Letter 13

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As Dakota walked hurriedly but aimlessly through her neighborhood, she pulled out Ashton's most recent letter. Careful of the blood stains, she slowly opened it and began to read.

Dear Dakota,

I believe this is my final letter to you. If you still don't see that I love you more than Chase ever will, it's hopeless. I've waited and waited for you. I've proved my love in every way I know how, but it wasn't enough. And now I am giving up. I hate the idea of giving up, because I know you would never give up on anything. Well, that's not entirely true. You gave up on us first. I am just now catching up. Of course I still love you. How could I not? But at this point that isn't enough. I guess this letter is my goodbye letter. So goodbye, Dakota.

Still yours,


Dakota touched her cheek, surprised to find a tear slipping down. She did love Ashton. She knew that now. Tucking the letter away, she hurried off with new purpose. There were things she needed to do before she found Ashton again.

Meanwhile, Ashton stared blankly at the cold Pacific Ocean, grateful that the bleeding had subsided but feeling nothing else. He stared for minutes, maybe hours, lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly he saw out of his peripheral a green disc skidding across the sand. It landed at his feet and he hesitated but picked it up. Looking down the beach, he caught sight of Dakota waving shyly. She cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, "Permission to approach?"

Knowing he would never be able to resist her, Ashton called back, "Permission granted!" He watched as Dakota tiptoed across the cold sand with her shoes in her hand. He couldn't help but laugh when he noticed the familiar way she wore her hoodie - the sleeves pulled over her hands and the string tied in a bow at her neck. No matter how much he had teased her for her insistence that those strings stayed tied, she never changed.

As Ashton's thoughts caught up with the situation, Dakota caught up to him. She timidly took a seat beside him in the sand, scooting toward him until her fingers brushed his. "How's it goin'?" she asked casually.

"That's your opener?" Ashton asked in disbelief, "I just got beat up by your fiance and you ask me how it's going?"

"Ex-fiance," Dakota corrects simply, "And I thought about opening with a few jokes, but the moment just didn't seem right, ya know?" Dakota looked up at Ashton to gauge his reaction, grateful to see him smile to himself. Ashton turned away, refusing to let Dakota see him laughing. Leaning gently, Dakota bumped Ashton's shoulder with her own, making him turn back.

Ashton looked into Dakota's eyes and gave up his fight against the ever-spreading grin on his face. "You're an idiot," he sighed, "Ya know that?"

"I know," Dakota agreed with a heavy breath.

"As long as you're aware," Ashton mumbled with a smirk, making Dakota laugh begrudgingly. "That was a nice gesture with the green Frisbee," Ashton complimented, waving the disc weakly.

"You've always liked big romantic gestures," Dakota pointed out, "I figured something poetic and thoughtful would win your heart."

"You make me sound like a hopeless romantic," Ashton muttered weakly.

"You do that on your own," Dakota chuckled. Ashton laughed, too, knowing that she was right. Silence fell between the two as they each got lost in their thoughts.

"You said ex-fiance," Ashton realized aloud. Dakota nodded, not knowing what to say. "Ex?" Ashton clarified.

With a sigh Dakota explained, "I left him." Ashton nodded thoughtfully, waiting for her to continue. "To come after you," Dakota added.

"So," Ashton began, not exactly knowing how to continue, "Where does that leave us?"

"I don't know," Dakota said, shaking her head and staring out thoughtfully at the ocean. Ashton admired her as she thought - her furrowed eyebrows and creased forehead. She looked up at Ashton, catching him staring, and repeated, "I really don't know."

[A/N] okay it's so late i totally deserve to be hated I KNOWWWWW it won't be as long now ok ok

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