Letter 9

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Dakota checked the mail box, only finding bills. The next day, and the next day, and the next day she checked the mail box, disappointed time after time to find that there was no letter for her. Eventually, she stopped hoping. She stopped eagerly flipping through the mail for a letter from Ashton that would never come.

"This came for you," Chase said one day, tossing an envelope onto Dakota's lap. Instantly recognizing the handwriting, Dakota's heart skipped a beat.

"Thanks," she said, doing her best to keep her voice even. How long had it been since he last wrote? Two months? Three? She waited for Chase to leave the room before tearing into the letter.

Dear Dakota,

I know it's been a while. I'm sorry, but I probably shouldn't be. What do I have to be sorry for? Not writing to a girl that doesn't care. I know, I'm pathetic. I've been doing a lot of thinking since I received your Save the Date. I had said that any kind of response from you would be great and that I just wanted to know you were happy. I think that was a lie. I think I'd rather not know. Now all I can imagine is you being happy with Chase - happier than you were with me. It hurts, Dakota.

After the day you kissed me, things were weird. For a few days we didn't talk. I understood, though. You had a lot to think about. I was watching a movie by myself, the other boys nowhere to be found, when you called me. "Hello?" I said into the phone immediately.

"Hey, um, are you busy?" You asked. I could tell by your voice you had been crying.

"No, I'm - I'm free," I replied, "Do you need something?"

"Can you come over?" You asked quietly, "Lacey went out for the night and I'm alone and - can you just come over?"

"Of course," I breathed, already getting up to leave, "I'll be there in ten minutes." I hung up and quickly called a cab, arriving at your house exactly when I had said.

I knocked and you immediately swung the door open. Before I even stepped inside you hugged me tightly, burying your face in my chest. "Hey," I breathed, rubbing your back gently. "What's going on?"

"I broke up with Chase," you mumbled into my chest, your body shaking slightly as you began to cry.

"Oh," I said, unsure of how else to respond. We stood on the doorstep for quite some time, me rocking you back and forth as you cried into my shirt.

"I'm sorry," you sighed finally, pulling away from me and blushing. "I just didn't know who else to call. Lacey wouldn't understand."

"Don't be sorry," I told you as we walked inside, "I'm here for you." You smiled gratefully at me, your cheeks puffy from crying. "Did you, er, wanna talk about it?" I asked.

You shrugged, plopping down on the couch and patting the spot next to you. "I just realized I don't love him," you said, biting your lip and glancing at me nervously. I nodded, not wanting to ask too many questions. "I realized that I love you," you said so quietly I was sure I heard you wrong.

"You -?" I began in shock, "You what?"

"I love you," you admitted with a flutter of a smile.

What happened to that, Dakota? Don't you remember that? Now you're back with Chase, and I still have no answers. I still don't even know why you left.

Still yours,


Dakota sighed, opening the envelope to slide the letter back in when she noticed another smaller piece of paper inside. She pulled it out and saw 'Ashton Irwin' scrawled across the top. The only other mark on the paper was a check mark in the box beside 'I will be attending alone.' She felt her heart stop as she realized Ashton would be at her wedding. She heard a faint knock at the door and pushed thoughts of her wedding temporarily aside, rising to answer the door. She folded the letter up and placed it back in the envelope on her way to the entry hall. Once she opened the door, the envelope fell from her hand.

Her heart dropped along with her jaw. She couldn't think straight. She couldn't form words. All she could manage to say was, "Ashton?"

A/N: this is late and I'm sorry but drammaaa?

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