Chapter Seventeen

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Salem's POV

I hated how she talked to me. I hated how she didn't trust me but then again I had never given her a reason to trust me. I just needed to find a way to make her trust me. But I couldn't think of any. I couldn't take being away from her. I needed her in my arms. But no matter what I tried to do she just wouldn't let me. I need to be with her. And I needed to show her that she can trust me.

I tried to think of anything that I could do to show her. I thought about all the things that a normal girl would like but I always came to the same conclusion. My mate isn't a normal girl. She's tough, aggressive but at the same time I knew that she had a soft side. It just took a lot for her to show it. I needed to figure out some of the things I could do that would show her that I notice her and that I want her. I kept thinking. 'Okay. She's tough and she never goes down without a fight. Maybe I could... No I doubt she would like that. Maybe I should ask Hayabusa but he might be busy... Wait Caleb spend 17 hours with her in the truck. Maybe he would know something' I thought to myself.

'Caleb. I need you in my room right now!' I called out through the mindlink to him. 'Oh come on Salem. I just had him back. Can't you let him stay here for a little while?' My sister asked back through the mindlink. 'I'm sorry Ashley but I really need Caleb here as soon as possible' I said again through the mindlink. 'I'll be right there' Caleb said. I just started to pace around my room.


Five minutes later, Caleb enters my office. "You asked to see me, Salem" he says calmly. "Yes Caleb, I did. I need your help with something. Caleb, you have spent a great deal of with my mate so therefore I have some questions that I would like you to answer for me" I said calmly to make sure that he didn't think I was going to hurt him for being the one that was close to my mate. "Of course. What do you want to know?" he asked as he took a seat in front of my desk. "First of, do you know her name?" I asked, hope filling every vein in my body. "Yes I do sir. Your mate's name is Alice Rosalie Jackson" he states proudly. "Alice" I mumble to myself, trying out her name on my lips. "Anything else sir?" he asks softly. "Yes. Tell me about her. Tell me what she likes. What she dislikes. Tell me how to win her heart" I said almost begging him. "Well, she loves the band Paramore. Threatened me when I call it disgusting. She seems to like guns and fighting. But from what I understood of her she has a soft side. It's just very well hidden beneath several locked doors that have been closed so long that she barely knows how to open them anymore" Caleb spoke softly. "Great. Thank you Caleb. You may go back to Ashley now" I said politely as I sat in my chair, thinking about the possibilities that I had in showing her how much I already cared about her.


I had written three ideas for showing Alice how much I care for her. One was that I could bring her to the shooting range. Another was that I could bring her to the training grounds and we could train together. The last one was that I could try and call Hayley Williams and get her to visit here. I knew that Hayabusa and Hayley were family. I actually think that they were cousins so I should be able to get her to come and visit the castle and surprise Alice. I just needed some time to figure out which one to do and how to get it done. And I knew just who to talk to about it all. 'Hayabusa, I need your help. I know that you've known who my mate was since I was born. I've found her. I know who she is. I need your help with winning her trust, love and care. I need her by my side but she won't even let me get within 25 feet of her. Please Hayabusa. I need your help' I called out to him through my mind. 'Salem, I hear you. I'm happy that you've found her and I am truly sorry about the circumstances of which you met. I hope Alice isn't giving you too much trouble. She never has been one for sitting still or doing what she is told' Hayabusa said, his voice booming through my mind. 'I have thought about a few ideas for how I can show Alice how I feel but I don't know which to choose or even if they are viable ideas' I said through my mind as doubt started to overcome me. 'Well tell me the ideas and I'll see what I can do' Hayabusa said so calmly that I for a second thought he didn't care. 'Well the first is to bringing her to a shooting range. The second is to bring her to the pack training grounds and train with her. The last one is one that I would have to ask your help with. It is to get Hayley. You know, Hayley Williams to come here and visit. Apparently Alice is a huge fan of hers. I was thinking of doing one of those things or maybe all of them. I'm not sure what to do when it comes to Alice' I sighed as I sat and waited for Hayabusa's response. 'Well I think that all of them lies within Alice's hobbies and interests. I can try and contact Hayley and see where she is at right now. And I definitely think you should do all of them. But I do suggest that you are careful. Especially with the training grounds one. Alice is highly trained. She will probably see it as a threat and there for fight like her life depended on it. I suggest you go easy in the beginning and see how it goes. I know that you didn't want your mate to be like this but I hope you can accept her for what and who she is' Hayabusa said as the last thing before his presence disappeared.

I shuffled through my papers and decided to get a bit of work done before I continue to plan out my attempt at showing Alice how much I love her.


I was standing in front of my window and looking out over the castle courtyard and the surrounding houses. I had already mindlinked Caleb to come back up here and I had also mindlinked Samuel as well. I needed both of their help to show Alice what she meant to me.

My thoughts kept drifting back to her eyes. So colorful. So full of fire. So full of hatred. I understood why she hated me. I just... I just wished that she would see past it and understand what she meant to me. I knew I had screwed up back then. I didn't understand why I felt like I made a mistake back then but now, I fully understood it.

I was brought out of my train of thoughts as I heard someone knock on my office door. I knew who it was. "Come in" I said with authority lacing each word. Caleb and Samuel entered. Caleb looked relaxed whereas Samuel looked tense and nervous about something. "Do either of you know why I called you here?" I asked calmly, wanting both of them to know what they were about to help with. "Yes" Caleb answered as he sat down in a chair opposed to mine. "No sir, I don't" Samuel mumbled just loud enough so that it could be heard. "Samuel, what's wrong? You are tense and you mumble when I ask you something" I ask a little curiosity lacing my words as well as annoyance. "It's just that we haven't... we haven't heard anything new about the hybrid and I was scared that we were here because you were pissed about that sir" Samuel mumbled out again, though this time it was a little louder. "Well Samuel, it is about the hybrid but I am not pissed at you or any of my subjects" I stated calmly and saw him visibly relax more. "Then who are you pissed at and what does this have to do with the hybrid, sir?" He asked calmly. "The hybrid is here in the castle. I brought her here last night. She is currently in a room that no one but her and I have permission to enter unless told otherwise by either me or her" I said calmly. "WHAT?!?! What is the hybrid doing here in the castle? I thought you wanted us to catch her and kill her?" Samuel said surprised by my words. "Well that was my original plan but something has changed. I found my mate" I state proudly. "That's great sir but how does that change the plan?" He asked. "My mate is the hybrid" was all I said before walking over to the window again. "Oh okay. Then why did you call me here sir? Actually why did you call both me and Caleb?" He asked curiously. Just as I was about to answer his question, Caleb spoke up. "Alice or the hybrid, doesn't trust any of us and least of all Salem. I think that the reason we are here is because he has finally come up with a plan for winning her heart. Am I close to the truth?" He asks looking over at me. I knew that I was never able to hide anything from him or Ashley. "Yes Caleb you are actually 100% correct. I have come up with a plan with the help of Hayabusa. My plan is made up of three parts but we only have to work on two of them as Hayabusa will take care of the last one. Now listen up" I said.

Be ready Alice. Your heart will be mine.


Question Of The Chapter: Do you think that the story is progressing at a reasonable pace or should I try and slow it down a little?

My answer: Well I don't know that's why I am asking my beloved wolves.

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