Chapter Three.

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Alice's POV

I had been running for what seemed like hours. I hadn't found a river or a lake so I was still smelling like the vampire I killed.

Suddenly I broke through the trees and entered a clearing. And right in the center of it, I saw a river flowing. I quickly ran straight into the river and started to wash the blood off me. I quickly realized that I would take more than that to get rid of the scent of blood. It had been stuck to my clothes for too long. I had to get rid of it. But that wasn't exactly an easy decision as it was the only set of clothes that I had. I would have to find some place where I could steal some new clothing. But I had to keep this on for the time being which meant that they would easily be able to follow me no matter where I go. Especially the werewolves.

As much as I hate to admit it they are the best trackers there is. I was going to have to do something extremely clever to hide my scent and the scent of blood until I could get some new clothing. And I didn't know how long it would take me to find something.

As soon as I got out of the river, I immediately started running as fast as I could. I had to get out of the forest. I had to get out of the continent. But where would I go. I could go to America. The werewolf continent. It was a risky move but it seemed like the only one I could possibly make.

I would be closer to my goal but at the same time I would be somewhat safe. I doubt that they would expect me to hide on their own continent. It didn't take long for me to decide but I still had to plan exactly how to get there.

I doubt I could get there by plane. They would probably have that under surveillance so it would have to be by boat. Even though I hate sailing. I also got seasick so quickly every time.

I decided that I had to get out of the forest and find a city so that I could get some clothing and then I would head down towards the docks and try and find a ship that was heading for America. I didn't care where specifically as I just had to get there and then I would figure the rest out.


Later that day I had found a homeless shelter in Saint Petersburg and had gotten some clothing that, for the time being, would disguise my scent. I decided to head for the Admiralty shipyard. Hopefully I would be able to find some form of transportation from there to America and even more important, hopefully the ship wouldn't be employing any vampires. I knew that there was a slim chance that none of the people on board of any of the ships would be only humans but I had to take a chance and hope that at least they wouldn't be able to detect my scent.

When I finally arrived at the shipyard after many hours of searching, I looked for a ship that was heading for America.

I tried to find the main office and search the manifests but it took too long so I decided to play the homeless little girl and hope that some of the workers at the shipyard would have pity for me.

The clothing I had gotten definitely made me look like a homeless little girl but I didn't think it was enough so I grabbed some mud and smeared it all over my face to make it look like I was in even worse condition than I really was.

I saw a group of workers standing beside a container, smoking. I thought that they were the perfect group for trying to get away from Russia. As I walked over to them I heard a couple of different accents. I heard Russian, American, German and Portuguese. I was surprised by the last one but decided to take the chance and walk up to them.

"Привет, можете Вы парни помогать мне? (Hello, can you guys help me?)" I asked them. The Russian of the group answered. "Это зависит от того, что Вы хотите, Ваша бездомная часть мусора. (It depends on what you want, your stray piece of garbage)" He spat, his voice laced with disgust. Maybe this isn't the right group of people to ask but I decided to keep trying. "Пожалуйста, я просто хочу поехать в Америку. (Please I just want to go to America)" I pleaded, making it sound like I was about to cry. I don't know why but the American was the next one to speak up. "Nikolai, behave. Can't you see that the poor girl is starving and just want to get a better life?" He said as he pushed past the Russian now known as Nikolai.

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