort through mail later," he chuckled, shaking his head. A pair of legs stood up and a pair of feet shuffled toward the man, although the fake smile didn't reach the pair of eyes.

[A/N] I'm going to start updating on a regular schedule as best as I can. You can expect new chapters on Saturdays :) I would love your feedback !

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