Chapter Twenty

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Alice's POV

I jolted awake and quickly looked around. I had been dreaming but I didn't remember anything about the dream. "Alice. Breakfast is ready. Come and eat before it gets cold" I heard Hayabusa's wife call out. It had only been a year since my parents had been slaughtered and I had been forced to run for my life with no sight of freedom in my future. I ended up here. In Hayabusa's palace. He had found me and taken me in. His wife had been extremely kind to me. They had taken me in when no one else would. They treated me like I was their blood. I would never be able to thank them enough. I jumped out of bed and got dressed before running out the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. The first thing I saw was Hayabusa sitting at the table with his coffee. He always liked to enjoy his coffee. Yet he hated how many people thought that they had to read the newspaper while they had their coffee. I never really understood that either. I quickly sat down and immediately Amitiel, Hayabusa's wife, placed a big stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs in front of me. "You expect me to eat all of that?" I asked playfully as I knew that I would have no problems eating it all. She and I still laughed occasionally at the first time she had to make dinner after I arrived. She had made a little bit more than the usual and had to make about 3 times the amount just to make sure I wouldn't go to sleep hungry. Since then she has made it normal for her to make food for 9 people because I eat for about 7. Hayabusa constantly told me about parts of my future and what some of the things I could encounter would be. I never really listened to what he had to say. It always bothered me that he knew so much about me, both my past and my future, yet he couldn't tell me anything specific. So I decided to just eat the breakfast in peace without really thinking.


As soon as I was done eating, I leaned back and suddenly something flashed through my head. A sharp jolt of pain followed by a bunch of images that I wasn't sure was real or not. 'This is definitely not like I remember' I thought to myself as I looked around to see if Hayabusa or Amitiel saw what happened to me. Luckily they were too busy eating each other's lips to realize what happened around them. It actually made me a little jealous and mad that they could have each other and not be afraid of being killed while I had no possible way of being with my mate. Suddenly another image flashed through my mind but there was no pain. It was an image of Salem. It stayed in my head. 'What is so special about him?' I hissed at myself as I still didn't understand why the image stayed in my head. I knew who he was. He was one of the reasons that I was an orphan. Because of him, I lost my entire family. He was one of the people that I intended on killing. He was one of my reasons that I began training. Suddenly I felt the most agonizing pain in my chest. I crumbled to the floor and pressed my hand to my chest in an attempt at easing the pain. The image of Salem quickly disappeared from my mind and so did the thought of killing him. As soon as that thought disappeared, so did the pain. I breathed heavily as only in that moment did I notice that Amitiel and Hayabusa were kneeling beside me with worried looks on their faces. "I... I'm okay..." I said calmly as I hoped that Hayabusa wouldn't detect my lie. But of course, I wasn't that lucky. "Alice, don't lie to me. What was that?" He asked only a moment after my lie. "I... I don't know. For a second I had an image of Salem stuck in my mind and then I began thinking about how badly I wanted to kill and hurt him. Then the next second, I was laying on the floor in pain. And when the thought about killing him disappeared, so did the pain..." I said as I looked at Hayabusa in the hope that I would see something that could shine some light on what had just happened to me. But what I saw didn't exactly inspire confidence in me as Hayabusa looked absolutely stunned. "H? Hello? What's going on? Why do I feel like he means something special to me?" I asked as I looked between Hayabusa and Amitiel. "He's... He does mean something to you" Hayabusa said cryptically as always. "What? Is he my freaking mate?" I exclaimed jokingly as I began laughing. But when Hayabusa didn't laugh I looked at him. "Oh shit... He is my mate?" I asked more scared than anything. Hayabusa stayed quiet for what felt like hours even though it was probably only a minute. "I... You know that I can't tell people who their mate is before they have met them..." He said and paused. "I kno..." I began saying. "But... The moon goddess has given me permission to tell you as it seems you already know... Even though you haven't met him. But yes... Salem is your mate, Alice" Hayabusa said calmly and in that second I knew that this wasn't real. I knew that Hayabusa would never be able to tell me and I knew that the gods and goddess, least of all the moon goddess, didn't just change their mind when it came to something definitive like this. "This isn't real. Hayabusa I need you to do whatever it is you do. But this isn't real" I began rambling as I was terrified of what was happening to me. "What are you talking about Alice? This is real" He responded. "No... It isn't real... I... I remember being in his castle... I... I remember passing out... I... Oh my god... I forget to drink the blood that my vampire genes require me to..." I exclaimed as I pulled on my hair. I knew that I had to do it yet my disgust for it kept me from it and put myself at risk. "Hayabusa, what can I do? I need to get back... I need to wake up" I begged as I looked at him. "I... I don't know what you are talking about or how I would even try to help you" He replied softly. "Well can't you contact your future self or get the gods and goddess to help? I need to get back Hayabusa" I yelled as I was getting furious and extremely frustrated with how helpless I felt. I was so angry that the slightest push would cause me to wreck everything near me. I hated feeling helpless. I had always been helpless. Yet I had trained to make myself feel less helpless. I knew my canines had come out and that my eyes were a mix of Alexis's, Caitlyn's, Claire's and my own. I also felt my skin slowly changing to a mix of skin, leather, fur and scales. I knew that I was about to lose control and apparently so did Hayabusa as he grabbed me and quickly teleported out of the house and into his private bunker. He knew that even I wouldn't be able to break out of it. And I knew that too. He had made it himself. He hadn't trusted anyone with this so he had to do it himself. As far as I know, only he and I knew about it. I didn't even know if Amitiel actually knew about it. At the sound of his voice, my eyes snapped to and I snarled as I was ready to destroy anything and anyone. "Alice, you need to calm down and think logically," He said calmly as he tried to get me to calm down but I was way past that point. I want to see destruction around me. "No Hayabusa. What I need is death and destruction around me" I snarled as I jumped at him with as much speed as I could. But of course, I missed as he simply teleported behind me. And as a result of that, I slammed my face against the wall which only caused me to become ever more furious. I wasn't gonna let him make a fool of me. I snarled and turned around only to be pushed against the wall and restrained with steel cuffs laced with Wolfsbane and dragon blood and if that wasn't enough, he also placed several torches around me, weakening the dragon, wendigo and werewolf genes in me. The only power I had was from the vampire genes but that wasn't even that much because I hadn't had blood today either.

"These restraints will not hold me!!!" I snarled out, my voice filled with rage, as he simply began walking away from me and then he teleported out of the room, leaving me with my own thoughts and anger.


In this chapter, I would like to talk about something that personally is a problem but I'd like to hear what you guys think of it and a possible solution I have.

I would like to apologize for the huge delay between the last chapter and this chapter.

I have been struggling with a few writer's blocks but I think I might be getting over it.

But I hate how I am not able to upload once every week and I hate how I have to keep you guys waiting for the next chapter.

So I have thought a possible solution to this.

I would like to know what you guys think about me possibly stopping the uploads until I have all the chapters written out and then I can begin uploading again once a week.

If you guys don't like it then I'll just keep going as I have now but I would still really appreciate your feedback on this matter.

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